
Chapter 377 Disturbance

As the crew set up their base on Arithia, Ashton continued to accompany them in their dreams to ensure their safety. But the Mystic Guild\'s expedition didn\'t stop there. They had other points of interest to explore.

After successfully colonizing Arithia, the next destination was Astero Prime, the asteroid rich in Space Quartz, Iridium, and Super Alloys. The crew packed up and left for their next mission, with Ashton once again monitoring their dreams to keep them safe.

The journey to Astero Prime was shorter than the one to Arithia, thanks to their state-of-the-art ship, the Phoenix Voyager. The ship\'s engines allowed them to travel at an incredibly fast pace, cutting the travel time significantly. Even so, the crew spent their time wisely, making sure that they were prepared for any challenges that they may face.

Upon arriving at Astero Prime, the crew immediately got to work, mining the precious resources the asteroid had to offer. Ashton watched over them as they worked tirelessly, ensuring that their dreams were safe from any threats that may have been lurking in the darkness of space.

Their last stop was the Lunar Palace, a magnificent structure made entirely out of Moonstone and other resources.

The journey to the Lunar Palace was long, but the crew had grown accustomed to space travel by then. Ashton continued to accompany them, watching over their dreams as they made their way to their destination. Once they arrived, they were greeted by the sheer beauty of this place. Of course, it was accompanied by lurking dangers that the crew had to take care of.

After a brief discussion, they decided to create an outpost here which would be manned by some of the crewmates. They\'ve also set up some outposts at the previous places they visited so that they could gather as many resources as possible.

With their mission accomplished, the crew of the Phoenix Voyager made their way back to the Blue Marble Planet, eager to report their success to the Grand Commanders of the Mystic Guild.


The first batch of resources from the expedition finally arrived at the Blue Marble Planet. The crew had worked tirelessly to extract as many resources as possible from the various points of interest they visited. Ashton had accompanied them through their dreams, ensuring their safety as they worked.

The crew didn\'t return fully, some were left to the said places to supervise the resource gathering.

The Mystic Guild unloaded the resources from the state-of-the-art ship and transferred them to the scientists for experimentation. The scientists were excited to examine the rare and valuable materials that the crew had brought back. They immediately began testing and experimenting, hoping to discover new uses and applications for the resources that they had acquired.

Ashton watched as the scientists worked, peering into their dreams and observing their thought processes. He marveled at the ingenuity and creativity of these scientists, who were able to devise new technologies and innovations that would benefit humanity as a whole.

The first results of the experimentation were promising, and the scientists were able to develop new materials and technologies that would be useful in various industries. They were able to improve energy efficiency and develop new medical treatments, among other things. The Mystic Guild was pleased with the results and looked forward to what other discoveries the crew would bring back from their future expeditions.

Some of the recent breakthroughs were;

Superconductive Alloys: By combining the iridium and osmium samples, the scientists were able to create a new type of alloy that conducts electricity with virtually no resistance. This discovery revolutionized energy storage and transmission, allowing for more efficient power grids and longer-lasting batteries.

Scarlet Crystal Batteries: Using the rose quartz samples, the scientists developed a new type of battery that could store energy for much longer than traditional batteries. These batteries were particularly useful for powering spacecraft on long journeys.

Hyperdrive Propulsion: By synthesizing small amounts of orichalcum, the scientists discovered a new way to manipulate space-time, allowing for faster-than-light travel. This breakthrough made interstellar exploration and colonization much more feasible.

Space-Time Anchors: By studying the peculiar properties of space quartz, the scientists were able to develop a new type of anchor that stabilized the fabric of space-time. This breakthrough allowed for the creation of large-scale structures in space, such as space stations and orbital habitats.

And finally...the Quantum Translocator.

The teleportation device is called the Quantum Translocator, and it was discovered by a group of scientists who were studying the properties of a rare mineral called Quantumite that was found on the planet Arithia. The scientists discovered that when Quantumite was subjected to a specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation, it produced a strange quantum field that could transport matter instantaneously over vast distances.

The scientists were initially skeptical of the implications of their discovery, as it violated many of the fundamental laws of physics. However, after conducting numerous tests and experiments, they were able to confirm that the Quantum Translocator was a reliable and safe means of teleportation.

The Quantum Translocator works by converting matter into energy and then transmitting that energy through a specially designed quantum field to a receiving station. The receiving station then converts the energy back into matter, effectively teleporting the object from one location to another.

The implications of this discovery were enormous. With the Quantum Translocator, it would be possible to transport people and goods across vast distances instantaneously, opening up new possibilities for exploration, trade, and colonization. However, the scientists were cautious about the potential dangers of the technology and urged for further testing and safety measures before it was widely adopted.

These discoveries represented a new era of progress and prosperity for humanity, made possible by the Mystic Guild\'s daring expeditions and Ashton\'s Dream Laws.

Sadly though, that is as far as they could get with the discoveries. That\'s because, after several months of peace, the disturbance returned yet again.

Someone alerted Ashton and reported that they saw an enemy vessel near the Star Field of Arithia. After examining the image that was sent to them, Ashton became very certain that the ship belonged to the Celestial Race.

Ashton immediately called for an emergency meeting with the Grand Commanders, Alice, Blake, and Mary. The news of the Celestial Race scout ships roaming nearby has caused alarm to the Mystic Guild. They gathered in a secure location, with their most trusted generals and strategists.

Alice was the first to speak, "We have to act quickly. The Celestial Race must have discovered our presence here on Arithia. It\'s only a matter of time before they launch an attack."

Blake added, "We have to prepare our defenses and fortify our outposts. We don\'t want to be caught off guard."

Mary suggested, "The problem is that the Phoenix Voyager already left. We don\'t have another ship that could transport reinforcements as quickly as that ship could. How do we do this?"

Ashton listened intently to their ideas before giving his input, "We should also consider our options for evacuation. If worse comes to worst, we should have a plan in place to protect our people and resources."

The Grand Commanders agreed, and they began to formulate a plan. The Mystic Guild would reinforce their outposts with powerful magical barriers, while also preparing their most skilled warriors for combat. But the main problem was the transport.

With the Phoenix Voyager gone, they didn\'t have other means of sending reinforcements to Arithia.

The tension in the room was palpable, but the Grand Commanders and the Mystic Guild knew that they had to be vigilant and prepared for whatever may come. They all knew that this was just the beginning of a long and difficult battle, but they were determined to protect their new home and their people at all costs.

As the Grand Commanders discussed the report about the Celestial scout ships, they knew that time was of the essence. They decided that they needed to build the Quantum Translocator as soon as possible to be able to send reinforcements to Arithia quickly in case of an attack.

Alice, Blake, and Mary quickly conferred with the guild\'s top scientists and engineers to discuss the details of the project. Ashton was also present in the meeting, providing his insights and suggestions on how to expedite the process.

After hours of intense discussions and brainstorming, they finally came up with a design for the Quantum Translocator. The device would be capable of instantaneously transporting objects and people from one point to another, bypassing the need for space travel altogether.

The scientists and engineers estimated that it would take several months to build the device, but the Grand Commanders knew they couldn\'t afford to wait that long. They instructed the team to work around the clock, providing them with all the necessary resources and support to complete the project in the shortest possible time.

Of course, they\'re not asking them to work for free. They\'ve laid down all kinds of benefits to \'energize\' the scientists into working overtime. Additionally, they will also help where they can. So just like that, the project started right away.

With the Quantum Translocator in their arsenal, the Mystic Guild would have a significant advantage over their enemies, allowing them to respond quickly to any threats and defend their territories more effectively.

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