
Chapter 372 - My New Secretary


I mean sure, the Queen might persecute them for abandoning the country in times of need, but without my support she wouldn\'t actually purge the Sects right?

I told Sect Master Feng I would need to see the terms to the merger and to give me a little time to consider it. Without missing a beat, he told me he would return the next day with the terms prepared. How eager can he be to merge?

That gave me time to talk to Sect Master Qing after they left at least.

"So… What do you think?" I asked, both of us now seated in his courtyard and alone.

Sect Master Qing stroked his beard, "The choice lies with you Master Lin, they did ask you after all."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Aren\'t you the Sect Master here?"

"Hohoho, but it is not me they are submitting themselves to, it is you, Master Lin."

Remember when I had been on vacation just recently? Yeah, me neither. Why is there suddenly so much work?!

I scratched my head, "Arrghh… I think I need a secretary to help me with this… Don\'t think one of my disciples--"

"You called, Master Lin?"

I actually jumped in surprise at the voice, turning around to see Sophia standing with her hands clasped demurely in front of her.

Sect Master Qing was on his feet in an instant, summoning a multitude of fire spears around him to point at Sophia.

At the same time, a few Elders and Masters appeared from nowhere and surrounded her, each of them materialising their own Techniques to point at her.

Even with all that, she did not seem fazed at all the hostility directed at her in the slightest bit, her attention focused solely on me. I guess she must be used to this or something.

Ok, number one, where did she come from? Number two, where did they come from?!

"Sophia?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Yes, Master Lin?"

"Where did you come from?"

"You called for aid, did you not? I had already sworn myself as your servant thus I came to your call."

I frowned, "You can do that?"

"Did we not have a contract, Master Lin?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Since when did we form a contract?"

She tilted her head at me, "That night, after I told you my circumstances and you accepted me as your servant."

"Don\'t these require some form of signature or body fluid to form an actual contract?"

Sophia chuckled, "Oh Master Lin. Names have power didn\'t you know? When I swore my true name to you it was as good, nay, much better and binding than any written contract."

Right… That day after I sent my disciples off to the bath, Sophia and I had a very interesting talk where she shared with me her entire history from how she became a Sect Master then a turn into a Demon Lord.

At the end, she swore herself to me but I thought it was just lip service on her part.

Oh, you wanted to know what exactly happened during our talk?

Well, we did a little more than talking if you must know, that\'s why I was late to join my disciples in the bath.

No, we did not do what you thought we did, we had a spar in a deserted place a distance away from here. The fight itself was actually quite destructive, kind of reminded me of my fight with Lilith.

She does deserve the title of Demon Lord at least and her prowess shows truth in her story.

I raised my hand at the other Sect members, prompting them to return from where they came from. I guess they were there to protect Sect Master Qing in case Sect Master Long\'s fate befell on him.

Sect Master Qing lowered his hands and dispelled his Techniques though he still remained vigilant of her.

"If I remember correctly, she is your servant, is she not, Master Lin?" He asked.

"Yes, she is."

"I see… Should I be worried, Master Lin?"

I glanced at the former Demon Lord but she showed no interest in answering Sect Master Qing\'s question.

"No, she\'s fine, I trust her," I assured him.

Sect Master Qing took my word for it and sat back down without a word.

I turned back to Sophia, "Weren\'t you keeping Elaria occupied?"

"Master Lin\'s needs take precedence over everything else, naturally."

I sighed, "Alright, I\'ll bite, what could you help me with?"

Sophia smiled, "Master Lin, I was a Sect Master for a period of time, I am thus familiar with inter-Sect politics. If Master Lin wished for it, I can handle anything related to it for you."

That makes sense… I suppose I could let her help with the Phoenix Sect matters for now and see how it goes.

"What do you think about the situation with Phoenix Sect?" I asked.

She tilted her head slightly, "Queen Guiying would most likely not purge them, but she would definitely put pressure on them to give concessions to the crown. But since they had visited us before that happened, I assume they had came here to request for both Sects to merge?"

I nodded, the fact that she could guess that part correctly should mean she at least knew what she was talking about.

She continued, "From what I can see, Heaven Sect can afford to have a merger with Phoenix Sect. We have the space and manpower to accommodate everyone even if they choose to relocate here immediately, which is unlikely in the first place. If Master Lin does not hold any attachment to them, it is fine to reject the merger too."

I scratched my chin, "Well… This is all speaking from a rather objective point of view… What would you recommend as the best course of action?"

"If Master Lin is looking to expand your influence and prestige, a merger would be the best course of action. Your followers would be able to do the necessary conversion for their Sect members to become loyal to you, though your disciples might need my help in converting the Masters and Sect Master Feng himself."

Followers? Converting? What is she talking about? And why are my disciples involved in it? Oh, maybe she means teaching them about the rules and traditions of Heaven Sect. But why my disciples? Is it because of the fact that they are my disciples their words will hold more weight?

That makes sense, Sophia really knows her stuff. Maybe I could really assign her as my secretary and let her deal with it. That means no work for me!

I nodded, "Since Phoenix Sect was the one who suggested the merger… I am inclined to accept their offer. But can I count on you to take a look at the terms they draw up tomorrow?"

She bowed her head, "It would be my honour, Master Lin."

Well, that\'s that then. With the merger there would be more people in the Sect who can help deal with any matters that come up. Sect Master Feng could even take over my position as advisor and leave me with more free time to laze around.

Great plan, even if I do say so myself.

Now, I still need to go back to my cute disciples and give them their rewards for being so cute.

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