
Chapter 792 Will Of Fire

As General Qin Mo received the information from Fein\'s Chimera Ant, Germund, Raveus, and Berthold were planning their next move in a shadowy cave in the North. The sound of owls echoed in the cave as they discussed their plan.

Germund leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he spoke. "The Skewer Attack. It\'s the perfect plan to take out the kingdom\'s leaders." Raveus and Berthold nodded in agreement.

"We\'ll send a team of assassins to target the most important people in the kingdom," Raveus said. "We\'ll use our telepathy to locate them and coordinate the attack."

Berthold chimed in, "We\'ll take out the most important pieces on the board, leaving the kingdom vulnerable and disorganized."

Germund sat back and stroked his chin. "Yes, and we\'ll do it quickly and quietly. The kingdom won\'t know what hit them."

Raveus nodded. "And once we take out their leaders, chaos will ensue. We can take advantage of the situation and move in for the kill."

Berthold grinned, "The kingdom will be ours for the taking."

They continued to discuss the details of their plan, mapping out every step of the way. The sound of owls outside the cave added to the eerie atmosphere.

Germund\'s face was intense as he spoke, his eyes fixed on the map in front of him. Raveus\'s body language was confident as he laid out the telepathic coordination plan. Berthold was quiet, but his eyes flickered with excitement as he imagined the success of the mission.

As they finished their plan, Germund stood up and looked at Raveus and Berthold. "We\'ll inform our troops to strike at dawn. Be ready."


After finalizing their plan in the shadowy cave, Germund, Raveus, and Berthold set their sights on executing the Skewer Attack. Meanwhile, the king stood on the balcony, ready to address the people of the kingdom. General Qin Mo stood steadfastly by his side.

The sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow across the city. The king, dressed in regal attire, stepped onto the balcony overlooking the bustling streets below. The crowd gathered before him, their faces filled with weariness and despair. But as their eyes met the king\'s, a glimmer of hope ignited within them.

With a commanding presence, the king raised his hand, calling for silence. The crowd hushed, their attention solely on their beloved ruler. His voice echoed through the air, reaching the ears and hearts of every citizen.

"My loyal subjects," the king began, his voice carrying a mix of authority and compassion. "We have faced countless trials and tribulations. The demons have tested our resolve, but we shall not falter."

His words were infused with a fervent conviction, each syllable resounding with determination. The king\'s eyes shone with unwavering resolve as he spoke of the kingdom\'s will of fire, its burning desire for peace and prosperity.

"Our unity is our strength," he declared, his voice rising above the cheers and applause. "In the face of adversity, we must stand as one. We are bound by a common purpose, to protect our homes, our loved ones, and our way of life."

As the king spoke, General Qin Mo stood tall and unwavering beside him. His expression was stoic, his eyes fixed on the crowd. His presence radiated a sense of reliability and strength, mirroring the king\'s unwavering resolve.

The king\'s speech took a philosophical turn, delving into the deeper meaning of their struggle. He spoke of the importance of unity, the triumph of light over darkness, and the indomitable spirit of the Milea Kingdom.

With each word, the king\'s voice resonated with the people, stirring a renewed sense of hope within their hearts. Their hollowed eyes began to shine with a glimmer of optimism, their weariness momentarily lifted.

The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, their faith in their king rekindled. They saw in him a beacon of hope, a leader who would guide them through the darkest of times.

The king concluded his speech, his voice filled with unwavering determination. The crowd remained silent for a moment, absorbing the weight of his words, before erupting into a resounding roar of approval.

As the king\'s persuasive speech echoed throughout the kingdom, Germund, Raveus, and Berthold watched with their advisor\'s eyes from a hidden vantage point. Their expressions were marked with contempt and condescension as they watched the civilians respond to the king\'s words with hopeful enthusiasm.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Ha!" Germund scoffed, "The weak will always remain weak. They cling to their precious will of fire like children to their toys."

"Will of fire, huh?" Germund sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "What a quaint and feeble belief. They think that by clinging to this idea, they can overcome any adversity."

Raveus chimed in, "This speech is nothing but empty words, meant to placate the masses and keep them docile."

Berthold nodded in agreement, "Indeed, the king\'s words are nothing but a feeble attempt to keep his subjects under his thumb. He has no real power or authority."

Raveus chuckled darkly, his voice laced with scorn. "It\'s amusing how they place their hopes in something as intangible as a flickering flame. It only serves to reveal their weakness and their desperate need for something to believe in."

Berthold smirked, his expression cruel and cold. "The will of fire is just an illusion, a comforting lie they tell themselves. In the face of true power, it crumbles like ash."

Their conversation carried an undertone, subtly conveying the meaning of the "will of fire." To them, it symbolized the blind faith and vulnerability of the masses, who clung to a belief system that provided false hope. The trio saw themselves as superior, unbound by such illusions, and reveled in their own strength and cruelty.

Their cruel smiles widened as they continued to mock the concept, reveling in their own perceived superiority. They believed that the weak, who placed their faith in the will of fire, were destined to be consumed by the flames they so desperately clung to.

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