
Chapter 741 The Winner

The announcer\'s voice filled the arena once again, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, the question on everyone\'s mind: can Manny Crackman, the current undefeated eight-division world champion, conquer the heavyweight division and become a ninth-division champion, making history in the process? Or will Gondang maintain his iron grip on the heavyweight title?"

Fein leaned in to Luen and whispered, "This is going to be one hell of a match." Luen nodded in agreement, a look of anticipation on his face.

Meanwhile, Voli\'s eyes were glued to the two boxers, studying their movements and analyzing their techniques. His tail twitched with excitement as he watched the two champions prepare for the fight of their lives.

The announcer\'s voice boomed once more, "Ladies and gentlemen, let\'s get ready to rumble!" The crowd erupted into cheers as the two boxers took their corners, ready to face off in the ring.


Fein, Voli, and Luen watched in awe as the two boxers entered the ring. Manny Crackman had a relaxed expression on his face while Gondang looked determined. The announcer\'s voice boomed through the stadium, introducing the two fighters once again.

"The time has come, ladies and gentlemen! In this corner, weighing in at 150 pounds, the eight-division world champion, Manny Crackman!"

The crowd roared as Manny raised his fist in the air. He looked so small compared to Gondang, but Fein knew that size didn\'t always matter in the ring.

"And in this corner, weighing in at 220 pounds, the current heavyweight world champion, Gondang!"

The crowd erupted into an even louder cheer as Gondang flexed his muscles. The bell rang, signaling the start of the first round.

Manny quickly circled around Gondang, bobbing and weaving to avoid his opponent\'s punches. Gondang, on the other hand, stood his ground, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Fein watched in amazement as the two boxers exchanged blows. Manny moved with lightning-fast speed, dodging Gondang\'s punches and counterattacking with precise jabs and hooks. Gondang\'s punches, on the other hand, were heavy and powerful, sending shockwaves through the ring whenever they connected.

The two fighters continued to dance around each other, throwing punches and dodging attacks. The crowd roared with every hit and miss. Fein could feel the intensity of the fight in his bones.

Suddenly, Manny landed a solid punch on Gondang\'s jaw. Gondang stumbled back, but quickly regained his footing. He retaliated with a powerful uppercut, but Manny managed to avoid it by a hair\'s breadth.

The sound of the bell signaled the end of the first round. The two fighters retreated to their corners, taking deep breaths and wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

As they prepared for the next round, Fein noticed the damage that the fight had caused. The ropes of the ring were frayed, and the canvas was torn in several places. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and blood.

The second round began, and the two boxers resumed their dance of punches and dodges. Manny was quicker on his feet, darting in and out of Gondang\'s range, but Gondang was more powerful, his punches sending shockwaves through the ring with each hit.

Fein watched as the two fighters continued to trade blows, neither one giving an inch. Manny\'s face was bruised and bloodied, but he still fought with the same intensity as before. Gondang, on the other hand, looked more determined than ever.

The bell rang again, signaling the end of the second round. The two boxers retreated to their corners once more, panting and sweating.

Fein could hardly contain his excitement. He had never seen such an intense fight before. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and shouting.

As the third round began, Fein knew that anything could happen. Both fighters were giving it their all, and neither one was backing down. The air was charged with electricity, and Fein could feel the tension building with every passing moment.

The fight continued, the two boxers exchanging blow after blow. Suddenly, Gondang landed a powerful punch on Manny\'s chin, sending him reeling back. Fein held his breath, wondering if Manny would be able to recover.

But Manny didn\'t give up. He shook his head, wiped the blood from his mouth, and lunged back into the fight with renewed vigor.

The bell rang again, signaling the end of the third round. Fein couldn\'t help but rubbed his temples from the intensity of the fight. 

A minute later...

As the bell rang, signaling the start of the fourth round, Manny Crackman and Gondang went straight at it, each trying to gain the upper hand. The two boxers had already traded numerous blows in the previous rounds, leaving both of them bruised and bloodied.

Manny, with his smaller frame and quick footwork, danced around Gondang, trying to find an opening. Gondang, on the other hand, stood his ground and relied on his size and strength to overpower Manny. As they circled around the ring, Gondang threw a powerful punch that Manny barely managed to dodge.

Manny accelerated, before unleashing a flurry of punches. Gondang blocked most of them, but Manny\'s speed and agility allowed him to land a few solid hits on Gondang\'s face and body.

Gondang grunted in pain, but he refused to back down. He countered with a hook that Manny barely managed to avoid. The crowd roared as the two fighters continued to trade punches, with neither of them giving an inch.

Suddenly, Gondang landed a solid punch on Manny\'s stomach, causing Manny to double over in pain. Gondang took advantage of the opening and landed a vicious uppercut on Manny\'s chin. Manny stumbled back, his vision blurred.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Gondang saw his chance and rushed forward to finish the fight. But Manny, with his quick reflexes, managed to dodge Gondang\'s next punch and retaliated with a fierce left hook that caught Gondang off-guard.

The blow landed squarely on Gondang\'s liver, causing him to stagger and lose his balance. He stumbled backwards, his legs wobbling, before finally falling to the mat.

The referee rushed over to start the ten count, but Gondang didn\'t move. The crowd fell silent as they watched the medical team rush into the ring to attend to Gondang.

Manny, on the other hand, raised his fists in victory. Despite the intense pain he felt all over his body, he managed to pull off an upset against the much larger and stronger Gondang.

As Manny was declared the winner, the audience erupted into cheers and applause. The boxing ring, already battered from the previous rounds, now bore the marks of the intense battle between the two fighters. Blood stains and sweat covered the mat, and the ropes that surrounded the ring sagged from the weight of the fighters.

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