
Chapter 62 42. Gone

Looking at the crumbled wall that let in fresh rays of sunlight I was incredibly happy.

I was thankful that it didn\'t take too much SP to make it to E rank but I became depressed at the realization of how much it would take to level up high.

The amount of SP needed to rise from 3.0 to 4.0 compared to 5.0 to 6.0 was extremely high.

That meant that going up one point at a higher rank like S rank would cost over a thousand SP.

Being that I had to completely alter the way of the novel to gain over a thousand points was not something I was confident in being able to do multiple times.

I either had to find a better way to get SP or level up myself and save the SP for times of emergencies.

But one thing I was sure of was that I couldn\'t keep up with the intake and I had no plans to spend any more SP on stats when I could save them for skills or gifts.

"How long do you plan on relying on me?"

Being brought back to reality I realized that my legs weren\'t supporting my body. That\'s when I remembered that I was knocked back due to the impact of the explosion.

Looking up I saw Evelyn\'s face right next to mine as she held up my limb body while I sluggishly laid on her.

"But you\'re so soft."

I got no reaction.

I sighed before making use of my legs to stand back up.

"Now what?"

"Good question, being that no one has rushed to our aid after such a commotion something must have happened which prevented them from doing so."

"Then we\'re alone?"

"Don\'t sound so sad about it."

Walking up to the hole I carved out I wanted to try to make sense of what was happening.

When I exited the elevator after being in it for so long the first thing that I was appreciative of was all the free space.

I was no longer confined to the small space. Even after the incident, there wasn\'t any more room as parts of the machine and all the dead bodies took up a lot of space.

As the rising sun shone into the room illuminating it a flash of red filled my vision for a split second before I went back to looking around at all the destruction.

There were fewer dead bodies than I imagined but that made me even more curious as to why no one was coming to our rescue.

"Well, what do you see?"

Looking back at the opening from the elevator Evelyn made her way out to join me.

"It wasn\'t as bad as I thought it would be."

Evelyn looked down at one of the decapitated heads before looking right back up at me.

I shrugged.

In all reality I expected the entire room to be destroyed but it was only the area around where the elevator was located that sustained the brunt of it.

The resting area and cafe were relatively unharmed and I didn\'t see any bodies littering the floor.

That meant that many people escaped and still there were no teachers or administrators who made their way over.

To be fair the whole thing happened in under a span of five minutes however this was a fantasy world where magic existed which meant that for those dedicated it would take less than a minute to make it to a crisis.

This annoyed me as it became clear that something or someone was preventing us from getting help.

I took a step forward but then looked back into the wreckage of where we came from and where Paul was stuck. I knew I didn\'t have the capabilities to save him myself but I made the deal nonetheless because I believed there to be someone waiting for us outside who would help him.

After all, I never mentioned that I specifically would be the one to help him just that he would be saved. Plus finding a nurse to care for him would technically be saving him.

"Let\'s go see what\'s going on."

Walking outside of the girl\'s dormitory Evelyn followed behind me.

When we made it outside there was still nobody I could sense. It was as if everyone besides Evelyn and I had vanished from the face of the earth.

I looked back at Evelyn but she didn\'t seem to know anything more than I did.

"Maybe they are in the school?"

I nodded, perhaps something extreme did happen and everyone was too distracted to come looking for us, or maybe they thought there were no survivors.

While we made our way toward the school I looked at my red smartwatch to check the time.


It was clear that classes would have already begun if things were following the schedule but I had a feeling they weren\'t

It took us a couple of minutes to enter the building and walk through the halls. Along the way we didn\'t run into a single person nor could I make out or hear anyone nearby.

"Shall we go to Mr. Vankay\'s class first?"

Evelyn seemed to agree however once we arrived there was no one to be found.

The room was entirely empty and there didn\'t seem to be any proof of human existence and there were no students or teachers to be found.

"Now what?"

\'Good question.\'

There wasn\'t much more we could do other than look all around the place and hope to happen upon someone else.

"There\'s one last place we can check."

​ Traveling back through the halls the two of us moved toward the administrative office where I had the trial with Charlotte.

I figured that if there would be any clues as to where everyone went it would be in that room.

While we were walking I looked out one of the windows and admired the rising run. It was particularly beautiful as a captivating red hue filled the sky.

After some time we came to a stop outside the door.

I looked back at Evelyn one last time before pushing open the door.

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