
Chapter 10 1.3.5

With this knowledge of what will happen in the future, I knew I had to begin to prepare for the worst.

But to make the best out of the situation that\'s to come I need to get stronger. The only way to do this is through SP.

I needed a way to get a ton of SP. Although I had a plan on the back burner I didn\'t want to use it yet.

I needed to create a reputation to maximize the amount of SP I got. If only one or two people knew about it I wouldn\'t get that much even if it was a big deal.

With a plan forming in my mind I knew what I had to do.

Right as the teacher was in the middle of explaining something I would make my move.

"The dungeon we will be going into is a beginning-9 which means some of you will have to take extra precautions—"

Shoving my chair back I abruptly stood up. The sound echoed throughout the class as waves of eyes turned to me.

Ignoring the curious, uninterested, and annoyed looks of both my peers and teacher I slowly began to walk down the rows toward the teacher.

Mrs. Fischer didn\'t say anything but continued to stare at me as I interrupted the class.

When I reached the front of the class where the teacher was I looked her dead in the eyes.

"What a waste of time."

With that turned and went straight for the door. A moment later I opened it and left walking out into the hallway.

Soon after the door closed behind me and I went towards my next destination, the training center.


Back in the classroom, everyone appeared to be in a state of shock. This included Evelyn who was close enough to hear the words that came out of Lucas\'s mouth.

This was the second time she was left in a state of awe from the boy and in a matter of hours at that.

She didn\'t even know he existed until today. Although the school year had been going on for close to a month she never made many contacts with the lower-ranked students.

Well in reality none of the lower-ranked or any of the ranked students for that matter made contact with her.

Any time she tried to make a friend or someone came up to introduce themselves to her something would always go poorly.

The last person she interacted with was a girl named Leyan who was ranked 871. The girl suddenly came up to her during their lunch break. She asked if she could sit with Evelyn and right as Evelyn was about to agree a bird flew overhead and pooped on her.

The shock and embarrassment caused Leyan to run off crying and Evelyn was left all alone once again.

With multiple situations similar to those happening whenever someone engaged with Evelyn people started speculating that she was cursed.

This led to all kinds of rumors forming and Evelyn was left more ostracized than she ever had been in her entire life.

Now students even refused to sit near her in classes and people she teamed up with wouldn\'t dare to speak to her.

Her heart was becoming colder with every passing interaction and Evelyn decided that the best course of action would be to focus on training.

That\'s exactly what she did for the past two and a half weeks. Every passing second she would be training with her weapon and studying the material of every class. While her peers went out and had fun, went on dates, and created memories she would practice.

Due to Evelyn spending so much time studying she became a much better student. She would be able to answer questions that teachers asked and participate more than she ever had in her life.

She was on pace to become a favorite of all the teachers and serve as a role model. However, even then people didn\'t approach her. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse. People would go out of their way to avoid her.

But this just caused her to study and train even harder. She figured that something was wrong with her and if she gave it her best people would then start to like her.

In the scenario that this would happen Evelyn went out of her way to memorize everyone\'s name in accordance with their number. This way she would come off as more friendly and she would be able to start a conversation with them.

None of the other students bothered to learn about everyone. There were a thousand people and it was just too much for them to learn everyone\'s name let alone be friends with them.

Thus, clicks started forming, and in turn the number of people who knew about each other lessened and lessened.

Plus, all the higher-ranking people didn\'t care or bother to interact with the lower-ranked people and most of them saw them as useless.

Evelyn was different though, all she wanted was a friend, someone she could spend time with, and someone who would care about her.

As her studying improved and her knowledge grew she thought that someone might ask her for help with the class work. If that happened even if she was used as a tool she might be able to talk with someone and that\'s all that mattered to her.

However, her peers started seeing her as a stuck-up know-it-all who was untouchable. As a result her hard work to make friends backfired.

Evelyn was left alone again and she had no idea what to do about it. Any plan she made would result in someone running away from her.

Slowly coming to terms that she might truly be cursed she decided to enact the role she was given and become an ice princess.

Her grades rose to an unprecedented high and when midterms came out she might even be able to move up a rank.

So when she was in Mr. Vankay\'s theory class and a student with the name tag 993 came in late she knew exactly who it was. His name was Lucas and he was as unpopular as she was.

Evelyn thought nothing of him coming in late although it was unlike Lucas to make a scene. However when he called the topics that they were learning about boring something snapped in her.

Who was he to insult such a profound discussion in theory by calling newly discovered information boring?

Even with everything Evelyn had been studying so hard she knew absolutely nothing about the topic. She was excited about the class and being able to learn something new but Lucas was ruining it when he cursed the teacher.

She wanted to stand up and shout at him but she knew better. Since she wanted friends she learned a little bit about everyone.

What she knew about Lucas was that he was failing most of his classes and barely getting through combat. His ability allowed him to sharpen tools which were extremely useful for smithery.

That was the only reason he was accepted into Griffin because the teachers speculated that they could make him into a great blacksmith.

So when someone who should be all about bronze was talking about brains she wanted to challenge his knowledge. Yet the professor seemed to be on the same page as he started quizzing Lucas. But contrary to her expectations he started answering questions she never heard of with what seemed to be perfect explanations.

The teacher along with everyone else seemed to be as shocked as she was.

How did he know about that? When did he study? She had so many questions that she had to physically restrain herself from going up to him. She was worried something bad might happen to him so to convince herself she figured it might just be a fluke. That Lucas had guessed or something.

But just to be safe she kept a closer eye on him during the trio\'s battle. She was half expecting him to break out insane battle skills but he ended up failing miserably. It was the worst display of an attack she had ever seen. If someone had argued that it was Lucas\'s first time holding a sword she would believe them.

With her thoughts washed away, she went back to ignoring him and went to her favorite class, Mrs. Fischer\'s.

But not even ten minutes into the period just went they received news that they would be entering a dungeon Lucas caused another scene. It was so unlike him that Evelyn was wondering if he was possessed.

Unlike before when he outright called the teacher boring this time he just got up and left! He walked straight out the door while muttering what a waste of time it was!

Evelyn was dumbfounded, the boy who couldn\'t handle a weapon and was failing every class, was calling the one class that would prepare him for the mandatory dungeon useless. It was unheard of and plain ridiculous!

Obviously, Mrs. Fischer wouldn\'t do anything about it and that was confirmed by her immediately going back to teaching the lesson but Lucas\'s fate was sealed.

There was no way he would make it out of the dungeon unharmed.

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