
Chapter 574 Encounter With A Demon

Fein and Voli had been traveling for days on end. The scenery around them had been beautiful, but the constant walking had worn them down. Their destination was the first kingdom of the South. They had decided to make a stop there to rest and replenish their supplies before continuing on their journey. The kingdom was a hub for travelers like them, with a bustling market and many inns and taverns.

As they entered the kingdom, they were greeted by the sound of vendors shouting out their wares and the sight of merchants haggling with customers. The smell of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making Fein\'s stomach rumble. Voli noticed his discomfort and suggested they find an inn to rest at and grab a bite to eat.

Fein agreed, and they made their way through the crowd to a nearby inn. It was a modest establishment, but it looked clean and inviting. They walked up to the front desk, and the innkeeper, a stout man with a bushy mustache, greeted them with a warm smile.

"Welcome, travelers. How may I assist you?" he asked.

"We\'re looking for a room to rest in and some food to eat," Fein replied.

"Of course, we have a room available on the second floor, and we serve food in our tavern downstairs. Would you like me to show you to your room first?"

"Yes, please," Fein said.

The innkeeper led them up a flight of stairs and down a narrow hallway to their room. It was a simple room with two beds and a small table, but it looked clean and comfortable. The innkeeper handed them the key and wished them a pleasant stay.

Fein and Voli settled into their room and took a moment to rest. Fein pulled out the map of the South and began to study it, trying to plan out their next moves.

Voli noticed Fein\'s focus and decided to explore the town on his own. Fein nodded his approval and watched as Voli left the room.

Fein soon finished studying the map and decided to head down to the tavern for some food. The tavern was bustling with patrons, and Fein had to push his way through the crowd to get to the bar.

He ordered a plate of roasted chicken and a mug of ale and took a seat at a nearby table. As he ate, he overheard a conversation between two travelers sitting next to him.

"I heard that there\'s a powerful wizard living in the forest to the east," one of them said.

"I heard that too," the other replied. "They say he can control the elements with his magic."

Fein\'s interest was piqued. He had always been fascinated by magic, and the idea of a powerful wizard other than him intrigued him. After all, on the human side, they were either mercenaries or degu users. It\'s not possible for a degu user to possess magic power. He knew that he was an exception. So the rumor only has two possibilities, the wizard is actually a demon in disguise!

After finishing his meal, Fein decided to head back to his room to rest. He planned to set out the next day to explore the forest and see if he could find the wizard.

The next morning, Fein woke up early and packed his belongings. He left a note for Voli, explaining where he was headed, and set out towards the forest.

As he entered the forest, he was immediately struck by its beauty. The trees towered over him, and the sunlight filtering through their leaves created a dappled effect on the forest floor.

Fein walked deeper into the forest, searching for any signs of the wizard\'s presence. He soon came across a clearing, and in the center of it stood a small hut.

Fein\'s footsteps were muffled by the thick layer of snow beneath him as he approached the small hut, his senses on high alert for any potential danger. He raised a gloved hand to knock on the wooden door, but before he could even make contact, the door creaked open and a voice from within asked, "Who is it?"

Fein hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should reveal his identity to a potential enemy. But the voice seemed friendly enough, and he decided to take the risk. "It\'s Fein, a traveler. I heard that there was a powerful wizard living here, and I wanted to seek his advice."

The voice chuckled. "You have come to the right place, my friend. I am Gwyl, the wizard of these parts. Please, come in."

Fein cautiously stepped inside the dimly lit hut, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword just in case. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a figure sitting on a wooden chair in front of a small fire, his face obscured by the shadows.

"Please, have a seat," Gwyl said, gesturing to a nearby stool. "What brings you to these lands, Fein?"

Fein sat down, his eyes never leaving the shadowy figure in front of him. "I am on a journey to the South to help a friend, and I heard that you might be able to offer me some advice."

Gwyl nodded sagely, his eyes gleaming in the flickering light of the fire. "Ah, the South. A dangerous place indeed. But fear not, my friend. I have traveled those lands many times and I know their secrets well."

Fein raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? And what secrets might those be?"

Gwyl leaned forward, his face finally illuminated by the firelight. Fein saw that he was not a human, but a demon in disguise. Despite his surprise, he remained calm and composed, his hand still resting on his sword.

Gwyl smiled, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth. "The secrets of the demons, of course. I know their weaknesses, their strengths, and their spells. I can teach you how to defend yourself against them, if you are willing to learn."

Fein nodded slowly, intrigued. "I am willing to learn. What do you require in return?"

Gwyl\'s smile widened. "Nothing, my friend. It is my pleasure to share my knowledge with fellow travelers. Consider it a gift."

Fein studied the demon\'s face for a moment, trying to discern any ulterior motives. But he sensed only sincerity and a genuine desire to help. He nodded again. "Thank you, Gwyl. I am grateful for your generosity."

Gwyl stood up and walked over to a shelf filled with dusty tomes. He picked one up and handed it to Fein. "This book contains the secrets of demon magic. Study it well, and you will be able to defend yourself against even the strongest demons."

Fein took the book, his fingers tracing the intricate designs on the cover. He looked up at Gwyl. "Thank you, truly. I will never forget your kindness."

Gwyl waved a dismissive hand. "Think nothing of it. Safe travels, Fein."

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