
Chapter 264 Henry's Thoughts And Fears


The SUVs swerved and stopped at a distance when the explosion went off! Everyone was too stunned to respond to Rider\'s screaming in their ears.

"First attempt failed, round two begins now. Because I like you , I\'ll give you... five minutes. Oh! And work a little faster this time!"

Silence. Henry was too stunned to respond. He had long zoned out soon after that explosion went off. The people in that truck.... Why did it feel like he was inside it like the bomb had taken him as well?

His thoughts were plagued by the vivid picture of his beautiful Victoria, his eldest son who had finally settled down and given him a beautiful daughter and grandchild, his other son whom he had now just reconciled with and, his new extended family: Richard and Stella. This...

What if he had lost his life just now? Victoria, his poor wife. He should be making it up to her now rather than cutting short the life that he owes her. He promised to grow old with her, he wants to watch his kids and grandkids continue to grow.... At this point, he....

"Sir!" His subordinate shook him.

He angrily took out the earpiece and made to punch the dashboard when he now took in the scene. His chest rose and fell from breathing heavily as he watched the blown up truck in shambles that was in flames and thick black smoke dissipating into the air. The medics had arrived and the rescue team was on site... And through the smoke, he saw in the distance....

No one noticed that seconds before the truck blew up, the other trucks had sped up to avoid the explosion. The casualties.... They watched a body being carried on a stretcher in a white cloth from head to toe that was now staining with his blood.

"He\'s.... He\'s dead..... isn\'t he?" One of his subordinates stuttured in shock.

"He\'s insane...", Another one responded in the same tone referring to the King.

"Who\'s dead? Who\'s insane? Can someone say something? What\'s going on over there?!!!" Rider screamed in their ears.

"Rider, we\'ll talk to you later. Shit... Shit is too crazy over here!"

"I\'m sending backup!" He said before terminating the connection.

A man from the rescue team rushed to his side and knocked on his window. His driver rolled down the window.

"The truck was empty, that\'s the only...." He didn\'t finish reporting as he watched Henry watch the body being lifted into the ambulance.

"Thank you. We may not successfully prevent the next one so stay close", he ordered.

"Yes, sir."

He moved away from the window. Although Henry\'s order was delivered almost emotionlessly, still, the man could see the regret and anger in his eyes. Henry\'s insides were boiling with rage as he hooked on the other earpiece to communicate to his men.

He shivered, barely containing his emotions. He briefly closed his eyes and will a strong mental fortitude for him to remain calm. When he opened his eyes, a murderous intent brewed in his eyes as he glared up ahead.

"Let\'s move!"

The cars rounded up and sped to catch up to the trucks that had now gone back to the original speed of not moving too fast.

"Status update on the other thing I asked for."

Their geographical location was brought up on the screen for everyone to see.

"There\'s an intersection coming up ahead", a subordinate commented making Henry raise an amused brow.

"If they make any sort of turn, it will be easier to spot the trucks that are heavy from the light ones."

"At least now we know there\'s one less empty one."

"Still, it would be a lot easier if we knew which direction they were going, but we\'re practically blind."

And very vulnerable. Seeing Henry\'s lack of response and how serious he was, the men fell quiet after raising their concerns and opinions. As their leader, they too observed the trucks whilst secretly hoping for the trucks to at least make a turn. The older man was seriously observing the trucks, counting down the miles, as well as, the minutes.

Three minutes and twenty five seconds to go.....

And they were drawing closer to the intersection.... Any moment now...

All they need is a turn, then they\'ll see which truck trailer leans more to the side of the turn they\'ll make indicating heavy goods on board, and which truck is driven more carefully for breakables on board. With this logic, the men held their breaths as they drew closer to the intersection...

Let them make a turn, let them turn.....

"Fuck!" Someone whispered in annoyance.

The men\'s faces were heavy with disappointment. Now.... They could only make guesses.... Henry watched the seconds ticking...

65 seconds remaining...

"I think.... There are seven trucks of drugs, one with people and one empty...."

His colleagues looked at him with brows raised.

"Why don\'t you try making guesses?" He argued.

"I think he originally had three trucks that were empty to blow up each time we were wrong, now we have two left, three with hostages that he will probably traffic, and four with drugs", another one from a different car guessed.

Everyone fell quiet. That made... a lot of sense. It sounded like something the King would do. No one could top that. Even Henry found himself leaning towards that guess....

10 seconds.....

He put back on the other earpiece to connect to the King when he found the said person excitedly counting down the seconds...





"2 and ...."

"Two empty ones, three with hostages and four with drugs!" He barely breathed quickly spewing the guess.


His heart lodged at his throat. The men dared not to breath as they awaited for the answer. Was he right? Does this mean it was finally over? Please be right! They could not watch any more innocent lives being taken right before their eyes.

"Hmm.....", The king mused out loud. "Two empty ones, three with people and four with the goodies....?"

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