
Chapter 769 Plan On Magic Powers

Fein woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He immediately sat up and stretched his arms and legs. He got off the bed and walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for his mother. He opened the fridge and found some eggs, ham, and vegetables. He decided to cook omelets for both of them.

"Good morning, mother. I cooked breakfast for us," Fein said as he walked into his mother\'s room. His mother, who was already awake, smiled at him.

"Good morning, Fein. Thank you for cooking," she said as she sat up on her bed.

Fein and his mother enjoyed their breakfast together. Afterward, he went to take a bath. The warm water washed away his sleepiness, and he felt refreshed. He then proceeded to practice his swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Fein grabbed his sword and started with some basic moves. His sword moved swiftly and gracefully, showing his years of training. He then moved on to more complex techniques, incorporating dodges, blocks, and counter-attacks. His moves became faster and more precise as he practiced.

After an hour of sword practice, Fein decided to meditate to clear his mind. He sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes. He focused on his breathing and let go of all his thoughts. He felt calm and centered, and his mind felt refreshed.

Fein opened his eyes and stood up. He stretched his arms and legs and smiled. He felt energized and ready to face the day\'s challenges.

As he walked back into the house, he saw his mother reading a book. "I\'m going out for a while, mother. I\'ll be back later," he said as he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.

The sun was high up in the sky, and the streets were bustling with people. Fein walked around and explored the city for a while before deciding to grab some lunch. He found a small restaurant that served his favorite dish, spicy stir-fried noodles.

After eating, he walked around some more before deciding to head back home. As he walked, he couldn\'t help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures in life, like cooking for his mother, practicing swordsmanship, and enjoying a good meal.

Fein arrived home in the late afternoon, feeling content and satisfied. He spent the rest of the day helping his mother with some household chores and reading a book. As he lay in bed that night, Fein felt at peace with himself and the world around him.

The sun slowly began to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. Fein and Voli had been lounging in the sun for hours, lost in their conversation.

Fein and Voli lay on the grass, soaking up the sun\'s warmth on a lazy afternoon. The air was pleasantly warm, and the gentle breeze kept them cool. Voli had his head propped up with his paws in front of him, and Fein was lying on his back, arms behind his head.

Voli spoke up first, breaking the peaceful silence. "You know, Fein, I\'ve been thinking about the laws of thermodynamics. It\'s fascinating how energy can\'t be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted."

Fein chuckled. "Ah, the laws of thermodynamics. I remember talking about that topic with you last time. You\'re still that interested with science huh..."

They continued to chat, sharing scientific analogies with each other in a light-hearted manner. Fein was grateful for moments like these where he could relax and have a good time with his companion.

As they spoke, Fein couldn\'t help but notice the way Voli\'s ears perked up with interest when he mentioned certain topics. He also observed how Voli\'s tail would wag with excitement whenever he made a particularly funny joke. It was a small but heartwarming sight that made Fein smile.

The sun slowly began to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the field. Fein stretched his arms and let out a contented sigh. "It\'s been a great day, Voli. Thanks for keeping me company."

Voli licked Fein\'s cheek affectionately in response, and Fein couldn\'t help but laugh. He got up from the grass and dusted himself off, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from their conversation.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ As they made their way back home, Fein felt a sense of peace wash over him. It was rare for him to have moments like this where he could let his guard down and just enjoy life\'s simple pleasures. He made a mental note to cherish these moments and make time for them in the future.

Eventually, they arrived back at their home, and Fein bid Voli goodnight before heading inside. He couldn\'t wait to get some rest and see what new discoveries awaited him in the world of science tomorrow.


Fein stood on the balcony of their house, gazing up at the glowing moon with a distant look in his eyes. He was deep in thought, lost in his own mind as he contemplated his next move. He had already wiped out the Evil Sect and ensured that the superpower serum was on track. Now the next thing is his magic power... he knew he needed more knowledge to fully grasp the extent of magic power and learn spells.

He had been planning to disguise himself as a demon and infiltrate their society for some time now, but he was unsure of the risks and potential consequences. He knew that demons were a dangerous species, and if he were to be discovered, the consequences could be dire.

Fein sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair as he continued to stare up at the moon. "It\'s the only way," he muttered to himself. "I need to understand more about magic power and the demon society."

As he spoke, his expression grew more determined. He knew what he had to do, and he was ready to face the risks to achieve his goals. He turned and walked back into his mansion, heading towards his study to begin his preparations.

The study was dimly lit, with only a few candles flickering on the desk. Fein sat down in his chair, pulling out a map of the demon territories and a notebook. He began to scribble down notes, making plans for his disguise and how he would blend in with the demons. For disguise... Well, he has high-ranking demon bloodline so it won\'t be a problem. The first part of his plan is too find a way to enter the Abyss. To do that, he needs to gather information and make contact with demons.

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