
Chapter 87 Side Story: Ken, A Simple Man

[WARNING!!! This is a side story, you can read this if you want. But it will contain some major spoilers.]

After changes, most of the people adapted to that.

The aftermath of war can be a challenging time for people as they must adjust to the changes that have occurred in their lives. It is essential to move forward and not dwell in the past, as dwelling in the past can hinder progress and growth. The individuals who were affected by the war realized this and came up with a proactive solution.

Like most of the system changed.

As the people grew stronger and learned how to defend themselves against the monsters, a new profession was born - the Hunter.

This profession was also known by other names such as Adventurer or Bounty killer. With the increasing number of hunters, group activities like Guilds and Associations also began to emerge.

However, not all hunters had noble intentions. Some of them started using their skills to commit atrocities. In order to prevent such acts, the government established the Hunter Management Association.

The association set up branch offices in most of the cities and near hunting fields. Here, hunters had to get their license and go through tests that determined their rank.

The association also monitored the hunters\' activities to ensure that they didn\'t engage in any criminal acts.

Although the establishment of the Hunter Management Association helped reduce the number of bad deeds committed by hunters, it didn\'t completely eliminate them.

Despite the monitoring, some hunters still engaged in criminal activities. However, the establishment of the association did help improve the morality rate of hunters, as they were held accountable for their actions. Casualty rate of them also decreased.

In the small city of Cantaro, life was simple yet content. Although the city was not as grand as some of the others, the people were happy. After the catastrophic events that led the monster invasion, the many cities were destroyed, but after "Great Reshuffle," the people of Cantaro built new homes filled with hope.

As with many cities, there was also an office of the Hunting Management Association in Cantaro. This office was bustling with activity, with hunters coming and going as they received their licenses and went through tests to determine their rank.

One day, in the midst of all the commotion, a young man with blue hair that resembled the night sky entered the office.

His black eyes and silver pupils seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. He moved with great skill, as though it were second nature to him.The other hunters around him looked on in awe.

Suddenly, a shout came from behind him. "Hey, Ken!"

The young man turned to face the source of the voice, revealing a handsome face that seemed almost too perfect for his rugged hunting profession.

His hair and appearance seemed to suggest that he didn\'t care much about his appearance, but it somehow fit his persona as a hunter.

"What, Alex?" Ken asked.

Ken stopped and turned his face.

"Just move slowly, I can\'t pass through like you." The man with slightly shorter height then Ken and bigger belly than Ken said.

"For that, you have to reduce this meat."

Saying that Ken pointed at Alex\'s belly. He smiled slightly.

That smile just looked like stars were shining in the sky.

Soon, Alex and Ken started moving towards the counter.

"Don\'t point at my belly, It\'s just I am healthy compared to you."

Alex stroked his belly while saying this.

"Yeah, you also have thicker skin compared to me." Saying this, Ken smiled. And Alex also smiled.

Soon they reached to the counter. They sold all of the monster corpses they hunted.

Ken got 1000 gold coins. While Alex got 400 gold coins.

As they were returning from the Association\'s building and walking through the market.

"Hey, why are you here?" Alex asked Ken abruptly.

Ken was confused by this question.

"What do you mean?" He asked in return.

"I mean you are already a B-ranker at the age of 25. You can join a guild or move to some large city. Is it necessary to live here?" Alex was confused. He thought it was waste of potential to people like Ken to live here. 

"Alex from our first meeting and in this past six months, you have told me this countless times and all the time my answer is \'No\'." Ken paused and continued.

"After all, I lived here since the childhood and I don\'t want to risk my life for more money." Ken shook his head and continued,

"Because If I die there who will take care of Mom and Dad? And aren\'t I happy here? People here are kind and friendly and I don\'t think my parents will be able to adapt to life in large cities.

That\'s why I also didn\'t go to the main Academy and just graduated from a nearby branch." Ken\'s words were filled with responsibility.

"So what will you do in future?" Alex get the point, he thought Ken won\'t change his opinion. So he asked.

"Perhaps, I will just find a good woman to marry, make some children and live a happy life. After all, I saved enough money." There was a gentle smile on Ken\'s face.

"With your face, countless women will make a line to marry you." Alex remarked.

Both Ken and Alex laughed at this.

Just then, the ground shook violently, causing the buildings to tremble and sway. Some of the older shops and homes began to crumble under the force of the earthquake, sending debris flying in all directions.

Panic quickly set in as people ran in every direction, trying to escape the danger. The sound of shattering glass and crumbling bricks filled the air, and the streets were soon crowded with frightened individuals looking for safety.

The scene was chaotic and terrifying, with the full force of the earthquake making its presence known in the most dramatic way possible.

"Is it an earthquake?" Alex asked.

"I don\'t think so." Ken shook his head.

Saying that Ken pointed his finger at the sky to draw attention Alex\'s attention there.

A large monster was flying in the sky.

"What\'s that?" Alex was shocked to see that. After all, he was just a C ranker. He only saw a glimpse of A-class monsters sometimes from afar.

However, he felt that the flying monster he was seeing now was much stronger than that. 

Ken\'s urgent voice jolted Alex out of his thoughts, "Alex, this is an emergency! We need to evacuate the civilians."

Alex quickly refocused and nodded in agreement. Despite his goofy demeanor, he was well aware of his responsibilities.

Ken understood that he couldn\'t handle the monster alone. His priority was to evacuate the civilians and ensure their safety. He trusted that the other hunters would take care of the monster.

After hours of fighting, the monster was finally defeated, and the city erupted in cheers.

"We did it! Our city is safe!" the people shouted.

Ken\'s legs gave out from under him, exhausted from the ordeal. Alex sat beside him and comforted him, "You did a great job. You saved many lives today."

Just then, a panicked voice rang out from the group, "Hey... guys... look!"

Everyone turned to see dozens of monsters flying in the sky, identical to the ones they had just defeated. Ken slowly stood up, stunned by the sight before him.

"That\'s impossible," he muttered.

Suddenly, colossal monsters emerged from the forest, and Alex was bewildered, "Hey, aren\'t those S-class monsters? What are they doing here?"

Most of the hunters fled in terror, shouting for Ken to run.

"Ken, we need to go! Now!" Alex shook Ken, who was standing motionless.

"Wait! What about mom and dad?" Ken hesitated.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ken bolted towards his home at breakneck speed.

Despite his exhaustion and aching body, he ran. He ran at full speed. For Ken, his parents were his top priority.

"Please, God, let them be alive," he prayed as he approached his house.

But his heart sank as he saw the massive monster that had crushed his home. As a hunter, his keen eyesight gave him a clear view of his parents\' lifeless bodies amidst the debris.

Every cherished moment spent with his parents flashed through Ken\'s mind, and tears streamed down his face.

"Mom... Dad," he whispered, slowly walking towards the destroyed house that had been his happy home just moments ago.

Ken\'s steps were filled with anger as he approached the monster. He couldn\'t bear the thought of it destroying his happy home and taking away his beloved parents.

With a swift motion, he unsheathed his sword and charged at the monster.

"Blazing Sword Styles - First move Blazing Slash!" Ken yelled, releasing a fiery burst of energy from his sword that sliced through the monster\'s leg.

The leg separated from the monster\'s body, causing it to lose its balance and fall to the ground, letting out a deafening roar of agony that shook the entire area.

Ken\'s heart pounded in his chest as he rushed to the ruins of his house. Desperate to find his parents, he began rummaging through the debris until he finally found their crushed bodies.

Overwhelmed with grief, he gathered the remains and placed them in a small container, which he stored in his space ring.

But his fury had not dissipated. He turned his attention back to the monster, fueled by a thirst for vengeance.

His anger and determination surged, and he charged at the monster with renewed vigor. His sword glinted in the sunlight as he struck at the monster with ferocity, unleashing a barrage of powerful attacks that sent the monster reeling.

With every strike, Ken poured all his pain and rage into his attacks, determined to avenge his parents\' deaths.

His heart raced as he landed a devastating blow on the monster\'s head, causing it to fall limp on the ground.

Ken stood there, panting, his body drenched in sweat and his mind consumed by a mix of emotions.

The loss of his parents was a wound that would never fully heal, but he knew that he had fulfilled his duty as a hunter, protecting the city from the monstrous threat that had claimed his family.

Ken was ready to strike down another monster when it was suddenly crushed by an immense pressure.

He was perplexed and unsure of who or what could have caused this. Out of the darkness, a silhouette emerged and spoke to Ken.

"You\'re quite powerful to do this," the figure said.

Ken couldn\'t see the face clearly in the darkness, but he was certain that this was a member of the demon race.

His instincts were telling him that this individual was dangerous, and that he should leave immediately.

Before Ken could even think of making a move, the man waved his hand, and Ken\'s body was suddenly split in half. He fell to the ground, blood pooling around his lifeless form.

"It was nice meeting with you. Remember me in your afterlife. Goodbye."

And the demon vanished like that.

As he lay dying, Ken\'s mind was filled with questions. Who was this man? What was his purpose? Was he the one responsible for the destruction of his home and the death of his parents? The answers eluded him, and he knew that he would never find out.

\'So I am now dying by some unknown man? I couldn\'t even save my parents.\'

Ken\'s body was slowly turning cold. his consciousness was slowly leaving his body.

\'My dreams, my family, my friends, my city everything was destroyed. Would it have changed if I was stronger?\'

Just like that Ken was slowly closing his eyes. But then a light started coming out of his locket. Ken was surprised.

It was a locket that his father gave him and at that time he said,

"Son. Do you know why our family name is Astaseul? It means as bright as a star. Our ancestors were one of the people who shined in the \'Great Reshuffle\'. But couldn\'t return alive. Just kidding.

He was a powerful SS-RANKER.

One time, after killing some powerful being, he got this locket. He didn\'t know much about this. He just wore it because it was shining and looked good. This might be the most valuable thing in our house. Here take this."

Saying this, his father just laughed it off.

Ken just kept it as it looked good.

Although he wanted to find out about this locket, but couldn\'t.

Now, it was shining. Soon a stone in the centre of the locket cracked. It was the last scene Ken saw before dying.


Ken woke up in the morning and started walking towards his classroom.

Are you thinking about why he is here?

After he died somehow he returned in his past at the age of five. At first, he was bewildered. Then he gradually found out that he was Reincarnated.

But when he saw his parents he cried. Although it took some days to believe that he was regressed.

After that, he started his training. As he knew that twenty years later, monsters will attack, he has to become strong for that.

He also wanted to know about that stone. However, after returning he couldn\'t find that locket.

As he wanted to become strong and know about the truth why his city was attacked, what was that stone?

He applied for Main Academy in Dawn city after turning 20.

As he was walking towards his classroom, he firmed his goal.

\'I will become stronger and protect everyone this time.\'

And Rain closed the novel after reading this.

"Aaa.." he yawned.

"Isn\'t this cliche? Why author made this chapter like this? Should we add this in the game or not? Looks like I have to ask the director." Rain mumbled.

He stood up from the chair and started walking towards the director\'s cabin.

"Hey, Rain, Can you help me in programming?" A co worker or Rain shouted.

"Me too."

"Me too."


Many people said it.

"I will work, however you guys have to treat me." Rain declared.

All of them nodded.

\'So much work. I want a vacation.\'

Thinking like that, Rain sighed.

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