
Chapter 627 Progress Of The New Members

One of Fein\'s Dark Lord Angel of Death appeared before him, bowing respectfully. Fein, lounging on a deck chair on his boat with a pair of sunglasses perched on his nose, lazily took a sip from his glass of juice.

"What news do you bring?" Fein asked, his voice smooth and commanding.

"Master, the forces of the underworld are in turmoil," the Angel of Death reported. "They suspect that there is a traitor among them, leaking information to the Dark Knights. They are turning on each other, and some even fear that they are being spied upon."

Fein raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "And how did they come to this conclusion?"

"Rumors and speculation, my Lord," the Angel of Death replied. "They are grasping at straws, desperate to find a reason for their failure to combat your forces."

Fein leaned forward, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "And they have no idea that it is my shadow army that is watching their every move?"

"No, my Lord," the Angel of Death replied. "They remain clueless to the true extent of your power."

Fein leaned back in his chair, taking another sip of juice. "Excellent," he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Continue to monitor their movements, and report back to me at once if anything of interest occurs."

The Angel of Death bowed again, then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Fein, satisfied with the report, leaned back and closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun on his face. The underworld may be in chaos, but as long as his shadow army remained unseen and undetected, Fein knew that victory was inevitable.

Fein leaned back on his chair, savoring the taste of the juice as he basked in the warmth of the sun. He had been working hard, training his spells and managing his organization, and this moment of relaxation was well-deserved. As he took another sip, his thoughts turned to the clueless underworld forces that were currently in a state of internal conflict. Fein couldn\'t help but mock them in his mind, considering how easy it was for him to gather information on their movements and plans.

He chuckled to himself, knowing that they had no idea that his shadow army was lurking in the shadows, watching and listening to everything they did. It was a powerful tool, one that gave him an edge over his enemies. With the shadows as his summons, he could strike at any time, from any direction. His army was not only a weapon but also his eyes and ears everywhere.

Fein admired the way his shadow army worked. They were experts at blending into the darkness, moving undetected by even the most vigilant guards. He had full trust in their capabilities, instilling in them a fierce loyalty to the Eyes of Dark Knights. They would do anything to protect the organization and their leader, and that gave Fein a sense of comfort and security. 

He closed his eyes, picturing his shadow army moving through the underworld, gathering information and relaying it back to him. He knew that there was no limit to their abilities, and that made him feel powerful.

Fein\'s thoughts then turned to the past, to the time when he was just a young boy growing up in the Earth. He had learned early on that power was everything, and that the weak were always preyed upon by the strong. It was a brutal world, and Fein had learned to survive by any means necessary.

But he had always known that he was destined for greatness. He had an unparalleled talent for everything, and he had honed his skills over the years until he was nearly unbeatable. And now, as the leader of the Eyes of Dark Knights, he was finally living up to his potential.

Fein smiled to himself, feeling a sense of pride in what he had accomplished. He knew that there were many challenges ahead, but he was ready for them. With his shadow army at his command, and his powerful magic spells at his fingertips, he was confident that he could overcome any obstacle.

As the sun began to set, Fein opened his eyes and stood up. It was time to get back to work. He had plans to make and enemies to defeat. But for now, he would enjoy the moment and relish in his power.


The training ground was quiet except for the sound of swords clashing and grunts of exertion. The new members of the Dark Knights were in the midst of their training, sweating profusely as they sparred with each other. Fein stood at the side, watching their progress with a keen eye.

He had to admit, they were improving quickly. They moved with more precision and fluidity, their strikes and blocks becoming more efficient. Fein had made sure to give them plenty of hands-on training, pushing them to their limits to hone their skills.

As the sun began to set, Fein called for a break. The new members collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. Fein walked among them, checking their breathing and pulse.

"You\'re all doing well," he said. "But don\'t get complacent. We still have a long way to go."

The next phase of their training involved intense physical conditioning. They were put through a rigorous routine of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and various other exercises designed to build their strength and endurance.

Fein watched as they pushed themselves to the limit, sweat pouring down their faces. He knew that this kind of training was essential if they were to survive the dangers of the underworld.

As the days passed, the new members of the Dark Knights grew stronger and more skilled. They developed a sense of camaraderie, bonding over their shared experiences and struggles.

Fein continued to push them, never letting them rest on their laurels. He knew that the underworld was a harsh and unforgiving place, and only the strongest and most skilled would survive.

At the end of each day, Fein would gather them together for a debriefing. He would go over their progress, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. He would also give them tips and advice on how to improve.

The new members listened attentively, soaking up every word. They knew that Fein was their key to survival in the underworld, and they were determined to learn everything they could from him.

As the weeks passed, the new members of the Dark Knights became a force to be reckoned with. They moved with deadly precision, striking their opponents with lightning-fast speed. Their physical conditioning had reached new heights, allowing them to endure even the most grueling of battles.

Fein watched them with pride, knowing that they were ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead.

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