
Chapter 946 Satisfying Breakfast

The following day dawned with the vibrant glow of the sun\'s rays streaming through the windows of Fein\'s home. The warmth of the morning light gently nudged both Fein and Voli from their slumber, awakening them to the promise of a new day. Stretching their limbs and shaking off any residual sleepiness, they made their way towards the inviting aroma of breakfast wafting from the kitchen.

As they stepped into the cozy dining area, their eyes were met with the sight of Fey and Melissa already seated at the table, their faces adorned with warm smiles. The clinking of cutlery against plates filled the air as the family eagerly anticipated the arrival of Fein and Voli.

Melissa, with her nurturing nature, had prepared a delightful breakfast spread for the occasion. Plates of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and freshly baked bread adorned the table, enticing the senses and promising a delicious start to the day. Fey, ever the responsible and caring sister, had joined their mother in setting the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Good morning, Fein! Good morning, Voli!" Melissa greeted them cheerfully, her voice carrying a motherly warmth that enveloped the room.

Fein returned the greeting with a beaming smile, his heart swelling with gratitude for the love and support of his family. "Good morning, Mother. Good morning, Fey. It\'s wonderful to see you both this morning."

Voli, never one to miss out on a delectable meal, bounded towards the table with an enthusiastic wag of his tail. He settled himself beside Fein, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The irresistible aroma of the breakfast spread had awakened his gluttonous side, and he couldn\'t contain his excitement.

As the family settled into their seats, engaging in lively conversation and sharing stories of the previous day\'s events, Voli wasted no time in satisfying his insatiable appetite. He dove into the plate of eggs and bacon with an unabashed glee, relishing each morsel with an audible crunch. His voracious appetite was a sight to behold, his excitement palpable with each satisfied bite.

Fein couldn\'t help but chuckle at Voli\'s exuberance, his laughter mingling with the joyful ambiance of the room. "Voli, you truly have an insatiable appetite! I\'m glad you\'re enjoying your breakfast."

Voli, his mouth full of food, managed to respond with a muffled but contented sound, a clear indication of his delight. His eyes sparkled with mischief, conveying a sense of pure joy and satisfaction.

As the breakfast conversation continued, Voli, couldn\'t contain his excitement as he began showing off his new knowledge about science to his master. With bacon and eggs still in his mouth, he explained the intricacies of solar physics, leaving Fein and the rest of the family in awe.

Fein, always up for a challenge, decided to put Voli\'s knowledge to the test. He fired off a barrage of questions about black holes, their formation, and what would happen if someone got sucked into one. Voli, not one to shy away from a challenge, confidently delved into the complex subject matter.

"Alright, Voli, let\'s see what you\'ve got," Fein said with a mischievous grin. "If a poor soul gets dragged into a black hole, what do you reckon happens to them?"

Voli, his eyes sparkling with knowledge, responded in a matter-of-fact tone. "Oh... When that happens, the poor bloke undergoes a process called spaghettification. The intense gravitational forces stretch them like a piece of spaghetti until they\'re torn apart. It ain\'t a pretty sight, I tell you."

Fein\'s jaw dropped, his admiration for Voli\'s understanding of the subject growing with just months of his absence. He couldn\'t believe his ears. Who would\'ve thought that his furry friend would have such a firm grip on astrophysics? Didn\'t he just introduce science to Voli when they were in the Kraken Island?

As Voli dove into a passionate explanation of black hole formation and the collapse of massive stars, Fein\'s mind raced to keep up. The room was filled with a mix of intellectual excitement and a healthy dose of confusion.

Meanwhile, Melissa and Fey, their eyes darting between Fein and Voli, exchanged bewildered glances. They couldn\'t make heads or tails of the scientific jargon being tossed around. It was like watching a foreign film without subtitles.

Melissa leaned in towards Fey and whispered, "What in the world are they talking about? It\'s like they\'re speaking a whole different language!"

Fey shrugged, a perplexed expression on his face. "I\'ve got no clue, Mom. But it seems like they\'re having a blast, so I reckon it\'s all good."

Fein, sensing their confusion, couldn\'t help but chuckle. He reached over and ruffled Voli\'s fur affectionately. "Don\'t worry, you two. We\'re just geeking out about the wonders of the universe. Voli here has become quite the little Einstein."

"Einstein? Who\'s that?" Fey scratched her chin. \'Am I too busy with the affairs of Ranger\'s Eye that I\'m outdated with the events in the outside world?\'

"Do not worry about it." Fein almost choke when he heard his sister\'s question. After all, Einstein doesn\'t really exist in this world.

As the breakfast conversation gradually shifted gears, Fein turned his attention to Sofia, curious about her role as the vice president of Ranger\'s Eye. With Voli now satisfied with his knowledge display, the group sat back, ready to hear about Sofia\'s affairs.

Fein leaned towards Sofia, his eyes filled with intrigue. "So, Sofia, how are things going in Ranger\'s Eye? Any exciting updates?"

Sofia smiled, her expression conveying a sense of pride. "Well, Fein, I\'m glad you asked. Ranger\'s Eye has been making remarkable progress. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of our members, we\'ve climbed up to rank 6 among the 200 branches across the South. More importantly, Captain Michael is the most reliable when it comes to taking care of the affairs of our organization."

Fein\'s face lit up with delight as he absorbed Sofia\'s words. Being a former member of Ranger\'s Eye himself, he felt a surge of happiness knowing that the organization he once served had achieved such recognition. It was a proof to their perseverance and the impact they were making in the region.

"That\'s fantastic news!" Fein exclaimed, a sense of accomplishment filling him. "I\'m proud of all the members who have contributed to this achievement. Ranger\'s Eye truly grown a lot since the last time. If Captain Gregory was still alive, I\'m sure he\'ll be happy..."

As he said this Fein gave his sister a look of appreciation. "Thanks Fey."

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