
Chapter 924 Worthless Lives

The tension in the air became heavier as the S-rank monsters and the warriors locked eyes, each side sizing up their opponents. It was a moment frozen in time, where the weight of the impending battle hung heavy in the atmosphere.

Takashi\'s gaze shifted from one monstrous creature to another, his fiery red hair dancing with the intensity of his emotions. His curiosity got the best of him, and he couldn\'t help but blurt out, "Where the heck did you all come from?"

The blood-filled monster, with its grotesque appearance and a hint of sadistic amusement in its eyes, let out a wicked chuckle. It spoke, its voice dripping with condescension, "Are you really that much of an idiot? We came from behind the portal, dumbass."

Amara, ever the level-headed one, placed a calming hand on Takashi\'s shoulder, her icy blue eyes locking onto his fiery gaze. She knew his temper was about to erupt like a volcano, and she had to rein him in. With a soothing tone, she whispered, "Easy, Takashi. Let\'s not let them get under our skin."

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Takashi fought to suppress the flames of anger within him. He knew that losing his cool now would only give the monsters an advantage. But his curiosity still burned within him, and he couldn\'t help but press further. "Fine, then. What\'s behind the portal? Why are you all here?"

This time, it was the towering centaur who spoke up, its voice deep and resonant. Its eyes bore into Takashi\'s, filled with a mix of arrogance and disdain. "You really think you\'re qualified to know the answer? You\'re nothing but a puny flame compared to the inferno that lies beyond. Just know that we are here to fulfill our purpose, and you will soon witness the full extent of our power."

"These bastards really look down on us!" Takashi\'s fists clenched, his knuckles turning white with the strain. He could feel the heat building up inside him, ready to explode. But Amara\'s calming presence and Luna\'s silent support gave him the strength to hold back his anger. This was not the time for recklessness.

As the warriors and the monsters continued to exchange glances, the tension thickened like a fog, enveloping them all in its grip. It was a silent standoff, a clash of wills and powers. The monsters exuded an aura of raw strength and superiority, while the warriors stood firm, determination etched on their faces.

Ren took a step forward at this moment and said indifferently. "Then we have to let them see that looking down on us is a grave mistake that they have made."

The moment hung in the balance, like a delicate thread on the verge of snapping. The battle was about to commence, and both sides knew that the stakes were high. Lives would be lost, destinies would be shaped, and the outcome would decide the fate of the East.

With a final lingering glance, the warriors and the monsters locked eyes one last time... Takashi took a deep breath at this time. 

With a thunderous shout, Takashi rallied his troops, yelling, "Alright, let\'s do this! Charge!" The ground shook beneath the stampede of hundreds of thousands of degu users, their battle cries echoing through the air. It was a sight to behold, a massive wave of warriors ready to take on the monstrous horde.

Takashi, Ren, Luna, and Amara stood shoulder to shoulder, their eyes fixed on the chaos ahead. They knew this fight wasn\'t about shooting early but about timing their moves just right. The four leaders exchanged a nod, a silent agreement passing between them.

As the human forces surged forward, weapons raised and degus at the ready, the monsters mirrored their advance. The clash of steel on steel, the screams of combat, and the sound of bodies hitting the ground filled the air, creating a symphony of chaos.

But amidst the frenzy, the four leaders held their ground, their attention fixed on the ten monstrous leaders standing back, observing the battlefield. Kakashi\'s fiery red hair and determined expression reflected his burning spirit, while Ren\'s silver locks shimmered like stardust, giving him an air of confidence. Luna, with her jet-black hair and piercing amber eyes, moved with an otherworldly grace. Amara\'s icy blue eyes shimmered with determination, her regal presence commanding attention.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of violence and clashes, with warriors from both sides locked in fierce combat. Yet, the four leaders remained patient, knowing that this was just the beginning. Their eyes never strayed from the ten looming figures of the monster leaders, who stood at the back, watching the chaos unfold.

Takashi frowned, his grip on his weapon tightening as he prepared for the right moment to strike. Ren\'s confident smile never wavered, his poised stance showing his unwavering resolve. Luna\'s graceful movements revealed her mastery of shadows, while Amara\'s calm authority hinted at her icy powers waiting to be unleashed.

The battle continue, but the four leaders bided their time, analyzing the situation. They knew that the monsters were using their troops as mere pawns, sacrificing them to achieve their ultimate goal. The monster leaders, their expressions void of emotion, observed the carnage with a detached air, as if the lives being lost were inconsequential.

"Really, weaklings are just bunch of waste with no worth..." 

the ten monstrous leaders stood at the back, their eyes fixed on the war before them. The ground trembled beneath their feet, a testament to the sheer force being unleashed on both sides. The monster troops fought with ruthless aggression, their monstrous forms tearing through the human ranks with terrifying ease.

Yet, as the monster troops fell one by one, their bodies torn apart or engulfed in flames, the leaders showed no reaction. The blood-filled monster, with his lazy demeanor and bored expression, watched the carnage unfold with disinterest. His lack of emotion was mirrored by the other nine leaders standing beside him, their faces blank, devoid of any sign of concern or remorse.

Takashi, Amara, Ren, and Luna could feel the weight of each human life lost. Their expressions reflected the pain in their hearts as they witnessed their soldiers being cut down by the monstrous horde. The determination in their eyes remained unwavering, but the toll of the battle was evident.

Takashi clenched his fists, his fiery red hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. Every fallen soldier was a blow to his spirit, fueling his resolve to avenge their sacrifice. Amara\'s icy blue eyes shimmered with a mixture of anger and sadness as she watched her people being torn apart. She vowed to protect her homeland and ensure their sacrifices were not in vain.

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