
Chapter 730 End Of The Waves

Finally, the shadow emperors unleashed their ultimate abilities. Death god\'s scythe glowed with an ominous light, and he swung it with all his might, creating a shockwave that obliterated the remaining crows. Fallen Arc Angel called upon the power of the heavens, and a beam of holy light descended from the sky, purging the last of the resurrected monsters.

Fenrir and One-eyed ghoul stood before the dark cloak monster, panting heavily. The monster was weakened, its body covered in wounds. With a fierce howl, Fenrir pounced on the monster, his jaws closing around its neck. The monster let out a final, guttural scream before disintegrating into ash.

The shadow lords and degu users let out a collective sigh of relief. The battle was won, but at a great cost. The casualties were high, and the damage to the stronghold and surrounding area was catastrophic.

Fein appeared before the group, his expression grim. "You guys did a good gob. But now, let me take care of the final wave."

The group nodded in agreement, their faces solemn. The fight was far from over, but they knew that they had each other and the shadow emperors on their side. They would fight until the bitter end, no matter what was thrown their way. 

"With Lord Fein making a move, our chances became even higher!\'


eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ As Fein faced the last wave of monsters, he stood tall and proud. His golden aura that exudes an ancient presence was pulsating with power and his long white air gave him a wild regal aura. The monsters were unlike anything he had ever faced before, towering beasts that made even the shadow lords seem small in comparison. There was a giant ape, its fur matted and stained with blood, a crocodile with razor-sharp teeth, a T-rex that dwarfed even the other monsters, and a giant abomination that defied description.

They charged through the hail of swords, their massive bodies tearing up the ground beneath them. As the monsters drew closer, Fein leapt into action, unsheathing his sword with a blinding flash of white light. He moved with incredible speed, darting between the beasts and slicing through their thick hides like butter.

The crocodile tried to snap at him with its jaws, but Fein effortlessly dodged its attack and cut off its head with a single strike. The giants were furious now, and they attacked with even more ferocity.

Fein responded by unleashing his World Tree Domain, and suddenly hundreds of massive trees sprouted from the ground, their thick trunks and branches impaling the monsters and trapping them in a deadly forest. But the beasts were not so easily defeated, and they began to use their own powers to break free.

The abomination let out a deafening roar, and suddenly a shockwave rippled through the air, shattering the trees and sending Fein flying backwards. Fein landed hard on the ground, but he quickly got back to his feet, his eyes glowing with power. He knew he had to finish this quickly, before the monsters could launch another attack. He summoned his Super Typhoon Domain, and suddenly the sky turned dark and stormy, with wind and rain battering the giants from all sides.

As the beasts struggled against the elements, Fein unleashed his Greater Resize ability, growing to a towering height of 1000 meters. He towered over the monsters like a god, his golden aura pulsing with power. The monsters were terrified now, but they still fought on, determined to defeat this powerful opponent. The T-rex lunged at Fein with its massive jaws, but Fein caught it with one hand and squeezed it until its bones snapped.

The other monsters attacked with even more fury, but Fein was too powerful for them to overcome. He used his Sword Light ability to slice through their massive bodies like butter, his sword flashing with blinding speed. In the end, Fein stood alone on the battlefield, his golden aura still pulsing with power.

The monsters lay dead at his feet, their massive bodies torn apart by the power boost he obtained with the combination of his golden form and pre-historic form that were further strengthened after he grew 1000 meters.


As the battle came to a close, the air filled with the stench of death and decay. The degu users, who had fought bravely alongside Fein, now mourned their fallen comrades. Fein looked around at the somber faces of the citizens and degu users and knew that he had to say something to honor those who had given their lives for the cause.

\'It seems it\'s time to make a speech and give them a dose of my talk no jutsu.\' Fein stood before the crowd and spoke, his voice filled with emotion. "Today, we lost many brave warriors. But they did not die in vain. They fought for a better future for us all. They fought to protect their loved ones, their homes, and their land. We will never forget their sacrifice."

The citizens and degu users nodded in agreement, tears streaming down their faces. They knew that their friends and family members had died for a noble cause, and their memories would live on forever.

Fein then gave orders to the remaining degu users to start organizing the bodies of the fallen. The citizens helped to dig graves, and together they laid the bodies to rest. It was a solemn scene, as the sound of shovels hitting the ground filled the air.

The degu users who had survived the battle paid their respects to their fallen comrades, laying flowers and other tokens of remembrance on their graves. Fein watched them silently, his heart heavy with sorrow.

As the sun began to set, the group gathered once more. Fein spoke again, his voice strong and inspiring. "We may have lost many warriors today, but we have gained something far more valuable. We have gained the knowledge that we are stronger together. We have gained the knowledge that we will not be defeated. We will rebuild, we will grow stronger, and we will honor the memory of those who have given their lives for us."

The citizens and degu users cheered, a sense of hope filling the air. They knew that they would never forget the sacrifice of their fallen comrades, and they would continue to fight for a better future.

Fein walked away, his head held high, knowing that the legacy of the fallen warriors would live on forever. The degu users and citizens followed him, walking in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they neared the stronghold, the group stopped and looked out at the battlefield, now quiet and still. The sun had set, casting a golden glow over the scene. Fein looked out at the bodies of the fallen, and then turned to the group. "Let us go, my friends. We have much work to do, but we will honor the memory of our fallen comrades every step of the way."

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