
Chapter 55

Her Shaman trait was still extremely new to her, and Skye informed the doctor as much. He’d been stunned to hear it. He knew Shamans that were twenty years older than he was, that weren’t half as skilled as the young woman before him. ‘And she’d just admitted to having no proper training!’ The doctor smiled humbly as the thought crossed his mind.

The prince looked calm, but on the inside he was fuming. Klaus had all but ruined their outing, but Tidas still managed to recover a semblance of it. Now this doctor was threatening it. He’d waited years to spend personal time with Skye, and felt he’d earned his time. Tidas huffed and raised his head to speak, but Arthur cut him off.

“Why don’t you go help the doctor, princess.. I have things to discuss with your husband, and I fear you would find yourself bored, if you stayed. I’ll send him straight over as soon as I’m finished with him,” the lieutenant smacked Tidas’ shoulder hard, signaling him not to argue.

Skye looked to her husband as he grumbled from the love tap Arthur had given him. He let out an exasperated sigh, then nodded to his expectant wife. Her eyes shimmered with happiness as she hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her; returning her affection. The lieutenant stifled a laugh as he watched the prince go from boiling, to barely a simmer, with a single hug from his lass.

Klaus was still in a daze as everything unfolded around him. He’d been greatly saddened to hear Skye was the prince’s wife, but changed his mind almost immediately. Prince Tidas was a great man and a hero; someone worthy of the goddess who’d spared him.

As his life had flashed before his eyes; Klaus realized he was nothing like the man he wanted to be as a child. His skill with his Tank trait had gone to his head. He’d grown chauvinistic with the praise he’d gotten. Since he was a lord’s son; Klaus had gotten to train with other Tanks.


Ronnie was a commoner with no connections or proper training; but he was still a very good Tamer. Klaus had seen him on many occasions training himself and his animals alone. It was normally on his way back to the barracks after a night of drinking and whoring. He’d compared himself to Ronnie constantly, and picked on him often due to it. Ronnie was exactly the kind of soldier Klaus had always wanted to be.

“I don’t mind if you go, I just want Arthur to assign some men to you..” Tidas’ voice was filled with irritation.

“I can’t do that unless you want to fill out the proper paperwork for it,” Arthur countered.

“That’s pointless! We won’t be here but another couple hours.. We don’t need escorts the whole time; just until I’ve finished with you, and can meet up with Skye,” Tidas rebutted.

“Ack! Just send Ronnie and Monte with me! We’ll be fine-”

“NO Moose!” Both the prince and Arthur yelled.

Tidas argued with Skye and Lieutenant Tanner snapped Klaus back to reality. He’d heard the gist of their conversation. Without an actual thought on it; he stepped forward then said: “I’ll keep her safe..”

The group turned to Klaus with scrupulous expressions. Tidas’ ire flared at the bastard’s boldness. He was about to tell him off, maybe even kill him; but Arthur stopped him again. He looked at the lad with a quirked eyebrow and asked: “You’re Offering to Work WITH Ronnie?! ...If this is some ploy to pick on Ronnie, or harass the lass, then-”

“I won’t.. I swear by the Gods, I won’t..”

Klaus walked over to the group and knelt in front of Skye.

“I apologize for how I acted.. Ye had every right to put me in me place. Truth be told; I wouldn’t have blamed ye if ye would’ve let me die..” Klaus swallowed hard before he continued: “I don’t deserve to be a knight like Ron.. But, I want to try..”

The lieutenant’s and Ronnie’s jaws dropped at Klaus’ confession. They looked at each other, then back to Klaus. He’d never shown remorse for his actions before. It seemed his near-death experience had given him a new perspective. And based on his stance; a small sense of humility.

Skye grinned before she said; “Just hang out with Ronnie more. He seems to be smart and kind. The type of person one ought to have as a friend, instead of an enemy... Or at least a rival.”

Klaus bowed his head before replying; “Whatever the Princess suggests, I will do. Ye saved me when ye had no cause to. ‘Tis a debt I fear I’ll never pay back..”

“Ack! Quit being so dramatic! Just be a decent human being and soldier, and we’re even. Got it?” Skye’s irritation was apparent in her speech.

Klaus nodded as he kept his head low. He then turned to Tidas; keeping on his knee. He’d gulped loudly at the thought of what he was about say. But it needed to be done, or the prince would take the matters into his own hands at some point. As great of a man as he is; the prince was still a man. And men generally got pissed whenever someone offended their woman.

“I would like the prince to punch me as hard as he can..” Klaus’ words caused all within earshot to stop.

“Alright,” Tidas replied, not missing a beat.

The lieutenant’s jaw hug low as Tidas cracked his knuckles. He put his hand on the prince’s chest in restraint, cutting his enthusiasm short. The lieutenant looked at the stupid lad before stating: “As honorable as you sound; you’ve already thanked the princess for saving you.. Don’t waste her efforts in front of her!”

Turning to Tidas, Arthur finished his rant: “And you have enough explaining to do as is. Don’t make me write up a death report on top of it!”

The two men looked abashed as they shared a quick glance. Tidas really did want to hit him, but the man hadn’t actually hurt Skye. She’d taught him a lesson that he’d seemed to be grasping. Which would make the prince look like an ass; if he did hit Klaus now. Tidas sighed before saying in a disgruntled tone: “Oh Fine! Since Skye accepted your apology, I guess I have to as well.. But know that I will Kill you upon your next offense against My wife.”

“I will take it, for I already deserve it,” Klaus replied with a breath of relief.

The doctor had been silent the entire time. He wanted to leave right away, but he had to bring Skye with him. ‘She might be the only one who can save them...’

His fear crept up his spine, giving him enough courage to say; “Please, my lady; we must go. The group who got sick won’t last until tonight, I’m afraid. But you can at least see the final stages of the disease if we hurry..”

Shock, then ornery determination covered Skye face as she spoke; “To hell with that! Ima gonna save them, not watch them die!”

The young doctor gave a weak smile before replying; “I hope so, princess.. But; if they do die, do not blame yourself. The gods have a plan for us all-”

“I don’t think that’s how it works, but I will do all I can. Now, let us be off! Ronnie, Klaus: with me. Monte: guard the gate. Husband: kiss me,” Skye barked her orders.

“And she’s Lord Moonstone’s daughter? Acts like a natural-born Royal,” Arthur whispered under his breath.

The prince kissed his wife. Then Skye, Ronnie, Klaus, and the doctor walked the short distance to the hospital. It was the same one they’d dropped Jonathan off at a little while ago. He was now at the front of the line, near the entrance. He smiled broadly as Skye approached with the others.

“Princess! What are ye doin here? I thought ye’d be out shoppin’ by now!” Jonathan left his spot to greet Skye.

After shaking his hand, the princess explained her presence. She drew praise for her help, and prayers for her success. Several women were at her feet, crying and begging her to save their children. Skye’s heart ached for the mothers, bringing another look of fiery determination into her eyes.

When she entered the hospital, she realized it was more of a clinic. People sat in chairs and laid on stretchers while nurses and aids walked about, checking everything and everyone. They all looked exhausted from their efforts, but kept their pace. Only when the doctor spoke did they stop their tasks.

“I’ve brought a Shaman that is particularly gifted in healing. Her name is Princess Skye.. She’s going to look at the patients, and see if she can help. I want you all to give her whatever assistance she needs, and do as she instructs.. Understood?!”

“Yes Doctor Martin!” They all replied in unison.

“You have the floor, princess,” Dr. Martin bowed slightly, and gestured to the room full of patients with his hand.

Skye took a deep breath before speaking: “Are the patients sorted based on degree of injuries or sickness in any way?”

An older woman came to stand before Skye and said; “No, me majesty.. The only sortin’ we’ve done is making sure those with the new illness were kept in the back.”

Skye bit the tip of her thumb in contemplation a moment before starting her string of orders: “Alright! I want those with life-threatening emergencies to be brought in first! I don’t care how long who’s been waitin’ for what. Klaus and Ronnie; help coordinate and keep people calm. But don’t be rude! I want water boiled for sterilization, and bundles of clean cloth at the ready. Also, find some whiskey that is no less than ninety percent. We can use it to clean wounds if necessary. I also want ye to find out if anyone has any reactions to certain foods or drinks before treating them. It makes no sense not to have that information beforehand..”

Skye turned to the doctor before continuing: “I want plenty of water, food, blankets, and fresh clothes brought for the patients with the new sickness. If I can heal them, Ima sure they’ll appreciate the effort. Or.. if it turns out to be a serious disease, we may need to burn their clothes, and any dead. Now, please show them to me..”

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