
Chapter 252 Annoying To Seductress...

George looked at the young woman dressed in a shirt and jeans. She was looking up at him with daring eyes. Her pretty little mouth knew nothing but be provocative towards him. Even in this moment she had just confessed her sexuality to him, he wanted nothing more than to pin her against the shelf and kiss the daylights out of her.

Nora saw how his eyes darkened in that moment. Was she mistaken or was that desire in his eyes? Her treacherous little heart started to thud faster in anticipation. What will he do?

Ian and Nora: "..."

That was their reaction when George made a u-turn with his cart and walked away without a word. Nora couldn\'t close her mouth from shock while Ian recovered.

"He\'s more sensible than I thought", Ian commented as he took over the cart and pushed it.

"Did he just.....? Wait, what\'s that supposed to mean?" She glared at him as she followed.

"He knows better than to fall for your little charms. And what man would go for a woman who\'s into both?"

"What\'s wrong with that?" She crossed her arms against her chest in defense though he couldn\'t see.

"You being you, he\'ll have to worry about you hitting on both men and women."

"Hey..." She wanted to deny it but found herself tongue tied.

Ian smiled to himself as he pushed the cart to the till. Nora paid for the goods while he bagged them. She nonchalantly looked around the shop trying not to be obvious as she looked for George.

"Aunt Nora...", Ian called out earning her attention.

"Oh. Let\'s go", she said as she helped him with the bags.

The glass doors slid open as the two stepped out. A soft breeze rustled through their hair as they walked to their car. As Ian had the keys, he unlocked the car and they began loading the bags. He made sure to separate his from hers. Nora frowned at this.

"Come oooooon", she grumbled.


"It\'s boring to eat alone. Just tonight, please?"

"Then go to Mom\'s", he said as he took the bags in her hands and put them in the car.

"She\'s still mad at me because of Stacy. Come on Ian. We always have fun together. I\'m your cool aunt! Come ooooon!" She whined at him with pleading eyes.

"But you\'ve always stayed alone. Why is it boring all of a sudden?"


"Alright then", a different voice answered.

Nora and Ian turned to the source of the voice to find George standing a few feet away from them. He waved a foot underneath his car and the boot slowly spring open. He loaded his groceries in and left the boot to close again. He was parked right beside them.

"Excuse me?" Nora was confused as she watched him walk over with his hands in his pockets.

"You want someone to stay with you. I\'ll do it", he said. His attitude was easygoing and laid back.

"Why would you?" She raised her brows and crossed her arms against her chest.

"Why would I?" He repeated in amusement and let out a chuckle as he bridged the distance between them. Nora suddenly felt like she had thrown herself into a trap as she watched a sly smirk stretch on his lips. "What you said earlier, wasn\'t that you daring me to do something about it?"

"Did I?" Nora feigned ignorance at this.

George leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Aren\'t you curious about how this will turn out?"

"You\'re seriously going to live with a stranger?" Ian got their attention with his question.

"Don\'t worry, he can\'t do anything to me", Nora tried to assure him.

"I meant him", Ian said to George. "I know you so I\'m worried about him."

"Wow!" She rolled her eyes at him while George broke into an amused chuckle. "You\'re supposed to worry about me and not him."

"So, are we doing this or not?" George asked.

"Her groceries?"

"No need. I have enough for two. By the way, here", George took his business card and gave it to Ian. "Don\'t make it a habit of giving your aunt away to a stranger."

"Stranger? Doesn\'t matter. You can\'t hurt our family and get away with it. I\'m genuinely worried about you but, that\'s your choice", Ian said with a shrug as he shut the boot. "Well, goodnight then."

Ian now knew about his grandma\'s background and trusted no one would harm a hair on their head. If anything, George should be the one worried about himself. Nora watched with an open moith as Ian walked to the car and drove off in Stella\'s car. Alas, it was just her and George.

As nervous as she was, she tried to maintain her cool. She gave him a glance and walked to the passenger side. "Won\'t you get the door for me?"

George chuckled and walked over. He unlocked the car and got the door for her. She gave him a small smile and gracefully got in.

George got into the other side and drove off. Nora input her Stella\'s place\'s location on his GPS. However, she now noticed that the direction he took was not one of where she lived.

"Where are we going?" She asked calmly though she was nervous on the inside.

"To get my things", he said, giving her a glance before focusing back on driving.

"You\'re actually serious."

"Weren\'t you?"

Nora chose to keep quiet and watched the outside view. When they got to the hotel, she chose to stay in the car while he went on to get his things. Nora felt nervous. What had she gotten herself into? Earlier she was disappointed that he wasn\'t showing any interest in her but now that he is, and with how quickly things were moving.....? Was something wrong with her?

"Normal people don\'t do this", she said to herself and exhaled deeply from nervousness.

She turned her head and saw George walking over whole dragging his luggage. Suddenly, he looked so hot and manly. Her heart could not help but thump in excitement. The back seat door opened and he put his luggage before going into to take the driver\'s side. He smiled at her before starting off.

Nora looked outside the window and kept quiet throughout the whole ride. This time, she recognized the way home from the route he took. After a long and quiet car ride, he finally parked in Stella\'s driveway. He was surprised when he recognized the house opposite. That\'s where Amy used to live.

"Lead the way", he said as he carried the bag of groceries and dragged his bag.

She cleared her throat and unlocked the door. She rubbed her palms together nervously as he followed her in. She took the groceries from him and set them on the counter in the kitchen.

"It\'s not much..." She gestured at the place.

"It\'s beautiful, homey", he said as he looked around. His eyes fell on the protraits on tbe wall and recognized the faces.

\'No wonder she looked familiar..... I wonder what they\'ll think about this\', he mused.

"So, where\'s our room?" He asked.

"Our room?" Her eyes widened while her face grew red and hot.

"Mm. Our room. You\'re not chickening out, are you?" He arched his brow.

Nora chuckled and rolled her eyes. She walked over to him and looked him dead in the eye. "Listen here mister, whatever this is, it\'s going to move at my pace. We\'re at my place, my rules. Don\'t get any wild ideas."

"Wild ideas", he smiled. Nora found herself mesmerized by his smile but fought to remain unfazed. "Alright, where\'s my room?"

"Second door to your left."

George nodded and walked away. Once he shut the door behind him, Nora exhaled deeply as she caught her breath and patted her chest. She didn\'t realize when she had held her breath and now here she was.

George could not believe the situation he was in as well. One moment he and Nora were strangers and here they were, living under the same roof. How did she go from annoying to a little seductress? Seducing him, he who had considered her to not be his type?

His phone vibrated from his pocket. He smiled as he swiped to answer.

"Hey man", he greeted.

"Did you completely forget about me?" Xavier teased.

"I\'ve been busy. What are you up to?"

"I\'m back in Albany. I have a lot to do", he said .

"What happened?"

"I don\'t want to bother you about it. I know you\'re already busy."

Xavier knew that if he dared to tell George about everything, he would be worried. The last time Xavier involved himself with a woman with a background similar to Lorraine\'s, Irene to be specific, he ended up with a bullet in his chest. But does that mean things were different this time? Even when he wanted to back off, he found himself wanting to help her even more. He could not help but feel drawn to her.

"Xavier?" George called out worriedly.

"It\'s nothing to worry about. I have everything under control."

"You sure?"

"Mm. What\'s new with you?"

George stopped to chuckle when he heard the question. What\'s new? How will he tell he was living with Stella\'s daughter and all because he was attracted to her? Very attracted? He looked to the door wondering what she was doing out there. Still, he could not help but smile.

"I met someone."

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