
Chapter 638 Poison Island

The party had just left the ruins of the serpent race and were now walking through a dense forest. Sofia and Aoi were curious about the blessing that Zamora had given to Fein. Fein knew it was time to check the description of the blessing.

He took out the small, ancient scroll from his backpack and unrolled it. The scroll was written in an ancient language that only Fein could read. The words glowed softly as he began to read them aloud.

"As the last survivor of the serpent race, I bless you with the power of the ancient serpents. May you be protected from all venom and poison. May you be swift and agile as a serpent. May you have the strength of a thousand serpents. May you be wise as the serpent who tempted Eve. And may you have the ability to communicate with all serpents and understand their ways."

Fein rolled up the scroll and placed it back into his backpack. He looked at Sofia and Aoi who were staring at him with amazement.

"So, what did the blessing say?" Sofia asked eagerly.

Fein smiled and replied, "I am now blessed with the power of the ancient serpents. I am protected from all venom and poison, swift and agile as a serpent, have the strength of a thousand serpents, and can communicate with all serpents and understand their ways."

Aoi\'s eyes widened in awe, "That\'s incredible! You are now even more versatile than before."

Fein nodded, "Yes, I am. Though what\'s the use of communicating with serpents when I have a shadow army? How can I use this power wisely?"

Sofia looked at Fein with a proud expression, "I do not doubt that you will use your new power wisely."

As they continued walking through the dense forest, Fein felt a new sense of confidence and strength. He knew that he had been given a great gift, and it was up to him to use it for his interest.

The forest was alive with the sound of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves. The sun shone down through the trees, dappling the forest floor with light. The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth.


Name: Fein Bonifacio

Race: Absorberus, Perfect Organism

Talent:  S

Class: Wizard

Ratio: 1 in 1,000,000,000 Genius

Energies: SS rank (Degu Energy), SS rank (Magical Power)

Str: SS

Agi: SS

End: SS

Bestowed upon: Blessing of the Serpent Race.

Understanding of the Laws: fire lvl 10, water lvl 4, wind lvl 7, earth lvl 3, thunder lvl 7, ice lvl 15, wood lvl 4, shadow lvl 1, time lvl 0, space lvl 18, darkness lvl 15, light lvl 0, death lvl 17, blood lvl 9, destruction lvl 5, snow lvl 15...

Skills: Swordsmanship Lvl 20 (Grandmaster), Cooking Lvl 20, Climbing Lvl 20, Driving Lvl 20, Spying Lvl 20, Boxing Lvl 20, etc...

Elemental Techniques: Lightning Speed, Elemental Sphere, Elemental Gun, World Tree Domain, Flame Advent, Lightning Flicks, Death Ozone, Decay, High-Temp Adjustment, Low-Temp Adjustment, Blood Lock, Blood Rush State, Destruction Flame...

Degu Abilities: Storage Space, Stats Improvement, Probe, Map, Lottery, Titles, Disease Immunity, Lightning Manipulation (Pseudo-God), Wind Manipulation (Pseudo God), Super Typhoon Domain (Pseudo-Mythical), Greater Resize (Mythical), Golden Human Form (Pseudo-Mythical), Pre-Historic Human Form (Mythical), Phasing, Superspeed, Phasing Punch, Phasing Arrow, Shadow Manipulation.

Additional Abilities: Ghecko Substitution (Mythical), Gene Bank (Mythical), Perfect Transformation (Mythical), Absorption (God), Infinite Magic Power (Mythical)

Gene Bank (Recorded Creatures): Normal Animals, Ravens, Skeleton Warrior, Dark Ghoul, Undead Knight, Mummy, Bee Killers, Golden Giant, White Leopard, Zombie, Vampire, Wolf, High Rank Demon...

Spells: Illusionary Maze (A-rank), Shadow Assassin (A-rank), Rain Meteorite (S-rank), Hellfire (S-rank), Mighty Explosion (S-rank)


Fein, Aoi, and Voli sailed away from the Snake Island, feeling somewhat underwhelmed by their adventure. They were hoping for more action and treasure, but their encounter with Zamora seemed to be the most interesting part of their journey.

As they sailed toward their next destination, Poison Island, Fein spoke up. "I know we didn\'t find much on Snake Island, but let\'s not get discouraged. Our journey is far from over, and there are many more islands to explore."

Aoi nodded, her expression determined. "You\'re right, Fein. We can\'t give up just because one island didn\'t yield any treasure. We\'ll keep searching until we find what we\'re looking for."

Voli chimed in, "Yeah, and who knows? Maybe Poison Island will be full of treasure and adventure!"

As they approached Poison Island, they could see a thick green mist surrounding it, giving it an ominous look. Fein steered the ship closer to the island, trying to find a safe place to dock.

As they got closer, they noticed something strange on the shore. There were no signs of life - no animals, no people, nothing. It was eerie, but they were determined to explore the island and see what it had to offer.

Poison Island is an eerie and desolate place, with jagged cliffs and rocky outcrops jutting out of the sea. The island is covered in thick, tangled vegetation, with trees that seem to reach for the sky and vines that creep along the ground. The air is heavy with the scent of exotic flowers and the distant sound of crashing waves.

As the party approaches the island, they can see that the rocky shoreline is lined with hidden coves and inlets, each one appearing more treacherous than the last. The cliffs are sheer and foreboding, with mist swirling around their bases, giving the island an almost supernatural appearance. The sky is dark and foreboding, with dark clouds that seem to be gathering ominously overhead.

They anchored the ship and made their way onto the island, walking cautiously through the thick mist. The ground was muddy, and the trees were overgrown, making it difficult to see where they were going.

As they walked deeper into the island, they came across a clearing with a large statue in the center. The statue was made of stone and had an inscription on the base. Fein approached the statue and read the inscription aloud.

"It says, \'Only those with pure hearts shall receive the blessings of Poison Island.\'"

Aoi and Voli looked at each other, confused. "What does that mean?" Aoi asked.

Fein shrugged. "I\'m not sure, but it sounds like we need to prove our worth in order to find the treasure on this island. Let\'s continue exploring and see what we can find."

And with that, Fein, Aoi, and Voli continued their adventure, determined to uncover the mysteries of Poison Island and prove their worth to receive its blessings.

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