
Chapter 594 Frustration

Fein and Voli returned to Fein\'s room, both feeling a sense of frustration and sadness about the recent suicides.

"What could have driven them to do this?" Fein asked, his voice heavy with emotion.

Voli shook her head. "I have no idea. It\'s like they just gave up hope completely."

Fein paced back and forth in his room, thinking deeply. "We need to figure out what or who\'s causing this. We can\'t let any more of our people die like this."

Voli nodded in agreement. "But where do we start? We don\'t even know who\'s responsible."

Fein stopped pacing and turned to face Voli. "We start by investigating. We ask questions, we gather information, we leave no stone unturned. We owe it to our people to find out what\'s going on."

Voli nodded again. "Agreed. But we need to be careful. Whoever is behind this is clearly powerful and not afraid to resort to extreme measures."

Fein sighed, knowing she was right. "I know. But we can\'t just sit back and do nothing. We have to try."

The two of them spent hours discussing potential strategies and brainstorming ideas. They discussed reaching out to contacts in other regions for help, gathering information discreetly, and even forming a task force to investigate.

As they talked, their frustration began to turn into determination. Fein knew that finding the culprit behind these suicides wouldn\'t be easy, but he also knew that he couldn\'t let his people suffer in silence.

"We\'ll figure this out," he said, looking at Voli with a newfound sense of resolve. "We\'ll find out who\'s responsible and we\'ll make them pay for what they\'ve done."

Voli smiled at Fein, grateful for his determination. "I know we will. Together, we can do anything."

"We\'ll go out later. I need time to think in my room." Fein smiled.


Fein sat alone in his room, deep in thought. He couldn\'t shake the recent string of suicides that had been plaguing the city. It was a tragedy that was becoming all too common, and Fein couldn\'t help but wonder why it was happening.

As he sat there, Fein started to piece together the clues in his mind. He knew that there had to be a reason behind the suicides, but what could it be? Was it some sort of disease or virus? Or perhaps it was something more sinister, like foul play or sabotage.

Fein\'s mind raced with possibilities, but he knew that he needed more information to make an accurate assessment. He decided to reach out to some of his contacts in the city to see if they had any insights into the situation.

As he picked up his communicator and started dialing, Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of urgency. Lives were at stake, and he knew that time was of the essence.

"Hey, it\'s Fein," he said when his contact picked up. "Listen, I need your help with something. There have been a lot of suicides in the city lately, and I\'m trying to figure out what\'s going on. Do you have any information that could help me?"

Fein listened intently as his contact relayed what little information he had. It wasn\'t much, but it was a start. Fein thanked his contact and hung up, his mind racing with new possibilities.

As he sat there, Fein knew that he had to act quickly. Lives were at stake, and he couldn\'t afford to waste any more time. He started to piece together a plan in his mind, trying to think of ways that he could get to the bottom of this mystery.

Fein knew that it wouldn\'t be easy, but he was determined to uncover the truth. He couldn\'t stand by and watch as more lives were lost to this mysterious epidemic.

"Something\'s not right here," he said to himself as he stood up and paced back and forth in his room. "There\'s got to be a cause behind these suicides, and I\'m going to find out what it is. No matter what it takes."

Fein and Voli decided to visit the marketplace where the suicide took place to see if they could find any more witnesses. As they made their way through the bustling crowds, they kept their eyes peeled for anyone who might have seen something.

After some time, they found a man who claimed to have seen Lucius at the marketplace on the day of the suicide. Fein and Voli asked the man to describe Lucius, and he said that he was tall and well-dressed, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile.

"Isn\'t this also the appearance provide from the first witness? Such a handsome man. Is it a disguise or his real appearance?"

Fein furrowed his brow, trying to piece together what they had learned so far. "This guy sounds like bad news," he muttered to Voli.

Voli nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don\'t like the sound of him. But we need more information before we can jump to conclusions."

Fein nodded, thinking. "Let\'s keep asking around, see if we can find anyone else who saw him."

They continued their search, asking vendors and shoppers if they had seen anything unusual on the day of the suicide. Most people couldn\'t offer much help, but a few mentioned seeing a man who fit Lucius\'s description. One woman even said that he had approached her and tried to sell her some kind of "miracle cure" for her ailments.

Fein and Voli exchanged a look of concern. "This is starting to sound like some kind of scam," Voli said.

Fein nodded. "It could be. Or maybe he\'s involved in something more sinister."

They continued their investigation, asking more questions and gathering as much information as they could. As they walked back to Fein\'s room, Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of frustration and worry. The more he learned about Lucius, the more he felt like they were running out of time.

"I don\'t like this," he said to Voli. "I feel like we\'re missing something important."

Voli nodded. "I know. But we\'ll figure it out. We just need to keep digging."

Fein sighed. "I hope you\'re right. We can\'t let this happen again."

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