
Chapter 112 - Gay Panic

A young teenage boy dressed in a light green robe walked out of one of the living quarter inside the inner court if the Eternal Blossom sect. This was in the western wing if the Eternal Blossom Sect, where the male disciple resided.

The living quarter was kind of isolated from the other quarters like every quarter of the inner court disciples. They were given the freedom of making their own living residence. Make it or break it, all of it was left up to their hand.

And, this hot blooded youngster here was more or less a lazy to bother with his living quarters. He was happy getting a place to cultivate in quietly and a training ground to practice his martial arts and sword arts on.

Apart from that, he really did not care about the appearance of the place.

The boy looked around for a while and scrunched up his nose when he saw the messy look of the place. The place was always unkempt and lifeless but looking around now, he wanted to slap himself across the place.

"This place is a literal dumpsite!" he yelled looking around his living quarter that was filled with dead bushes and barren lands. He had been confined inside his quarter for a week by the Grandmaster Lan for attacking the new girl.

He had been gone for a week now, and his place looked dreadful than ever.

"Ugh, fuck it!" he cursed under his breath before inhaling sharply to calm down his nerves. He was in no mood to worry about the condition of his living quarter when there were much more important things there for him to worry about.

"The annual tournament starts tomorrow," he gritted his teeth as he clenched his palm in to tight fist. H was indeed worried about his lack of practice.

One week of seclusion was more than enough for him to cultivate and breakthrough to the 4th realm of the spirit enhancement realm. But, he still had to practice his bows and arrows. He had to practice his skill and come up with a few strategy as well.

He had no idea what opponent he would be facing tomorrow but he knew for sure that there were going to be many strong foes that could make things difficult for him.

He had a day to get back in shape and well, there was not much time left. He had to go and meet with the other students soon to talk about the tournament.

After all, there were going to be a few things to discuss about. The committee came up with new and weird games and all for the students every year. Who knew what shit and fucked up matter they were going to come up with!

"Hiyah!" he jumped up from where he was as he headed to the meeting house of the inner sects disciples.

His nimble and swift figure could be seen heading towards the meeting house as the sun begun to slowly move towards the west, indicating the dusk that was slowly engulfing the daylight.

This youngster was none other than Zhang Wei, the senior disciple at the Eternal Blossom Sect.


"Is everyone here?" An Cheng looked at the five students who had gathered and asked.  She swept her eyes on everyone and counted the head inside her head.

Seeing that one person was still not present, she sighed heavily.

"Zhang Wei isn\'t here yet," she closed the book she was holding and placed it on the table right next to her. They all were quite close to each other so, they more or less knew name of each other.

"He is in confinement." An Lin who had been leaning on the door said nonchalantly. He hated meetings like this but knew he had to come here anyway. He could not bunk it, not when his own sister was the in charge here.

"Hmm, shouldn\'t he be done with it? One week is almost up for him," An Cheng said thoughtfully looking outside the window.

"Oh mi gosh," She was startled when a black figure appeared right in front of her face out of nowhere.

The figure on the window smiled slyly when he saw her startled stance.

"I am here," Zhang Wei chuckled as he jumped inside the room. He landed right beside An Cheng, almost knocking her down on the floor if she had not stepped aside quickly.

"You could come in from the door as well," An Cheng sounded a little annoyed as she pointed at An Lin.

"Me?" An Lin asked with a confused gaze when he felt An Cheng pointing at him.

"Not you, I mean the door," An Cheng shook her head as she corrected him. She knew that her brother was definitely not paying attention to this whole thing.

"Door is overrated, window is the only way," said Zhang Wei smugly as he seated himself on a chair beside another disciple who was crouched down on his seat. He supported his head on his palm with difficulty. His entire self-gave off the aura of exhaustion and tiredness.


"Brother Ming Jiu," he said as he slapped his hand on his back. He was excited to see the shameless simp after a long time. Although he was indeed a serious person at times, he was not going to say no to fun times. Ming Jiu was the one to always liven up the atmosphere, no matter how heavy the situation was.

Ming Jiu felt an electrifying pain travel through his spine to the brain and back.

"What is it?!" he jerked up from his seat and looked at the new face that was sitting right next to him. He was kind of pissed off when he was disturbed while sleeping.

"Ahh, Zhang Wei…" his voice trailed off when he saw that it was is fellow brother who was confined for a week.

He could not even muster up the courage to get angry at him. He was too tired for it.

"Hey, why do you look like  a walking dead out of their grave?" Zhang Wei coughed up violently when he saw how hollowed out his cheeks looked. His eyes were sleep deprived and the dark circles around his eyes more or less made him look like a panda.

Well, a sleepless panda.

He shrugged when he saw how soulless his good brother looked when only 1 week had passed.

"I am sleepy," Ming Jiu coughed out hoarsely. Even his voice sounded rough due to his sore throat.

He had been working on refining pills that An Cheng had listed out. Although there were other students who helped him, he was still invested than most of them on this work.

He wanted to drop dead after staying up all these nights for the preparation.

Even now, all he could see was blurry dots flying all around because of his sleepiness. He looked around and saw the face of Zhang Wei looking at him as if he was kind of  circus clown.

But! It did not matter one bit! He just wanted to sleep.

He unconsciously grabbed Zhang Wei\'s arm and tried to snuggle. He was tempted to see it as a snuggling pillow.

\'Sweet dreams~~\' He mumbled sleepily as he hugged the arms.



Curious and laughing gazes looked at the two people.

Zhang Wei was panicking as his good brother made a pillow out of him. He glanced anxiously at the gaze of An Cheng and the other two girls who were smiling and snickering as they looked at their positions.


He could feel himself cracking from inside and outside because he exactly knew what was going on inside the dirty mind of these lewd girls.

He had just come out from his confinement. He really had no wish to become source of story for the girls who for some reason loved shipping the boys together.

He tried to snatch back his hand in gay panic but in vain. The grip on his arm by Ming Jiu was firm and tight.

"Pfft," An Cheng chuckled when she saw him and cleared her throat.

"You stay like that, he needs some rest." She said with a straight face to Zhang Wei even though she wanted to smile like a dork at them.

Zhang Wei: "…."

"Alright, since all of us are here, shall we begin?" An Chneg attracted everyone\'s attention towards her as they were already far behind the schedule for it.

After an hour, they were done with the basic meeting.

"Where are you going?" An Lin saw that she was in a hurry to be somewhere even though the meeting had been just over.

"Just somewhere," she said with a smile. She nodded her head at the sleeping couples and at her brother before heading off towards the cherry blossom pavilion.

"Is she in love or what?" An Lin shrugged looking at his flowery sister. Well, he was fine if she was in love but…

He folded his sleeve upwards and looked at her back.

"They will have to go through me!"

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