
Chapter 653 Drastic Change

The police officers could feel their hearts racing as the giant crab and blue humanoid orc approached them, their eyes glinting with malice. The officers, armed with their firearms, opened fire on the monsters, but their bullets bounced off their thick hides with no effect.

As the monsters closed in, the officers realized that they were no match for these otherworldly beasts. They were about to meet their doom when suddenly, Michael and Fey arrived on the scene, moving with a grace and fluidity that the officers had never seen before.

Michael stepped forward, his eyes blazing with an intense light as he drew upon the power of shadows. His hands moved in intricate patterns as he unleashed a barrage of shadowy tendrils that enveloped the crab and orc, crushing them with ease.

Fey, meanwhile, moved with an eerie, ghostly grace as she phased through the monsters, striking them with sharp, precise blows that left them reeling. Her movements were almost too fast for the eye to follow as she danced around the monsters, her body shifting and twisting with impossible flexibility.

The monsters snarled and roared as they lashed out at the two warriors, but Michael and Fey were too fast and too skilled. With a final, devastating blow, Michael shattered the crab into pieces, while Fey dissipated the orc with a chilling burst of icy energy.

The officers stared in amazement as the two warriors stood before them, their bodies wreathed in an aura of power and strength. They had never seen anything like it before, and they knew that they owed their lives to these incredible fighters.

Michael and Fey turned to the officers, their faces calm and composed. "You\'re safe now," Michael said, his voice low and steady. "But you need to get out of here. More monsters are coming."

The officers nodded, still in shock at what they had just witnessed. With trembling hands, they picked up their weapons and backed away, leaving Michael and Fey to face the oncoming horde.

"This is terrible." Michael\'s face was ugly as he witness the stumps of flesh around and the pile of corpses in the area. "Is the world about to end? What the fuck is happening!?"

"I don\'t know, but these monsters are just endless." Fey felt goosebumps as her eyes unconsciously darted to the blood red sky and sea of monster pouring out from them.

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ "Let\'s go. This night is bound to be busy." The ground turned inky black and swallowed Michael and Sofia.


Under the crimson sky, Voli transformed into a towering giant, stretching up to a thousand meters high. His eyes crackled with lightning and his golden fur stood on end as he prepared for the oncoming horde of monsters.

The monsters charged towards him, their grotesque appearances sending shivers down the spines of anyone who witnessed them. There were goblins, trolls, and even some creatures that looked like they were made of rocks.

Without hesitation, Voli raised his massive paw and brought it down hard on the ground, causing the earth to shake and crack beneath him. The impact sent waves of energy rippling out, wiping out a good portion of the monsters that stood before him.

As the remaining monsters charged forward, Voli let out a deafening roar and a bolt of lightning shot from his paw, striking down several creatures in a single blow. The monsters howled in pain as their bodies were scorched by the electrifying energy.

Voli continued his assault, using his lightning powers creatively to wipe out the horde of monsters with ruthless efficiency. He summoned up a whirlwind, lifting dozens of goblins into the air before discharging a bolt of lightning that zapped through them all at once.

He then used his knowledge of science to create a magnetic field, pulling in rocks and debris from the surrounding area and launching them at the remaining monsters with deadly force.

The horde of monsters had no chance against Voli\'s immense power and intelligence. They tried to fight back, but their attempts were futile against the golden bear\'s lightning powers and strategic attacks.

As the last of the monsters fell, Voli let out a victorious roar, his fur crackling with energy. He looked around at the destruction he had wrought.

"Science really improved my abilities... Just like what master always claims, knowledge is power!" Voli grinned.


The past three months had been brutal for humanity. The monsters that had invaded the world were seemingly endless, and even the most powerful organizations were struggling to keep up with them. The death toll had reached an alarming rate, with at least 60% of the human population wiped out. The remaining people were scattered and living in fear, constantly on the move to avoid being attacked by the monsters.

Fein had been doing his best to protect San Fernando country with his shadow army, underworld, and the Eye of the Dark Knight. However, even he knew that it was a losing battle. The monsters were too many and too powerful, and it seemed like there was no end in sight. He sat on his throne, staring at the map of the world with a heavy heart.

"We can\'t keep going like this," he said to his closest allies. "We need to come up with a new plan. We can\'t just keep fighting and losing ground."

Michael nodded in agreement. "We need to find the source of these monsters and destroy it. We can\'t keep fighting an endless battle like this."

Fey spoke up, "We need to gather all the remaining people and form a strong defense. We need to regroup and strategize. We can\'t just keep running away."

Sofia chimed in, "And we need to find more people with unique abilities like us. The more powerful allies we have, the better our chances of defeating the monsters."

They all agreed and began to make a plan. They sent out messages to all the remaining organizations, calling for a meeting to discuss a new strategy. The message spread quickly, and soon representatives from all over the world arrived at their meeting place.

Fein stood before the leaders, "We have all suffered great losses, and we can\'t keep fighting the monsters the same way. We need a new plan, a new strategy, and we need to work together to defeat them."

One by one, the leaders of the organizations stepped forward and shared their ideas. They discussed everything from using advanced technology to finding ancient weapons to even contacting other worlds for help. The meeting went on for days, but in the end, they came up with a plan that had a chance of succeeding.

Fein and his allies worked tirelessly to put the plan into action. They gathered as many people as they could and formed a strong defense. They scoured the world for more people with unique abilities like theirs and trained them to fight. They used advanced technology to create weapons that could take down the monsters.

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