
Chapter 898 The Demon God

A demon with wide eyes chimed in, their voice filled with excitement. "Oh yeah, that makes sense! Maybe it\'s a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. We should gather a team and go on a treasure hunt!"

Meanwhile, in a quieter corner, a more somber conversation took place. A demon with a concerned expression shared their thoughts, "I don\'t know, guys. This earthquake felt different. It felt powerful, almost... otherworldly. I can\'t shake the feeling that there\'s something more to it."

Another demon nodded in agreement, their voice tinged with worry. "You might be onto something. It\'s like the very fabric of the realm was shaken. We should be cautious and keep an eye out for any strange occurrences."

As the demons conversed, their expressions varied from amusement to skepticism to genuine concern. They threw around ideas, debated possibilities, and tried to make sense of the unexplainable. Some dismissed it as a prank, while others searched for deeper meanings.

Little did they know, the true cause of the earthquake lay in the battle that had unfolded between Fein and the Satans. The destructive forces unleashed had rippled across the realm, leaving devastation in their wake. But for now, the demons could only speculate and wonder, their thoughts swirling in a mix of confusion and intrigue.


As Fein made his way towards the city, his mind still reeling from the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, an unexpected event brought him to an abrupt halt. A blinding white light descended from the sky, enveloping the area in an ethereal glow. Time seemed to freeze, the world around him coming to a standstill.

Fein\'s heart pounded in his chest as he attempted to use his time and space spell, hoping to regain control over the frozen moment. But to his dismay, his powers proved futile. He could only watch in disbelief as the mysterious figure cloaked in white light materialized before him, their form obscured and their features hidden from view.

A voice resonated with an otherworldly authority, piercing through the silence. "Fein, your very existence has brought imbalance and serious damage to the Abyss," the figure declared. It identified itself as the Demon God, the supreme being of the Abyss. Fein\'s breath caught in his throat, realizing the gravity of the situation.

The man who claimed himself as Demon God sighed. He look at Fein with complicated expression but Fein couldn\'t see the Demon God at all because of the blinding light. He felt that if he really look at the figure directly, he would become insane, even with his powerful brain and soul. 

"Well... You are the apprentice of my younger brother? Not bad... My brother was still stubborn even after decades passed..." The Demon God\'s muttering echoed throughout the Middle Realm. His whisper contained the mysteries of magic that made Fein forget every the words he hears. "I must punish him for sheltering human. As for you..."

Unable to move or even catch a glimpse of the Demon God\'s face, Fein was trapped in a state of helplessness. He strained against the invisible chains that held him, but they remained unyielding. The Demon God\'s gaze bore into him, a finality in its words. "You will never surpass me in a lifetime," it declared with a cold, detached certainty.

With a flick of the Demon God\'s finger, Fein could only watch as it drew closer, its touch ominous and foreboding. A surge of energy coursed through him, and in an instant, he found himself forcibly ripped away from the Abyss. The Demon God had banished him to the Human World.

As Fein\'s consciousness faded, he could sense his body growing weak and crippled. The overwhelming force of the Demon God\'s power had left its mark, a constant reminder of his own limitations. His body, bones, and skin cracked like he was a figurine. Blood seeped out from eyes, nose, and blood. \'So painful!\'

As Fein\'s banishment left an indelible mark on his consciousness, the Demon God, his power unmatched and unchallenged, raised a hand wreathed in blinding white light. With a simple gesture, the entirety of the Abyss was consumed by the radiant brilliance emanating from the divine entity.

Time itself seemed to twist and contort, flowing backward in a mesmerizing display. The destruction that had ravaged the cities, the shattered buildings, and the gaping rift left by Fein\'s destructive ball, all began to mend and reform. The once fractured and broken landscape gradually regained its former glory.

From the depths of the Abyss, a miraculous restoration took place. The fissures sealed shut, the rubble rebuilt itself, and the cities stood tall once more. It was as if the hands of time had rewound, erasing the devastation as if it had never occurred.

And in a display of supernatural power, the fallen satans, including Lucifer himself, materialized on the ground, their bodies lying motionless but unharmed. Impossiblity become possible, the destruction flame that swallowed their body to atomic level was useless, it was replaced by an appearance of serene slumber under the law of time. It was as though the threads of fate had been rewoven, granting them a second chance at life.

The Demon God, a sense of divinity emanating from his being, surveyed the restored realm with an air of satisfaction. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he spoke, his words carrying a hint of amusement. "Everything shall be back into place. Only Demons can rule the Abyss," he proclaimed, his voice echoing with a divine power that resonated deep within the souls of all who heard it. "No one shall remember what happened."

\'Oh younger brother... Who would have thought you would cultivate a human personally with your personality? Still thinking of rebelling against me?\' And with that final thought, the Demon God vanished, his presence fading into the ethereal realm from whence he came. The Abyss stood renewed, ready to once again embrace the chaos and power that only demons could wield.

In the wake of the Demon God\'s departure, the cities of the Abyss brimmed with life, bustling with the activity of its demon inhabitants. Conversations resumed, filled with a sense of bewilderment and confusion. Demons from all walks of life speculated on the strange events that had transpired, unaware of the true power and machinations of the divine beings that governed their realm.

Some dismissed the upheaval as another one of Lucifer\'s mischievous antics, attributing the earthquake and subsequent restoration to his playfulness. Others theorized that the tumultuous events were simply a natural occurrence, a consequence of the unpredictable nature of their world. A few whispered rumors of a heaven-sent treasure, believing that its appearance had caused the upheaval that had now been rectified.

Yet, amidst the perplexity and speculation, one thing remained clear: the Abyss had returned to its former state of equilibrium. The chaos had been quelled, and life resumed its familiar rhythm.

Unbeknownst to them all, Fein, the catalyst of the upheaval, now found himself exiled to the Human World, his body broken and his spirit battered. 

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