
Chapter 16: 16 Yuzhi Crying for Money

  He yelled and cursed frantically in his heart, and said Yan Yan with a smile on his face, he couldn\'t tear his face, and he couldn\'t tear his face.

   "We are good sisters, and we should help each other. Zhizhi doesn\'t need to thank you specially, as it can easily affect the relationship. But you also know, my money..."

   "I know," Yuzhi smiled softly and caringly, "I know Xiaoxue doesn\'t have a lot of money."

  Cui Xue breathed a sigh of relief, it\'s good to know.

Yu Zhi snorted: "After all these years, the work points you earn are almost enough to fill your stomach, so the money sent by the family is not willing to use a single penny. The total sum is only a few hundred yuan, which is really not much, Xiaoxue Looking at the help, it doesn\'t matter, the sisterhood between us is so deep, I won\'t have a gap because you don\'t have much money, as long as you help me wholeheartedly, other things don\'t matter."

  The money was sent by her good cousin Yu Meng to buy Cui Xue\'s money on the surface, so that she could have a source for her usual spending, but she still had a lot of shady money in private.

  Cui Xuedu said that these were sent by family members. Of course, it is only occasionally to let everyone see the remittance slip once or twice, and it is enough to know that a family member has sent her money, not every time.

  The main reason is to find Yuzhi to cry for poverty and take advantage of Yuzhi.

  Yu Zhi believed in it before, and thought it was not easy for her, so even if she had no money, she was willing to find ways to help Cui Xue overcome her so-called difficulties.

  Cui Xue secretly laughed at her for being stupid, living a chic life with shady money.

  The calculations that a discerning eye can see through at a glance, but Yuzhi can\'t understand. She lends money to Cui Xue from time to time.

  Recalling it now, Yuzhi was crying stupidly by herself, wishing she could reincarnate again, she is really the living Virgin.

  All the money lent out has been borrowed but never returned. Over the years, there are hundreds of them.

   Cui Xue stared at Yu Zhi with wide eyes, almost screaming, how did she know that she was rich, what did she mean?

   Facing Shang Yuzhi\'s pure and innocent gaze, he quickly calmed down again.

   "Did Zhizhi hear someone say something, misunderstood, what am I..."

Yuzhi smiled softly and harmlessly: "Oh, one time I stopped by the postman and chatted about nothing on the way. When we talked about Xiaoxue, he said that Xiaoxue\'s family is really nice. They have delivered money to you on time for so many years, rain or shine. The other educated youths After going to the countryside for a year or two, the family will rarely take care of them. There are people like me who have no family, which is even more pitiful."

  Of course it was made by Yuzhi. The postman didn’t know Yuzhi well, and he didn’t pass by, let alone talk about other people’s affairs. These are what Cui Xue said when she taunted and provoked Yu Zhi.

  Cui Xue’s no-money theory was blocked by Yuzhi before it could be exported. The remittance slip was handed to her by the postman. The postman must know how much money there is. If she said no, she would give up.

  Cui Xue scolded the postman again, and she must complain to him if she has the chance.

Pretend to be pitiful and innocent and said anxiously: "Zhizhi, there is a reason why I didn\'t tell you about this before, and my family\'s situation is not very good, and I\'m afraid I won\'t send it again in the future, so I planned to save the money , in the future, if we can’t go back, we will use it for the elderly together, and if we can go back, we will use it for expenses, so as not to have nothing when we go back to the city.”

"I have made a plan for you, Zhizhi. When the time comes, each of us will have a share. No matter where we are, it will not be difficult to do because of lack of money. But there are priorities, and Zhizhi is in urgent need now. I will definitely hurry up with you. Body It\'s important, for the future, there is still time to think of a way slowly."

Yuzhi smiled with emotion on her face: "I knew that Xiaoxue was the best for me, and she thought of everything for me. Although I don\'t know if a few hundred yuan is enough, but with these, I can use it for a while. The poisonous bun is too It\'s poisonous, who would have known that poisonous buns could be poisoned like this, it\'s my fate, otherwise, I might not be able to see Xiaoxue again."

  Too poisonous poisonous bun, Cui Xue really wanted to get another poisonous bun to stuff in Yuzhi\'s mouth. I want a few hundred more for a cheap life, so why not just poison you to death.

  The calculation of only giving a few dozen yuan came to nothing, and Cui Xue felt very distressed.

   It doesn\'t matter, wait two more days, even if the **** gets the money, she will have her life to take it, but not her life to spend it.

   "Auspicious people have their own celestial features, it\'s all over, Zhizhi don\'t think about it anymore, then I\'ll wait..."

"I understand, Xiaoxue, go back, I\'ll wait at home, but you have to hurry up, the Sang family will come back later, you know, they misunderstood you a lot, and they have been staying at home these days, and rarely Going out, today is also a coincidence, I am the only one at home."

  Cui Xue came here only after watching the Sang family leave.

  The abacus of procrastination suddenly fell through again, and he swallowed the turbid air fiercely, and stood up reluctantly.

   "Zhizhi is right, I\'ll go back right away."

  The elm branches were sent to the gate all the way, and they didn\'t miss Cui Xue\'s eyes during the process, so Cui Xue had no chance.

   Don\'t think she didn\'t see it, Cui Xue\'s eyeballs kept rolling restlessly, maybe she had some bad idea.

   After Cui Xue walked away, she slowly suppressed her smile, her eyes full of coldness.

   "Zhizhi, that mother didn\'t mean to listen." Wang Xinfeng came out from the corner with a basket in her hand, with a worried expression on her face.

  She really didn\'t do it on purpose, she just went out to exchange some eggs with someone, but she didn\'t expect to find that **** Cui Xue was there when she came back.

She wasn\'t sure if Yuzhi wanted her to meet the two of them, so she didn\'t go in, and when Cui Xue left, she thought that if she eavesdropped and refused to admit it, Yuzhi would be even angrier if she found out, so she came out up.

  As soon as she came out, she saw Yu Zhi\'s face, which was a coldness she had never seen before, and her heart skipped a beat.

I always feel that after my daughter-in-law was poisoned once, her whole person has changed. She is naturally happy about this change, but sometimes the emotions that are revealed inadvertently always make her unable to grasp it firmly, dare not think about it, let alone look directly at it. .

When Yuzhi saw Wang Xinfeng, she immediately calmed down her coldness, smiled and went forward to take Wang Xinfeng\'s hand, making an affectionate kiss, no different from the previous few days: "It\'s okay, even if Mom doesn\'t listen, I will tell Mom. What are you doing in this cold day?"

  Seeing that Yuzhi is still so well-behaved and sensible towards her, Wang Xinfeng\'s doubts faded away.

  No matter how the daughter-in-law changes, as long as you have her in your heart, a son, and this family, nothing else matters.

I figured it out, and my smile became even brighter, and I showed the basket to Yuzhi: "I just went to your Aunt Niu\'s house to exchange eggs. Our chickens were all killed, and there were no eggs to pick up. You are in poor health, so you have to make up for it. Eggs are indispensable. When spring starts next year, Mom will catch chicks and raise them, and then there will be no need to go out to exchange eggs."

  Yuzhi thought that she might not have the opportunity to raise chickens tomorrow, but she didn’t say anything now, and waited for the notice to come out. The main reason was that she was not sure whether she could pass the exam.

  Although Yuzhi is very confident, she is still worried about some twists and turns, so she doesn\'t give Wang Xinfeng too much fantasy before the notice is in hand.

   "Okay, listen to mom. Mom, Cui Xue will come over later, I\'m wronged you to go to the house for a rest, wait until I get the money."

  Wang Xinfeng said uncertainly: "That bitch... Cui Xue will really give it? Looks like she\'s not generous."

  Yuzhi smiled: "Yes, she is planning something. Don\'t worry, mom, I will definitely make you happy when the time comes."

   "That\'s fine, Mom won\'t come out of the house. If she dares to bully you, just call Mom and see how I deal with her."


   After coaxing Wang Xinfeng well, Yuzhi waited for Cui Xue to come to her door.

  Cui Xue pretended to have something in her heart, and always wanted to get it done quickly. She was very fast, holding back her distress, and took five hundred and eighty-three, some odds and ones, and ran to Sang\'s house again.

   Along the way, I greeted the 18th generation of Yuzhi\'s ancestors over and over again, and then I finally suppressed my reluctance and walked into the gate of Sang\'s house.

   "Zhizhi, I\'m here."

  Yuzhi came out of the room, smiling sweetly: "Xiaoxue came here so soon, I thought you would wait a little longer, but in fact, there is no need to be so anxious."

  The smile on Cui Xue\'s face froze, who on earth urged her to hurry up.

"Isn\'t it because I was afraid that the Sang family would come back and embarrass you, so I didn\'t dare to delay, Zhizhi, this is all my savings, I know you need it urgently, I didn\'t keep a cent, you take it, don\'t be reluctant to use it, your health is important, If the money is gone, we can earn it again.”

  Yuzhi held it in his hand unceremoniously, and counted the money calmly under Cui Xue\'s cannibalistic stare.

After counting, he looked surprised and disappointed: "Yeah, it\'s only over five hundred, which is too little, I don\'t know if it\'s enough to eat a few times of nutritional supplements, after all, the buns are too poisonous, the doctor said try to eat as good as possible, Only then can we make up for it. But forget it, let’s just use it, we are good sisters, as long as I understand your intentions, it doesn’t matter if you have more money or less.”

  Cui Xue couldn\'t help but want to smoke elm sticks, more than five hundred yuan is a little heart?

  Who the fuck\'s heart is worth more than five hundred, she took off her head and kicked it as a ball.

  More than five hundred is not enough to eat, why not die.

   Endure, endure.

   "Zhizhi, it\'s so cold outside, can I..."

   "Oh, by the way, Xiaoxue, wait a minute, I have something for you." Yu Zhi seemed not to have heard Cui Xue\'s words, turned and ran back to the room joyfully, with brisk steps that did not seem sick at all.

  Cui Xue gritted her teeth and endured it again. Seeing Yuzhi entering the house, she hurried into the stove.

  Yu Zhi sneered, deliberately staying in the room for a while before going out.

  When she went out, Cui Xue just returned to the yard in shock, and looked at her pretending to be calm.

  Yuzhi hooked her lips: "Xiaoxue, this is for you, haven\'t you always liked it?"

  An exquisite pocket watch with some ancient charm, Cui Xue really wanted it all the time, but failed to coax Yuci many times, she never thought that she would take the initiative to give it to her this time.

  Cui Xue was happy in her heart, her face was steady, and she said in surprise, "Zhizhi, I can\'t take such a valuable thing. Although I like it very much, I can\'t take it away from others."

  Yuzhi put it directly in Cui Xue\'s hands: "It\'s okay, aren\'t we good sisters? You gave me all your savings, and I don\'t have to repay you in return. Keep it at ease. This is my little heart."

  Cui Xue was complacent, and secretly scolded Yuzhi for being stupid, smiling with emotion all over her face: "Thank you Zhizhi, you are so kind, don\'t worry, I will take good care of it, and if you want it in the future, just let me take it."

  Yu Zhi lowered his head and sneered, seeing Sang Dazhuang appearing at the door out of the corner of his eye, pretending to be quite shocked, and took two steps back.

  Cui Xue turned her head and saw Sang Dazhuang\'s bandit-like face, her heart beat wildly, always feeling that this wild bear would come directly and wring her neck.

   "That Zhizhi, I\'ll go first."

   Without waiting for Yuzhi to respond, he ran out of the door avoiding Sang Dazhuang.

  When Cui Xue walked away, Yu Zhi jumped up happily, threw herself into Sang Dazhuang\'s arms, and kissed him on the cheek.

  Sang Dazhuang had all kinds of conjectures in his heart, but they disappeared without a trace in an instant. Just as he was about to hug his daughter-in-law to have a kiss, the daughter-in-law hopped away like a rabbit, and rushed towards his mother who came out of the room.

  Sang Dazhuang...

   "Mom, Mom, look, I said she will give it, more than five hundred, the money I have been cheated by her over the years will come back, how much more, am I great?"

  Yuzhi can frankly say that she has been cheated by Cui Xue all these years, and Sang Dazhuang and Wang Xinfeng are surprised and happy. This shows that she has really seen through Cui Xue\'s nature, and it is a good thing that she will not get involved with her again.

  Wang Xinfeng happily took the money handed over by Yu Zhi, and counted them one by one, until the end of the counting.

"Oh, it\'s more than five hundred and eighty. My Zhizhi is awesome, the most powerful. I earned more than five hundred in just a few words. I\'m afraid she took out her old background. However, she will ask you to pay it back in the future. Do you want to pay it back?"

Yuzhi raised her eyebrows: "Her old background is thick, these are just a drop in the bucket. She owed me the money, why should I pay it back, and I didn\'t ask for it. This is the help she gave me as a good sister, isn\'t it? I borrowed it. Besides, she has no chance to ask me for money. "

   That **** is so rich? No chance, what do you mean?

  Yuzhi didn\'t explain, and urged Sang Dazhuang to go to the kitchen to find what Cui Xue put.

  Wang Xinfeng also remembered that that **** sneaked into the kitchen, and she thought it was stealing food.

  The kitchen is not big, and Cui Xue was in a hurry and panic, so the things she put were not hard to find.

  Sang Dazhuang took out a cloth bag from the corner of the firewood pile.

   Inside is a note and a small gold bar.

   There was a passage written in a foreign language on the note, but Wang Xinfeng didn\'t understand it, so he was at a loss.

   "Zhizhi, what is written on it?"

  Yin Zi sneered and hooked her lips: "Mom, the superiors praised me and said that I did a good job, and the gold bars are my reward."

  Wang Xinfeng was even more confused: "What do you mean? What did Zhizhi do?"

   "It doesn\'t matter what I do, what matters is the foreign language notes and gold bars. This is a hat for me."

   Wang Xinfeng understood when she turned her head.

   "Hey, this bitch, why is he so vicious, this is killing our whole family, wait and see how I tear her up."

   "I\'ll go." Sang Dazhuang turned his head and left with a dark face.

  Yuzhi was in a hurry, grabbed Wang Xinfeng, and called Sang Dazhuang: "Come back, what are you doing?"

  Sang Dazhuang, a big boss, stood at the door, neither coming back nor leaving, apparently engaged in an ideological struggle.

After enduring it for a long time, I said in a muffled voice: "She wants your life, I won\'t let it go any longer, it\'s only three things, who knows what secret means will be next time, even if you blame me, I won\'t bear it anymore. "

  Yu Zhi angrily dragged him back and closed the door.

   "Who blames you, idiot, can\'t you listen to me?"

  Sang Dazhuang pulled his face and said nothing, convinced that Yuzhi still wanted to protect Cui Xue, he just saw that his daughter-in-law gave her all his precious pocket watches.

  Yuzhi stretched out his hand and screwed Sang Dazhuang\'s ear, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you trying to show me? Mom, look at Sang Dazhuang, he is showing me face."


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