
Chapter 846: How To Get Information In A New Place

Chapter 846: How To Get Information In A New Place


I\'m not exactly proud of it… But that was also the method I used to gain entry into this city as well.

Granted, I looked worse than I do now with my tattered clothing and bruised appearance, but I acted as the \'young master assaulted by bandits\' and berated them for not doing their jobs. They were quick to apologise and even provided some spare clothes for me to enter the city with.

Thus, I was pretty confident these guards would have just let me in without any problems if I acted like some important person with a lot of power… Which I suppose I actually am but I just don\'t act like that normally.

Anyway, the important thing now is to get some information on what\'s going on around here. I already know we still have some time before the big portal opens but I want to hear what the news is around the Cloud Plane. I\'m not really sure what kind of politics was going on in the Cloud Plane back then since I was more concerned about my own survival than anything else.

That, and also because being dragged around by Tsuki didn\'t give me any chance to even figure out how the rest of the Plane works.

Speaking of that little sister of mine… She\'s currently sitting on my right thigh and purring contentedly as I patted her head right now.

She snuggled closer to my chest, "Puuuuurrr… Aniue\'s head pats~"

"Ehehehe~ Onii-sama~" Elaria purred as well, my other little sister sitting on my other thigh and receiving a similar treatment from me.

Everyone inside the inn was glaring at my direction, clearly upset with my current situation.

Well, there\'s a reason I\'m doing this so their glares didn\'t bother me much.

Right now, we\'re fishing for the most important person in town so we\'re just doing this to get attention. Coming in here with a group of girls was already eye-catching enough, surely news of this would reach the boss here sooner or later.

Since nothing happened even after we finished our lunch, I had my disciples do a scout of the town while I cuddled with both my little sisters to extend the hook further.

And right on cue, a group of people came into the inn and approached us with not so friendly faces.

"Hey you! Acting real cushy over there with your lil\' bitches aren\'t ya? You makin\' fun of us or sumthin\'?!" One of the men growled, pointing his finger at me.

Neither of my little sisters reacted to them and continued snuggling against me, acting as if he didn\'t exist.

I smiled at the guy, "So what if I am? Are you jealous you have no one to sit on your lap? I\'m sure if you ask the gentlemen behind you nicely, they would do it for you."

That riled up the people behind the meathead too and all of them looked ready for a fight.

"If you\'re a man, step outside right now," He growled.

I tilted my head at him, "Oh? And what if I\'m a girl?"

He sputtered, suddenly unsure of himself until he noticed me smirking at him.

"You bastard! You\'re making fun of me aren\'t ya?!"

"And what if I am? Can you afford offending someone like me? I would choose your next words very carefully, boy," I spat out the last word.

My words made him pause for a while, the man taking a moment to properly look at me from head to toe.

I\'m not sure what he saw but his face broke into a smirk, "Hmph… Who do you think you are? I\'ve definitely never seen you around before!"

I smiled at him, "Oh? Don\'t you know? Even the boss of this town would bow his head to me if he saw me, you know?"

The people around us looked at one another before breaking out into laughter.

The man in front of me jerked a thumb at his chest, "Hahaha! You truly are clueless! I\'m the boss of this town! I have to give it to you for your impressive bluffing!"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "So you\'re the boss?"

"That\'s right! If you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness and leave these two girls for me to play with, I may consider letting you leave with your limbs intact!"

I shook my head sadly, "Oh no, you threatened me. I was going to just ask some questions and let you go but I\'m afraid you\'ll need to suffer now."

His face scrunched up in anger, "What are you--"

Tsuki stood up and grabbed him by his head before slamming him face first into the ground.

Err… Ok… The plan was to just subdue him but I guess that works…

The other people behind him immediately reached for their weapons but I waved my hand at them before they could, causing all of them to be sent flying away.

The man tried to lift up his head but Tsuki stomped her foot on top of him, pushing his head back to the ground.

Elaria stood up as well, but she stayed by my side with a shotgun she materialised by her side.

I doubt she\'ll need that but I guess having it out is better than not having it.

I crossed my legs and looked down at the man, "As I was saying, the boss of this town would need to bow to me when they saw me. Any complaints?"

His hands glowed, "How dare--"

"Wrong answer," Tsuki growled before stomping on him again, breaking a few of his teeth and interrupting his Technique.

Ouch… Almost forgot my little sister used to be yakuza…

I cleared my throat, "Maybe you didn\'t hear me the first time?"

"You\'re… Making… A big… Mistake…"

I chuckled, "Why? Is it because the rest of your men will come and take revenge for you?"

He was about to answer me when the door to the inn burst open and someone was thrown inside.

Everyone turned to see a man dressed in Practitioner clothes lying sprawled on the ground, unconscious.

My disciples then walked in with Shiori and Akari, all of them carrying even more unconscious and beaten up people whom they dumped on the ground in front of them, forming a small pile of bodies.

My disciples then made a show of strutting over to my side, all of them looking down on him imposingly.

His eyes widened comically at the sight of all his men that had been beaten like common bandits before turning to look at my disciples who had done this.

I cleared my throat to get his attention again, "So… I think I\'m a very generous person. I\'m going to ask the question again assuming you were just really confused and hard of hearing the previous few times. The boss of this town has to bow to me, correct?"

He gulped and nodded.

"I\'m sorry, I didn\'t hear that?"

"Ye… Yes…"

I looked at Tsuki, "Did you hear anything?"

"Not at all, Aniue. I think he\'s mocking us."

"Ye… Yes! Yes!" He suddenly shouted out loud.

I lifted an eyebrow, "Yes, you\'re mocking us?"

"No! I mean… I bow to you, young master!!"

I clapped my hands together, "Perfect! Then shall we take a walk together, mister boss of this town?"

His eyes darted to his men for a split second, "Pl… Please… Please don\'t kill me…"

"Oh, I\'m not going to kill you, but I can promise you that it\'ll hurt. Your chance of having an amicable talk with me was squandered after all. Let\'s go~" I told him cheerily before standing up to leave the inn and ignoring all the stares we were getting.

"Master… So cool…" I heard Lian Li whisper, just soft enough that only I could hear.

Well… I have lived here for quite a while before so I do know how to survive here after all. Just leave these things to me!

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