
Chapter 587 The Three Shadow Lords

"Stop it, don\'t provoke this guy. He\'s an S rank degu user. Show some respect." Michael felt a headache with the new members.

\'S rank!? \'The group of Rangers watched in awe as Fein continued to display his swordsmanship and agility. It was clear that he was not to be underestimated.

\'I\'m SS rank though.\' Fein thought inwardly but decided not to correct Michael.

After the demonstration, the group of Rangers apologized for their skepticism and acknowledged Fein as a former member of the Ranger\'s Eye.

Fein sheathed his sword and smiled, "No hard feelings. I\'m just glad we could clear things up. After all, I\'m on a member of the team in the past and I still have some feelings for this team."

The group of Rangers nodded in agreement, and Fein and Michael continued on with their training, leaving the curious onlookers behind.


Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity, Lightning Manipulation (Pseudo-God), Wind Manipulation (Pseudo God), Super Typhoon Domain (Pseudo-Mythical), Greater Resize (Mythical), Golden Human Form (Pseudo-Mythical), Pre-Historic Human Form (Mythical), Phasing, Superspeed, Phasing Punch, Phasing Arrow, Shadow Manipulation.

Fein sat at the table in the kitchen, staring off into space as he contemplated his new shadow manipulation ability. He had just acquired it from Michael in their sparring match earlier that day, and he was eager to explore its full potential.

The new ability he had acquired, shadow manipulation, was powerful and had limitless potential. He began to consider the various ways he could utilize this power in battle.

As he sat there, he closed his eyes and began to visualize a scenario. He imagined himself facing an opponent who relied on their physical strength, and he thought about how he could use shadows to his advantage.

Fein\'s mind raced as he imagined the possibilities. He could use the shadows to create diversions, distract his opponent, and even trap them in a shadow realm. He could also use the shadows to enhance his own physical abilities, making him faster and stronger than ever before.

He opened his eyes and picked up a pen and paper, jotting down his thoughts and ideas as they came to him. He knew that by writing them down, he could better organize his thoughts and come up with a solid plan of attack.

Fein continued to brainstorm for hours, lost in thought and excitement. He knew that with this new power, he could create an army of powerful shadow monsters on a whim with the use of his SS rank degu energy. He could feel his confidence growing with each passing moment.

As he finished his planning, he stood up and stretched his muscles. He knew he needed to train and practice his new ability to fully master it.

Fein walked over to his training area, a large open space in the backyard of their house. He took a deep breath and focused his mind, preparing to use his new power.

He raised his hands and focused his energy, summoning the shadows to his will. He watched as they danced and twisted around his fingers, like wisps of smoke.

Fein began to experiment with the shadows, testing their limits and trying out different techniques. He formed a shadow shield around himself and practiced launching shadow projectiles at targets.

As he continued to train, he felt his control over the shadows growing stronger. He could feel their power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was only scratching the surface of what was possible.

Fein continued to train well into the night, only stopping when he was too exhausted to continue. As he collapsed onto his bed, he smiled to himself, knowing that he was on the path to becoming even stronger.

He closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep, his mind filled with thoughts of shadows and the endless possibilities that they held.


Fein stood alone in the large courtyard of the Ranger\'s Eye base, his sword at his side. He took a deep breath and focused his thoughts, ready to begin his training. He first began with his swordsmanship, swinging his blade in a fluid motion that was both graceful and deadly. As he went through the familiar motions, he thought of new ways to use his sword, to surprise his opponents with unexpected attacks.

Next, he moved on to his Sword Domain ability. He closed his eyes and concentrated, imagining his sword multiplying and filling the sky above him. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a rain of swords on an imaginary opponent, each blade striking with deadly precision. Fein smiled to himself, pleased with the power of his ability.

He continued his training, moving on to his Elemental Sphere ability. He focused on creating a strong barrier around himself, imagining the different types of elemental attacks that could come at him. He adjusted the strength of the barrier and tested its limits, feeling a sense of satisfaction as he found he could withstand even the most powerful attacks.

Fein then turned his attention to his Shadow Manipulation ability, calling forth an army of A-rank shadow soldiers and three S-rank shadow lords. He spent hours training with them, testing their limits and discovering new ways to control and manipulate them. He was pleased to find that he could now create illusions and trick his opponents into thinking they were fighting real soldiers, giving him an edge in battle.

Fein closed his eyes and focused his energy on summoning his S-rank shadow lords. He could feel their presence in the shadow realm, waiting for his call. As he opened his eyes, he could see three massive figures emerging from the shadows.

The first one was a chimera ant, with the body of a lion and the wings of a dragon. Its eyes were glowing red, and its sharp teeth were visible from a distance. It had a long tail with sharp spikes at the end, and its fur was jet black. The ant\'s legs were strong and muscular, and it stood on two legs like a human and it\'s exoskeleton have a shade of dark iron.

The second shadow lord was a death knight, with a bulky frame and a menacing presence. It was wearing black armor with red stripes, and its eyes glowed with an icy blue hue. Its sword was almost as tall as the knight itself, and it radiated with a cold aura. The knight\'s skin was pale and ghostly, and it had a skull-like face that revealed nothing but bones.

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