
Chapter 707 Strongest Form

Fein stood frozen, his eyes locked on Niki. This was it, the showdown. He could feel the power emanating from the leader of the Laughing Phantom, and he knew he was outmatched. But he refused to back down, not after all he had been through.

Niki\'s lips twisted into a smirk. "So, Fein, are you ready to give up yet? You can\'t possibly defeat me..."

Fein didn\'t respond, instead focusing his energy on his abilities. He closed his eyes, and a dark aura started to emanate from his body. The air around them grew heavy with the weight of death, and the ground beneath them started to wither and decay.

Niki\'s eyes narrowed as he sensed the danger. He didn\'t hesitate to act, launching himself at Fein with incredible speed. Fein was prepared, however, and he managed to dodge Niki\'s initial attack.

The two fighters engaged in a flurry of blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Fein was quick, but Niki\'s speed was unparalleled. Fein\'s Death Ozone was powerful, but Niki\'s Dark Hand was able to absorb some of the energy.

Fein knew he had to think strategically if he wanted to win. He shifted his focus to his Perfect Transformation ability, quickly cycling through the forms he had absorbed from past battles. He transformed into the Bee Killers, his body covered in a swarm of angry bees. Niki tried to swat them away, but they were relentless.

In the chaos, Fein launched a surprise attack, channeling his Decay ability through his fists. He landed a solid hit on Niki\'s chest, and for a moment, it seemed like he had the upper hand. But Niki\'s body seemed to regenerate almost instantly, and he retaliated with a powerful blast of energy from his Laser Eye.

Fein managed to dodge the beam, but the impact of the blast sent him flying back. He hit the ground hard, his body aching with pain. He struggled to get up, but Niki was already on top of him, his Dark Hand clamped around Fein\'s neck.

Melissa and Kidd watched in horror from the sidelines. Melissa\'s face was contorted with fear and anger, while Kidd\'s expression was blank.

"Fein!" Melissa screamed, tears streaming down her face.

Niki chuckled darkly, tightening his grip on Fein\'s neck. "You fought well, Fein. But in the end, you were no match for me."

Fein felt his consciousness start to slip away. He was on the verge of defeat, but he refused to give up. He summoned all the power he had left, channeling it through his Death Ozone and Decay abilities.

In a burst of energy, Fein managed to break free of Niki\'s grip. He stood up, his eyes blazing with determination. He focused his energy on one final attack, a combination of Death Ozone and Decay that was powerful enough to take down even Niki.

Niki tried to dodge, but Fein\'s attack was too fast. The blast hit Niki head-on, and for a moment, everything went still 

Time stopped completely, only Niki could move. Fein, on the other hand, could move but as slow as a snail. His understanding of the law of the time wasn\'t high enough. 

Niki stepped meters sideways just enough to avoid Fein\'s energy blast. Time stop, even with his SSS-rank energy, has a huge consumption and he can\'t maintain it for five minutes without it draining his degu capacity.


Fein\'s transformation into a massive golden giant combine with pre-historic form couper with golfen mist technique was a sight to behold. The ground shook beneath Niki\'s feet as the Fein who was covered with golden aura, spiking long white hair and ancient presence sent powerful gusts of wind in all directions. The air crackled with magic as Fein prepared to unleash his attacks on Niki, who stood his ground, unaffected by the chaos around him.

eαglesnovel`c,om "You think you can defeat me with that form, Fein?" Niki taunted. "I\'ve seen stronger foes fall at my feet."

Fein growled in response, baring his sharp teeth. "Don\'t underestimate me, Niki. with this form, I\'m thousabd times stronger!"

With a mighty roar, Fein unleashed a barrage of fireballs towards Niki, who dodged them with ease using his hyperspeed. Fein then switched tactics and charged towards Niki, trying to land a physical blow. Niki blocked the attack with his Dark Hand and countered with a swift punch to Fein\'s chest, knocking the wind out of him. Fein stumbled backwards, his dragon form dissipating as he reverted to his human form.

Melissa watched from afar, her heart pounding with fear for her son. She knew Fein was strong, but Niki was on another level. She clenched her fists, wishing there was something she could do to help.

Kidd stood next to her, his expression conflicted. He didn\'t know whether to intervene or let the fight continue. He had betrayed Fein once before, but he couldn\'t just stand by and watch him get hurt.

Meanwhile, Niki was preparing his next move. He extended his hand and a beam of light shot out from his fingertips, aimed directly at Fein. But Fein was quick to react, conjuring a shield of magical energy to block the attack.

"You\'re getting sloppy, Niki," Fein sneered. "I thought you were supposed to be unbeatable."

Niki chuckled. "You\'re not the first one to make that mistake, Fein. But let me show you just how wrong you are."

Niki focused his attention on time manipulation, slowing down the world around him. Fein felt his movements become sluggish, his thoughts muddled. He knew he had to break out of the time warp or he would be at Niki\'s mercy.

Fein closed his eyes and concentrated, gathering all his magical energy into one powerful spell. He opened his eyes and unleashed a massive burst of flame, the heat wave blasting Niki and breaking him out of his time manipulation.

Niki was caught off guard, his laser eye missing its target as Fein continued to spam spells, one after another. Niki tried to dodge them, but Fein\'s attacks were relentless. Fein was starting to feel confident that he could win this fight.

But just as Fein was about to deliver the final blow, Niki disappeared from sight. Fein frantically searched for him, but it was too late. Niki reappeared behind Fein, his hand glowing with dark energy. Fein turned around, but it was too late. Niki\'s hand slammed into his chest, sending him flying backwards.

Fein lay on the ground, gasping for breath as he struggled to get back up. Niki walked towards him, a sinister smile on his face.

"You fought well, Fein," Niki said. "But in the end, you were no match for me."

Melissa rushed over to Fein\'s side, tears streaming down her face. Kidd looked away, unable to face his former friend.

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