
Chapter 301 The B*Tch To The Powerful

"You\'re making it quite obvious", he chuckled. "Look man, whatever the case, this is a place where the weak are always preyed on. Get your shit together. Everyone is frustrated with the time they\'re doing here and guess who they\'ll be taking their frustration out on?"

Peter let the words sink in, and finally nodded in agreement. He would be here a while, this was not the place to be weak. That\'s what he had been on the outside, it was finally time that things changed. "Thank you....?"

"Carlos", he extended his hand giving him a a smile. He had a friendly and warm aura about him.

"Peter", he shook his hand. "Again, thank you."

"You alright. You\'ve probably had a long day, go freshen up, clear your head, and I don\'t know. Just get your shit together."

"Yeah, I do need to shower. But.....", He looked around the room at his inmates a little weary.

"I\'ll keep a look out for you. Come on", he nodded towards the door.

Peter didn\'t know what else to say or do except to feel grateful. All this time he was being held in custody, he felt like a mouse trapped among predators. A friend was what he needed in this shit situation and Carlos was just what he needed. Prison life may not be so hard after all...

The two walked to the shower room. There were ten shower cubicles and each separated by a thick glass wall but had no door for obvious reasons.

"Do your thing man."

"Thank you", Peter gave him a grateful smile before proceeding to do so.

He entered one cubicle and took off his uniform, hanging it on the wall before starting the shower. The hot water easesd his tense muscles and seemed to wash the stress away.

He closed his eyes to enjoy the serene moment when the water suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes only to find a large hand on the handle. He turned around to find himself facing six muscular and shamelessly naked men.

Peter knew there was nothing friendly about their visit especially when they cracked their knuckles.


A hard punch to his abdomen shut him up. More hard punches and kicks landed on his face, arms, legs, ribs, and everywhere else. He groaned in pain taking the hits. Is this how his life would end?

"Alright boys, that\'s enough", a voice spoke from behind them.

A voice Peter had now grown to recognize. Carlos. Instead of calling out to him, Peter could only cough out blood.

"I said rough him but not like this", he Peter gave an apologetic smile. Peter\'s insides churn from disgust. Carlos nodded at his men.

The six pulled Peter to his feet, forced his legs apart and bent him over.

"No", he groaned in a husky and weak voice struggling in the hold of the strong men. "Please."

"Sshh..." Carlos run a hand down Peter\'s spine and gave his buttcheeks a good smack. "Just relax."

"Please." Tears fell down Peter\'s bloody face.

"I like you so this will be over before you know it", Carlos spit onto his fingers to massage Peter\'s a**crack. He then chuckled, "But I can\'t say the same about these guys."

"Wait!" Peter\'s eyeballs grew the size of saucers from panic and shock. "Plea-aaarrrgggghhh!"

He screamed in pain at the sudden invasion at the same time Carlos grunted in pleasure. Was this his fate, to be the bitch of anyone more powerful than him?

Peter didn\'t know how long it lasted nor how he was taken back to their cell. He didn\'t even eat that night. He felt numb, not wanting to feel or think....

While Carlos and his men slept peacefully through the night, Peter just blankly stared at the wall all until morning. The prisoners were buzzed open for their morning routine, but Peter remained unmoving until he felt someone roughly shaking him.

"Can you not hear me? I said get a move on, you have a visitor!" The prison guard screamed in his ear.

A visitor? Who could possibly visit him? He got out of bed and was handcuffed before following the guard. As he limped on, the stares he got were enough to let him know that everyone knew what happened to him.

He kept his head hanging low. He was soon led to a room that had a round table and two chairs. On one of the chairs was a person whose back he could recognize even in a black business suit.

"Shauna...." He whispered to himself but she heard him and turned around.

All those dead feelings were revived. Maybe there was still hope that he could turn the situation around and not lose his family.

She was taken a back by the swelling and bruising of him. A part of her felt a pang of pain seeing him in such a state but a tight grip on her handbag gave her a reality check.

The guard stationed himself on one corner of the room and watched as Peter limped towards her to peck her on the cheek.

"Shauna-" she leaned away with a cold expression, dodging his kiss. He nodded to himself, understanding that her anger was justified. He moved to the other chair and faced her with forced enthusiasm. "How are you? How are the boys? Are they okay?"


Her coldness was like a sharp knife stabbing deep into the core of his heart but he still went on. "Great. I didn\'t- I didn\'t see you at any of the trials."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Did you seriously expect me to be there? You and that mistress of yours... " She shook her head.

"Listen Shauna, it\'s not what everyone says it was. Gwen is a scary woman! She threatened me into doing those things! She used me-"

Shauna broke into a humorless laugh cutting him off. Seeing her like that only triggered his fear of losing her, but he needed to be hopeful. "Shauna. You don\'t know how scary that woman is!"

"Oh I know how scary she is, I was following the trial!" She hissed through gritted teeth. "But you know what\'s scarier? Is a man who is still making excuses for his actions! Do you know what that has done to the boys? To me? The disrespect and humiliation you\'ve brought on us! I gave you all my love, gave up my career to raise our beautiful kids, the perfect family as you often liked to call it, and what did you give me in return? Literally pissing and shitting in my face."


"She used you? She forced you? Well your moans and groans while you were balls deep inside of her said otherwise. Yes, I walked in on your little affair, I may not have seen it but I definitely heard enough." She forced her self to come off strongwhile she spoke but the tears and sadness in her eyes said otherwise.

"You got it all wrong. I never actually fucked her. She never allowed me to enter her-"

"Ha!" Shauna shouted and broke into a heartbreaking laugh.

Tears fell uncontrollably and she laughed it off, shaking her head in disbelief. Was this really the man she had married? The man she bragged about to people? How was she blind to all this? The joke was on her.... she really felt it was...

Peter could only silently watch with a guilt and a pitiful expression.

She sniffled and wiped her tears away. She opened her bag and took out a brown A4 envelope. She took out documents and a pen and pushed them towards him. He silently read the paper and looked at her in shock.

"These are divorce papers", he exclaimed in shock and realization.

"You didn\'t think I would remain married to you after all this?" She arched a brow at him.

"No. Shauna. Think this through. Think of the boys... I can\'t lose you guys! I can\'t lose you!"

"You should have thought of that before that woman to forced you to \'not\' stick your d*ck inside her!" She said while standing up.

"Shauna, don\'t do this", he stood up, pleading with her.

"You\'ll be hearing from my lawyers." With that said, she walked away.


She stopped, hearing the desperation in his voice. All those years of being married and this was how it was ending. She was tempted to cave, but the damage was done.

"Goodbye Peter." With that, she walked out of the room and out of his life.

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