
Chapter 788 Inner Ghost

As the doors to the royal hall swung open, General Qin Mo led his team into the grand chamber. The king, sitting upon his majestic throne, greeted them with a mixture of relief and gratitude.

"General Qin Mo, welcome," the king said, his voice filled with a blend of weariness and determination. "I cannot express how grateful we are for the reinforcements the Clover Kingdom has sent."

General Qin Mo bowed respectfully, his eyes locked with the king\'s. "Your Majesty, we are honored to stand by your side in this time of need. Our kingdoms may be separate, but our destinies are entwined. If one falls, the other will surely follow."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The king nodded, a flicker of admiration crossing his face. "Your words ring true, General Qin Mo. I appreciate your straightforwardness and your understanding of the situation at hand. We must face this threat together, united."

General Qin Mo straightened his posture, his voice carrying a sense of resolve. "Indeed, Your Majesty. We must combine our strengths and strategies to overcome this darkness. We shall not falter."

The king\'s gaze shifted to the solemn faces of General Qin Mo\'s team, acknowledging their dedication and sacrifice. "I commend each and every one of you for your bravery and commitment. The sacrifices you have made to come to our aid will not be forgotten."

He paused for a moment, his expression turning somber. "I must inform you of the current situation. The demons have ravaged our lands, causing immense devastation. Countless innocent lives have been lost, and our cities lie in ruins. We are fighting a formidable enemy, but with your assistance, I believe we can turn the tide."

General Qin Mo\'s eyes hardened, his jaw set with determination. "Your Majesty, we are prepared to do whatever it takes to protect your kingdom and its people. We will not rest until these demons are vanquished."

The king nodded, a mixture of gratitude and concern in his eyes. "I have faith in your abilities, General Qin Mo. May our combined forces bring an end to this darkness and restore peace to our lands."

As the discussion between the king and General Qin Mo continued in the royal hall, the king\'s gaze turned introspective. He began to delve into his speculations regarding the orchestrators behind the scenes, the masterminds who had strategically paralyzed the Milea Kingdom with their demon troops. The room fell into a hushed silence, anticipation filling the air as the king shared his insights.

The king leaned forward in his throne, his eyes narrowed in deep contemplation. "General Qin Mo, I have been pondering the actions of these demon troops, and it is becoming increasingly clear to me that they are not acting haphazardly. Their maneuvers possess a calculated precision, as if guided by a mastermind."

General Qin Mo\'s brows furrowed, mirroring the king\'s contemplative expression. "Your Majesty, you believe there is a puppeteer pulling the strings, directing these demon forces?"

The king nodded slowly, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and determination. "Indeed, General Qin Mo. The demons\' tactics display an eerie similarity to that of a skilled chess player. It is as if they are executing a grandmaster\'s strategy on the battlefield."

He leaned back in his throne, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "Their ability to anticipate our movements, exploit our weaknesses, and counter our every move is astonishing. It is as if they have studied our forces, our strategies, and adapted their own accordingly."

General Qin Mo\'s eyes widened in realization. "You believe they have been observing us, studying our tactics and strategies, to use them against us?"

The king nodded, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and concern. "Indeed, General. The level of strategic thinking displayed by these demons suggests a deep understanding of our military structure and tactics. They have found ways to paralyze our defenses, leaving us seemingly helpless."

His gaze hardened, a fire of determination flickering in his eyes. "But we will not succumb to their manipulation. We will rise above their cunning and prove that the human spirit cannot be easily subdued."

General Qin Mo\'s face broke into a determined smile, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. "Your Majesty, rest assured that we will analyze their strategies, uncover their weaknesses, and use their own game against them. We will not allow them to control the flow of this battle any longer."

The king nodded, a mix of relief and gratitude washing over him. "I have faith in your abilities, General Qin Mo. Your presence here gives me hope, and together, we shall uncover the true puppeteers and bring an end to their reign of terror."

General Qin Mo\'s eyes narrowed as he pondered the unsettling realization. "Your Majesty, forgive me for raising this doubt, but how is it possible that the demons possess such comprehensive information about the inner workings of the Milea Kingdom? Their knowledge seems too precise, too detailed to be merely coincidental."

The king\'s expression darkened, a veil of sadness washing over his features. He leaned back in his throne, his voice filled with a heavy sense of disappointment. "General Qin Mo, your doubt is justified. I too have questioned this aspect, and the unfortunate truth is that there may be a traitor lurking within our midst."

General Qin Mo\'s eyes widened in disbelief, his voice laced with a mix of shock and anger. "A traitor, Your Majesty? Someone who betrays their own people for the sake of these demons?"

The king nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on an unseen point in the distance. "Yes, General. It pains me to say it, but it seems likely that there is a spy, an inner ghost, who has been leaking sensitive information to the demons. Their intimate knowledge of our kingdom\'s defenses, our strategies, and even our weaknesses is too precise to be explained otherwise."

A profound sadness settled upon the king\'s countenance, his eyes reflecting the weight of the revelation. "To think that there may be one among us who would betray their own brethren, their own homeland... It is a betrayal that cuts deep, leaving scars that may never fully heal."

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