
Chapter 612 - You Don’t Separate Me From My Imouto!


The other me was now at least seventeen years of age and looked a little bit more like me without the long hair and feminine features.

Gathered in front of me within the familiar office were several other boys and girls that looked to be the same age, I\'m guessing they\'re also people who had no choice but to work with those crooks. I counted around fifteen of them in total with nine boys and six girls.

"So… The time has come. Anyone getting cold feet now? I won\'t hold it against you if any of you wish to back out now."

All of them shook their heads at the other me\'s question.

One of them stepped forward and I recognised him as the boy from the previous memory, "Aniki has stuck by us for all this time and took care of us, we are ready for anything Aniki needs us to do!"

The younger me clapped his shoulder with a smile, "I know, Hiroto, I know. But this request of mine is quite a selfish one. I will not sugarcoat it, if we fail, we would all lose our lives, no question about that. Even if we succeed, some of us might still die in the process. What\'s more, my motivation for doing this is entirely selfish too."

A girl with short auburn hair that reached her shoulders shook her head, "That\'s not true big brother! You\'ve always looked out for us! I\'m sure your reason this time is just as magnanimous!"

Tsuki gasped beside me, "That\'s big sister Yumi! I know she used to have a crush on Aniue but she left overseas to pursue another career one day. I always wondered why she would give up on Aniue so suddenly?"

Well probably because I\'m not exactly the best bachelor material or something along those lines? I wouldn\'t blame her honestly.

The other me smiled at Yumi, "The reason is simple, really. This group of lowlives is hindering me in spending my time with my little sister. There\'s a new anime airing on Friday and Tsuki wants to watch it with me, these scum want me to work overtime on that day too, that\'s not going to happen so they\'ve got to go."

Hiroto chuckled, "Is that why Aniki pushed up his plans to a year earlier than expected?"

"That\'s right. Their time of exploiting us is over. We\'re going to be the ones in charge now. Let\'s take these idiots down."

"Yeah!" The group in front of me cheered.

Right then, the door opened and the same man from the previous memory stormed through the doorway, looking quite pissed.

"What is all the noise in here?! Shouldn\'t you brats be working right now?!"

I expected everyone to start panicking since we were just caught conspiring to overthrow our captors brazenly in here. But instead, everyone just turned towards the man and smiled.

"Oh hello, I was just motivating them for today\'s work. We\'ll get right to it now," the younger me lied, walking up to him.

He furrowed his brows, "You better be, we\'re already being exceptionally nice to you damned brats so get your…"

Younger me pulled out a knife from his belt and stabbed it into his gut in one smooth motion, even twisting it for good measure before pulling it out.

That prompted the boys behind him to bring out their own knives and stab him from behind as well, the younger me covering his mouth with a cloth to prevent him from making any sounds.

Two of the girls moved to tie him up immediately and the younger me bundled the cloth around his mouth, letting him drop onto the ground once it was done.

No one acknowledged the man who was bleeding out on the ground, everyone simply stepping over or around him to leave the office.

It would be a slow, agonizing death for the man.

The fact that these kids could do this without hesitation meant they had probably done this before.

Oh no… I just realised Tsuki is witnessing all this as well, she\'s definitely going to be traumatised by her brother killing someone so easily isn\'t she? I need to think of a way to--

"Aniue… So cool…"



At this point I\'m questioning what can I even do that you won\'t immediately think it\'s cool now? I don\'t even know your standards anymore, little sister…

The memory followed the younger me through the rest of the warehouse, silently killing every gang member that I came across with absolute precision unbefitting of someone of that age.

I would walk up to one with a friendly wave and smile before the knife in my hand would bury itself in the other\'s neck mercilessly.

Even if there was a pair of them, both of them would have their throats slit before either one knew what was happening.

Evidently, this was all planned since any other kids I came across also joined me in taking out the gang members the moment they saw me, some of them even brutalizing the gang members they came across, no doubt taking revenge on their tormentors.

I\'m pretty sure I should be concerned about the fact that these kids are overpowering grown adults so easily. If I had to guess, the younger me must have spent the last few years training them to be this proficient or else there was no way this could be happening so smoothly.

Throughout the entire scene, Tsuki was buzzing with excitement, \'ooh-ing\' and \'aah-ing\' everytime I made a kill in front of us.

I guess this was why she was that unhinged in my previous life and did all those crazy things. The previous me was just as mental.

Soon enough, the younger me was standing in front of an office with an unnecessarily extravagant door, looking out of place within this warehouse.

No prize for guessing who was behind the door.

I shoved open the door unceremoniously, surprising the boss and three other men inside who had been busy drinking.

"Good day boss!" Younger me greeted enthusiastically. "I\'m here to relieve you of your duties!"

The boss frowned at the younger me, "Relieve me? What the hell are you talking about, you brat? Do you want me to beat you? Get the hell back to your damned room and finish those reports!"

Younger me simply smiled at him before snapping his fingers.

Hiroto leapt out from behind him with two other boys, each of them rushing towards each of the men beside the boss.

Two of them were so surprised that by the time they realised what was going on, the knives were already buried to the hilt in their throats, leaving them to collapse on the floor gurgling in their own blood.

The one Hiroto had tried to kill at least had some skill since he managed to side step the boy, avoiding the stab.

The gangster reached for his side and I could see a small pistol tucked at his belt, the man intending on using it to kill his assailant.

But the moment his hand touched the gun, younger me had thrown his knife and impaled it on the man\'s hand, buying Hiroto just enough time to turn around and finish the job.

Everything happened so fast that it took the boss a few seconds more to process the scene in front of him.

By the time the boss realised what was going on, he tried to reach for his gun holstered on his belt too, only to have the weapon snatched away from him when younger me did a disarming technique as casually as he could.

Without missing a beat, he unloaded two shots into the boss\'s legs, not even blinking when the shots rang out.

The man collapsed onto his back, wailing out in pain.

"Just know you brought this on yourself for trying to keep me away from my sister," Younger me quipped before shooting the man in the heart.

I thought he might torment the boss more as revenge but apparently he wasn\'t even worth the time to do so.

"Aniue… Too cool…" Tsuki swooned just as the scene turned black again.

Well geez, the other me basically orchestrated murdering an entire building of gangsters to spend more time with his sister.

No wonder my family\'s so screwed up...

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