
Chapter 782 Demons' Cruelty

As the Milea soldiers celebrated their successful defense against the demon attack, Berthold, Raveus, and Germund were already planning their next move. They knew that they couldn\'t let the Milea Kingdom rest and gather their strength, so they decided to send their most powerful demon, Gloria, to breach the kingdom\'s walls.

Berthold\'s deep voice echoed in Gloria\'s mind, "Gloria, our most powerful magic caster, we have a task for you. We need you to use your \'sun mimic\' spell to pierce a hole in the Milea Kingdom\'s wall. Make sure it is big enough for our army to pass through. Then, you must retreat immediately."

Raveus added, "Make sure to be discreet, Gloria. We don\'t want the Milea soldiers to detect your presence. If you are captured, we won\'t be able to help you."

Germund finished, "You have the power to make this happen, Gloria. Don\'t disappoint us."

Gloria nodded silently and disappeared into the darkness. She focused her energy and cast the spell, magnifying the sun rays to create a piercing beam of light that broke through the Milea Kingdom\'s wall. The hole was big enough for a small army to pass through. After she finished her task, she retreated as instructed.

eαglesnᴏνel The Milea soldiers were caught off guard by the sudden attack. They panicked as they saw the large hole in their wall. They quickly gathered their forces to defend their kingdom, but they knew that they were in a vulnerable position.

Captain Adira, one of the leaders of the Milea soldiers, shouted, "We must block that hole immediately! Don\'t let the demons enter our kingdom!"

The demons gathered together, their eyes glowing with excitement. They had successfully breached the Milea Kingdom\'s borders and created a hole in the wall using Gloria\'s magic spell. Now, it was time for the surprise attack.

Berthold, Raveus, and Germund stood at the back of the group, their minds focused on coordinating the attack. They sent out instructions to their troops using telepathy, just like a chess player moving pieces on a board.

"Enter to the hole, split into three groups and attack multiple targets at once," Berthold ordered.

Raveus added, "Create confusion and chaos among the kingdom\'s defenders. Make them think we are attacking from all sides."

Germund nodded in agreement and said, "Focus on causing damage to the infrastructure, take out their communication towers, and block their escape routes."

The troops nodded their understanding and split up into three groups, each led by a demon commander. They moved with stealth and precision, attacking their targets simultaneously. The sound of explosions and screams filled the air as the Milea Kingdom\'s defenders were caught off guard.

Berthold, Raveus, and Germund watched from a distance, their eyes scanning the chaos. They continued to send out instructions to their troops, making sure they were on track.

"Attack the barracks and armory next," Raveus said.

Berthold added, "Use your fire spells to cause maximum damage."

Germund chimed in, "Take out their supply lines, cut off their food and weapons."

The troops moved quickly and efficiently, following their orders to the letter. The Milea Kingdom\'s defenders were in disarray, struggling to keep up with the onslaught.

The Milea soldiers were caught off guard by the surprise demon attack, and chaos erupted in the battlefield. The demons were everywhere, attacking from every direction, and the soldiers were quickly overwhelmed.

Andre and Nicole were among the soldiers who were fighting for their lives. They were backed up against a wall, surrounded by demons. Andre was sweating profusely, his breathing heavy and labored.

"We can\'t hold them off much longer!" Andre shouted to Nicole. "We need to retreat!"

Nicole nodded, her face contorted with fear. "I know, but where do we go?"

Suddenly, a demon lunged at them from behind, and Nicole screamed. Dean and Sam appeared out of nowhere, slicing the demon in half with their swords.

"Get to the southern gate!" Dean yelled to them. "It\'s still holding! We\'ll cover you!"

Castiel appeared next to them, his eyes blazing with fierce determination. "Go," he said firmly. "I will join you shortly."

The soldiers ran as fast as they could, pushing their way through the crowds of demons. They could hear the sounds of battle raging behind them, and they knew that many of their comrades were falling.

As they ran, they stumbled upon a group of soldiers who were huddled together in a panic. One of them, a young man named Sam, was weeping uncontrollably.

"I don\'t want to die," Sam sobbed. "I don\'t want to die."

Dean placed a hand on his shoulder. "We\'re not going to die, Sam," he said firmly. "We\'re going to fight our way out of here."

But it was too late. A group of demons had spotted them and were charging towards them. Dean and Castiel stepped forward to meet them head-on, but the demons were too powerful. One by one, the soldiers fell, screaming and writhing in agony.

Nicole watched in horror as her comrades died one after another. She felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, and she knew that she was next.

As the demons continued their attack, the Milea soldiers began to fall back, their ranks thinning. They had underestimated the demons and were caught off guard by their tactics.

The demons watched with satisfaction as their plan unfolded, their eyes gleaming with victory. They had succeeded in causing chaos and confusion among the Milea Kingdom\'s defenders, leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

The Milea soldiers fell to the ground one by one, exhausted and defeated. They had fought bravely, but in the end, they were no match for the demons\' power and cunning.

The once peaceful streets of Milea were now filled with the sounds of screams and chaos. The demons had launched a full-scale attack, and the Milea soldiers were no match for their ferocity. As the demons continued their rampage, the exhausted soldiers could do nothing but watch in horror.

One demon lunged towards a woman who was clutching her young child tightly. The woman tried to run, but the demon was too fast. It grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air, the child still in her arms. The woman screamed in terror as the demon sunk its teeth into her neck, tearing out her throat. The child\'s cries echoed through the street as the demon tossed the lifeless body aside.

Another demon set fire to a nearby building, the flames quickly spreading to the neighboring structures. People were trapped inside, screaming and pounding on the windows in a desperate attempt to escape. But it was all for naught. The flames consumed everything in their path, and soon the building collapsed in on itself with a deafening roar.

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