
Chapter 734 Circle Of Friends

Fein cleared his throat and opened the door to the interview room. He scanned the room and saw the first suspect seated in front of him, hands folded on the table, looking at him with an expressionless face. He took a deep breath and sat across from the suspect.

Fein had a list of suspects in front of him. He looked at each one carefully, trying to read their expressions and body language. He cleared his throat and began the interrogation.

"First on the list is David. What were you doing on the night of the murder?" Fein asked, his eyes fixed on David.

"I was at home, watching TV," David replied confidently.

"And you didn\'t leave your house at all?" Fein asked again.

"No, I didn\'t. I swear," David answered.

Fein made a note on his pad and moved on to the next suspect. "What about you, Maria? Where were you on the night of the murder?"

"I was at the gym, working out. I have a gym membership, so I can go there anytime I want," Maria said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

"And you didn\'t see or talk to the victim that night?" Fein asked.

eαglesnovel`c,om "No, I didn\'t. I was focused on my workout," Maria replied.

Fein jotted down some notes and moved on to the next suspect. "How about you, John? What\'s your alibi?"

"I was at the library, studying for my exams. I have witnesses who can vouch for me," John said, looking confident.

Fein nodded and made a note on his pad. "Thank you, John. And what about you, Lisa? Where were you on the night of the murder?"

"I was at home, taking care of my sick child. She had a fever, so I couldn\'t leave her alone," Lisa said, her eyes filling with tears.

Fein looked at Lisa sympathetically and made a note on his pad. "I\'m sorry to hear that. Can anyone confirm that you were at home that night?"

"Yes, my husband was with me," Lisa replied.

Fein continued the interrogation, asking each suspect about their alibi and relationship with the victim. He made sure to take detailed notes and look for any inconsistencies. The tension in the room was palpable as each suspect tried to clear their name.

After a while, Fein finished the interviews and gathered all the information he needed. He left the room, his mind racing with possibilities and potential leads. It was clear to him that this was going to be a difficult case, but he was determined to get to the bottom of it.


As Fein analyzed the information gathered from the interviews, he couldn\'t help but feel frustrated. None of the suspects seemed to have any inconsistencies in their alibis, making it difficult for Fein to pinpoint a prime suspect.

He leaned against the bathroom wall and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to clear his mind. Fein knew he had to approach the case from a different angle, and he began to piece together a new plan of action. After a few moments of reflection, he stood up and walked out of the bathroom.

Fein opens his eyes and stands up from the bathroom floor, taking a deep breath. He knows that David is the prime suspect, but he needs more than just his intuition to pin him down. He walks out of the bathroom and went to David\'s address, he saw him sitting in a small, cramped tree house.

"David, let\'s cut to the chase. I know you did it. I just need you to confess," Fein says, staring intently at David.

"I didn\'t do it, Fein. I swear," David replies, his voice shaking slightly.

Fein leans forward and fixes his gaze on David. "You\'re the only one with a motive and the means to commit this crime. And your alibi doesn\'t hold up. You dare to lie to me earlier. Fein\'s tone of voice turned sarcastic. "I was at home, watching TV my ass... Care to explain why you were seen near the crime scene around the time of the murder?"

David looks down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers. "I was just taking a walk. I didn\'t go near the victim\'s house."

Fein\'s eyes narrow. "You expect me to believe that? The witness identified you, David. And your DNA was found at the scene."

David\'s face falls, and he looks up at Fein. "Okay, fine. I was there. But I didn\'t kill him. I swear, Fein."

Fein takes a step back, his eyes still locked on David. "Then what were you doing there?"

David takes a deep breath and begins to speak. "I was meeting with Maria. We had a deal. But when I got there, the door was unlocked, and the house was a mess. I saw the body and panicked. I didn\'t know what to do, so I ran."

Fein leans back in his chair, contemplating David\'s story. "And what was this deal with Maria about?"

David hesitates before answering. "She wanted me to help her with something. Something illegal. I didn\'t want to do it, but she threatened me."

Fein\'s eyes narrow. "Threatened you how?"

David takes another deep breath. "She said she had dirt on me. Something that could ruin my career and my reputation. I couldn\'t take that risk."

Fein nods slowly, considering David\'s words. "Okay, David. That\'s all for now. We\'ll be in touch." With that, Fein stands up and leaves the interrogation room, his mind racing with possibilities.


Fein\'s suspicions were shifting towards Maria as he analyzed the information gathered from David\'s interrogation. He believed that Maria had a stronger motive to commit the crime than any of the other suspects. Fein decided to start investigating the victim\'s close friends to determine if any of them had a conflict with the victim that might have led to the murder.

Fein started with Lisa, the victim\'s childhood friend and also one of the suspects he interviewed before. She seemed nervous and uneasy when Fein approached her, which made him even more suspicious.

"Lisa, can you tell me about your relationship with the victim?" Fein asked, keeping his voice calm and steady.

"We were close friends since we were kids. We went to the same school and grew up in the same neighborhood," Lisa replied, fidgeting with her hands.

"Did you have any conflicts with the victim recently?" Fein pressed further.

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