
Chapter 199 Hysterical Warrior

In Ashton\'s office, there are at least 10 monitors that are displaying numerous scenes.

Each monitor is displaying at least 10 participants, allowing him to see what is going on with their current situation. Each display is a real-time recording and it automatically switches to each participant.

Ashton had been observing everything since the start of the final trial. So far, only a few people caught his eye and one of them was the Justin and Doug pair.

Their perspective was starkly different from what the other participants had. Instead of showing them on the way towards the Outposts stationed at the edges of Last Bastion\'s territory, they were going somewhere else different which made their perspective stand out to him.

Then, he witnessed Justin claiming that sword. Which really made him interested in the young man even more.

"...if my memory serves me well, that sword is the Heavenly Punishment Sword, wielded by the Lightning Sword Hero -- Alexis."

"That sword was supposed to be his Battle Spirit (a Knight\'s version of a Magical Artifact). How did it end up there? Maybe it\'s a replica?"

"No, it\'s not a replica. Have you not seen the power that kid got from pulling it out? How can that be faked?"

"Right, I completely disregarded that, huh?"

Ashton wasn\'t alone in his office. His friends were also there as well as several other people.

His status as the Morning Sun Federation\'s new President was already exposed to them. They were shocked at first but ultimately they accepted it.

"That\'s the real deal," Ashton commented from his seat. "What makes the late Sir Alexis from other Heros was the fact that he managed to break through his Mortal Shackles, stepping on to the 2nd Stage of Cultivation."

"Because of that, his Soul sublimated and his Battle Spirit gained a corporeal form. Allowing him to leave it behind for his descendants along with his inheritance."

Those who were listening to him hummed in understanding.

It had to be known that his friends were already exposed to the Grand Archives. They finished the game Ashton created and learned about a lot of things.

Of course, they reacted strongly to their new-found knowledge, but it didn\'t take too long before they accepted all of it for what it is.

And since they\'ve gotten access to the Grand Archives, they\'re learned about the biographies of previous Heroes, that\'s why they could discuss this openly.

"Still though...that\'s a convenient way to travel." Blake commented, seeing how Justin turned into a bolt of lightning soaring through the skies at blinding speed with Doug on his back.

"Sure, but I bet that consumes way too much Mana." Alice pointed out. "I mean, something has to balance it out, yes?"

"Well, if that\'s true, then how come the kid could use it? He doesn\'t have much mana at all. Hell, I\'d even say that his mana reserves are pitifully low from what we scanned before." Mary was confused.

"It\'s the sword." Ashton commented, "That thing was sealed with a considerable amount of mana. Plus, the tree stump it was plunged into previously was siphoning mana from its surroundings, causing the vitality to plummet. In turn, in all the years that sword remained in there, it was steeped in mana, so it won\'t be running out anytime soon."

"Should we consider that as cheating then?" Alice asked.

"..it is kind of, isn\'t it?" Ashton tilted his head. "But no, I don\'t think we should."

"The kid has potential. And considering that he now has the sword in his hand, he will only get stronger. He\'s an asset to us." Blake made his judgment.

"Yes, what he said." Ashton nodded, "Plus, the kid\'s got some heart in him. He\'s worth nurturing."

"Does this mean that you\'re going to take him under your wing?" Mary asked.

"...well, that really depends on him. It\'s not like I could force him if he doesn\'t want to."

"What about his friend?"

"Ah, that kid..."


While Justin was having the time of his life, Doug certainly wasn\'t.

The plump guy was equal parts confused and horrified.

Confused because of the suddenness of everything. To be honest, he couldn\'t recognize his sworn brother anymore even though his appearance didn\'t change in any way.

Horrified because they were flying so fast, recklessly and so high up in the air.

Doug was many things, and a coward is one of those. He has many irrational fears, hell he\'s even terrified of going out sometimes.

Honestly, he\'d much prefer to just stay at home and in the safety of his room, his safety bubble. But he also couldn\'t endure loneliness. It would\'ve been perfect if Justin was like him but no, he just has to be the exact opposite.

And he can\'t just leave him alone, nor he was willing to be left alone. As far as Doug knows, they only got each other at this point. He\'s been so used to that which is why everything scares him out here.

But, the thing that scares him the most, was losing Justin. Therefore, even if it means that he\'ll be facing his worst nightmares, he\'s still going to follow him.

The two of them flew for quite some time, and Doug just has to say that he was somewhat impressed in his own voice. He never knew he could scream that loud and long.

With a surprising control of his newfound strength, Justin landed with Doug. It\'s swift and gentle, Doug didn\'t even manage to see how he\'s able to stand on flat ground again.

"We\'re going to start hunting here." Justin said, "Be ready, Doug."

"O-oh...we\'re already here huh?" Doug shivered as he started darting his eyes everywhere.

It was then that the strong stench of evil assaulted his nose, along with the general feeling of discomfort and exposure started pressing down on him.

Doug hurriedly took out a breathing mask to filter the air he breathed. As for the suppression, he\'s feeling, he couldn\'t do anything about that sadly.

At this point, he\'s starting to question his resolve. Why did he even think about joining Justin for this trial? Why did he even participate in this stupid thing?

While he did say that he wouldn\'t let Justin alone with Angels, he never said that he\'d fight. Truthfully, he just wanted to tag along.

Unfortunately, it\'s too late now. He\'s already come this far with Justin. He might as well give it a shot.

Justin leads the way with Doug trailing behind.

Doug kept looking around nervously, jumping at every pitched sound he hears due to how much of a coward he truly was. It was completely different from how Justin carried himself.


Justin suddenly held out his hand, stopping in his tracks. Doug turned nervous upon seeing Justin\'s hardened expression.

It was then that they met their first hostile contact.

"J-Justin, be careful!!!" Doug exclaimed as he was the first one to see it.

The hostile creature was a mature angel. It has a humanoid form with six pairs of wings and a golden halo hovering above its head.

Despite bathing in gold and white, the creature looked wrong and sinister.

Justin tightened his grip on his sword and wasted no time engaging the enemy. He was fearless and valiant, unlike Doug who was cowering behind.

He watched as the fight went on, worried about his sworn brother and rooting for him deep down. He didn\'t want to yell since it might attract the creature\'s unwanted attention towards him.

As much as he didn\'t want to admit it, Justin was leagues above him now ever since getting that sword, it\'s just that Doug never had enough time to digest everything which somehow allowed him to remain in the present.

As he freely cowed behind, he was completely unaware that another angel was creeping behind him. This one looked more wretched and sinister compared to the one Justin was fighting.

Of course, this scenario was being watched in real-time by the crew and they couldn\'t help but feel worried about the well-being of the fat kid.

"Be ready to transport that kid." Alice sighed in disappointment. "Honestly, why would he even go all the way there if he\'s just going to piss his pants."

"...watch first, maybe the little fatty can surprise us." Ashton mysteriously said.

And...Doug indeed managed to surprise them.

Despite being largely unaware of what was lurking behind him, the kid managed to dodge at the last possible moment by diving into the ground.

Then, beyond their wildest imaginations, the fat kid somehow took out a large Cast Iron Pan and proceeded to deliver a glorious counter-attack, causing a loud...


To be heard by Justin as well.

Doug\'s attack knocked the angel out cold. And in his screaming frenzy and hysteria, Doug then proceeded to repeatedly smack the cast iron pan into the fainted angel until it was reduced to a mere paste.

This barbaric sight stunned Justin and the Angel he was fighting into a stupor. It\'s even obvious that the angel who was watching was twitching in horror upon the sight of the ruthless murder of his comrade.

"Oh my..." Mary whispered.

"A cast iron pan? Really? That works too?"

Doug was certainly many things...and apparently, a hysterical warrior was one of them.

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