
Chapter 13 Her Husband

"Don\'t worry dear, it\'s not that hard. And Enzo gives special attention to newcomers. You\'ll be fine."

Stella spoke as she drove them to the gym. Amy had on grey sweats, a black spots bra underneath a pink croptop, and Nike trainers. Stella was wearing tight pink and black exercise gear that accentuated her hips and a huge black shirt on top of a sports bra and matching trainers. Both of them wore their hair in a ponytail.

"You really didn\'t have to", Amy complained. She would rather be left alone so she could slack. How would she do that if someone is paying constant attention to her?

Stella misunderstood her complaint for gratefulness. She giggled and dismissed her with a wave of a hand. "I just want you to enjoy yourself. Besides, it\'s good for youngsters like you to do this. I can assure you that you and your husband will thank me later", she winked at her.

Husband, Amy mentally scoffed. Her heart lept when an image of a certain someone smiling at her and their piercing blue eyes staring through her soul flashed in her mind. Sadness washed over her insides at the thought of him. Of all disguises, she had to assume one of a married woman whose husband was away. She shook her head in an attempt to rid of the bitter feeling.

Stella felt sad when she noticed the change in Amy\'s demeanor. It must be hard for her, she thought. She could not imagine being away from Richard for a long time. When she thought of her little discovery, she silently made a promise to be there for Amy until her husband returns. Emily is so pitiful, she thought.

Soon, they arrived at the studio. As Stella parked the car, Amy noticed the cameras at the front. As the women took their towels and water bottles, no one noticed the cameras point away from their direction. They only returned to their original position when the two women walked into the building.

"Everything okay?" Stella asked as she noticed Amy was glued to her phone.

"Yes, just responding to a few emails."

Amy had already hacked into the building\'s security and was surveying how many cameras she had to take care of. While she was \'answering a few emails\', Stella stopped to openly oggle at the young muscular men.

The building had three floors. First floor was full of hardcore exercise equipment. Amy stared at the older woman in shock. Stella could not help but giggle when she saw Amy\'s shocked expression. Amy joined her in laughter as they proceeded to the second floor where the cardio dance exercises were held. The very top floor was where Pedro held a pilates class.

Walking into the room, different women in exercise wears conversed in groups. It was a huge studio room with a speaker on top of each corner. One camera was installed on top of the front mirror wall. The back had a mirror wall but no camera.

Someone shrieked Stella\'s name earning the attention of the two women. A ginger haired woman in tight sports wear rushed over. She was older than Amy but obviously younger than Stella. The two seemed to be good friends as they exchanged a cheek-to-cheek kiss. She turned to Amy with a bright smile and pulled her in for a hug. Amy was taken aback by the friendliness but she tried not to be too surprised.

"It\'s nice to finally meet you Emily, I\'m Adrianne. Stella told me her new neighbor would join us. Oh! My God! You should see Enzo! He is to die for! His dance moves will make you go ay caramba!" She wiggled her eyebrows before she and Stella broke into a giggle. Amy stared at them in bewilderment. Birds of the same feather!

"Ladies! Are we ready for today\'s workout?" A man shouted in a strong Spanish accent. The ladies shrieked in excitement especially the two standing beside her. An upbeat song blasted through the speakers. Amy\'s heart felt like it was thumping along with the beat. The man salsad his way in to the front.

Amy took him in. He had short black hair which he had gelled, flirtitious brown eyes, a crooked nose, and pink plump lips. His skin was tanned compared to the rest of them. He was wearing a fishnet vest that could let you see through his six pack, baggy sweats, and trainers.

Adrianne like most women almost drooled at the man\'s sight. I\'ve seen better, Amy thought. Enzo did a little speech to welcome the newcomers before he led them all into the workout. When Stella told her Enzo helps newcomers, Amy didn\'t think she would find herself holding the man by his hips with little space separating them.

"Feel the way my hips move", he instructed.

Although Stella told her they would do dance exercises, she didn\'t know Enzoo would incorporate Spanish ones. She picked up on some but there were others she had a hard time learning. Like currently, the samba. Enzoo had broken down the leg movements but when he saw her failing to coordinate her hip and leg movements, he resorted to their current situation.

"Move your hips with me pequeño. Follow the beat of the music!"

Amy was mortified. She looked at her friends beside her. Stella and Adrianne\'s eyes sparkled  as they gave her encouraging looks and thumbs up. Amy had never been so uncomfortable in her entire life.

But she picked up on it and when Enzo moved, to her relief, he saw her improve. He was pleased and moved onto another new comer. She was determined to quickly master the moves so she doesn\'t have to go through that horror again.

Yes, she was not athletic, but she was definitely flexible. She realized it that night when that man bent and took her in all sorts of positions although it was her first time. Her face heated up from such a dirty memory. She shook her head and regained focus. At the end of the workout, they did a cool down.

"Emily, you should have seen your face when Enzo was guiding you", Adrianne chortled as the three women walked out of the gym. Amy felt her face heat up from embarrassment.

"Was I too obvious?"

"You looked like a lamb being dragged to a slaughter house", Stella commented with a chuckle.

"Tell me Emily, do you, perhaps, swing the other way?" Adrianne gave her a meaningful gaze.


"What are you even saying? Emily is very straight and happily married."

"So am I. But it\'s Enzo we\'re talking about. How is she immune to that? Is your husband that good looking?"

Good-looking? Tch! He is a god among the common folks. Stella interpreted Amy\'s silence as sadness. She thought Amy\'s husband was a sensitive topic especially after witnessing her sad moment earlier when she joked around. This friend of hers just had to be a blabbermouth. She nudged Adrianne with an elbow and gave her a disapproving gaze. And the latter got the message.

"Emily, do you mind if we stop by my workplace? I received confirmation earlier that our new stock will arrive at 11."

"No problem."

"Well, I\'ll get going now. It was nice meeting you Emily. Don\'t mind me, I was just teasing you earlier." Emily shook her head while smiling showing she had not taken offense. "I\'ll see you ladies next week."

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