
Chapter 207 Consequences Of The Battle

After every great battle there were consequences, it was inevitable and obvious. Zayne and Elein\'s fight was no exception to this rule, on the contrary, it was perhaps one of the most striking examples in general.

Zayne and Elein didn\'t just get attention because they were strong and the audience wanted to see them fight, but also because of the moment in which it happened.

People\'s lives changed overnight, everyone was puzzled, and many didn\'t understand what was going on and how to live their lives, but Zayne and Elein gave them the answer to that question.

Regardless of who that person was and what role they played, everyone understood one simple thing - if you were strong, no one could stop you, you gained freedom even in the new world.

By then, a full day had passed since Zayne and Elein\'s fight. The government used all its powers and resources, both forceful and political, to bring the city to order and calm the chaos.

The government was able to do this because most people wanted peace and quiet after what happened, and Squad Alpha did a good job, however, they weren\'t the only ones involved.


A muscular man with a powerful punch knocked out a young man with electric shocks running through his arms. The young man was one of the last Players to try to wreak havoc and obtain various valuable items by force. He was no different from an ordinary robber, except for the fact that he had superpowers.

"Agh... Damn, we\'re finally done, aren\'t we?" The man muttered tiredly, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah. I guess so." The woman with the long pink hair smiled, touching her lush lips. On the ground beside her lay several people she had knocked out, all of them Players.

These two weren\'t part of the Alpha Squad, they were Players too, but they worked separately. They were hired by the government as ordinary mercenaries because in this case, the forces of the Alpha Squad were not enough to solve all the problems.

There were many Players who decided that the right moment had come, and they could get money and power with their powers, but not all of them were like that. 

Many Players didn\'t want their city to be destroyed, so when they heard about the opportunity to become a temporary mercenary, many took the opportunity.

"Well, after all, it wasn\'t hard." The man said with a calm face, "However... Still no word on those two, right?"

The woman nodded, "Yeah, nobody knows where Zayne Fellen and Elein Ferger are. Most likely the government is trying to carefully conceal any information about those two."

"Hmm... I\'m not so sure about that..." The man muttered with a complicated expression, "Isn\'t the government supposed to be evil for what they did?"

The woman shrugged, "I don\'t know. It\'s all rather confusing. Anyway, they\'re very powerful; if I were the government, I\'d act cautiously and I wouldn\'t want them to be my enemy. Perhaps in the future, there will be Players stronger than them, but so far that hasn\'t happened."

The man sighed, while shaking his head and looked around, "Well, in that case, let\'s finish the job. We\'ve done enough. It\'s time for us to rest and get back to Fallen Fate Online. After all, we mustn\'t fall behind the others, right?"

The woman smirked, "Sure, I just need to get ready for the tournament, and so do you, don\'t you?"

"Hehehe, that should be interesting. Maybe you\'ll even meet Zayne Fellen at Zexiton before the tournament starts." The man chuckled, picking up the Players from the ground and slinging them over his broad shoulders.

"Too bad you didn\'t become a Mage like me." The woman smiled slyly, "However, you have a pretty strong teacher. When are you going to head to the academy?"

The man sighed, "Pretty soon, the tournament is only a couple of days away, so really we all need to hurry. I wonder what the winner will get? From what I hear, the head of the academy is an incredible person."

The woman shrugged, "Who knows? All we can do is wait and prepare. I\'m even glad all this chaos happened before the tournament, otherwise, things would have gotten pretty problematic."

The man nodded, "Yeah, you\'re right."

Similar things were happening all over town. Many Players decided to help the government, and those who hadn\'t known each other before became good pals. They too were discussing what had happened, but unlike normal people, they had opportunities to influence it.


Before sunset, the girl with the long black hair slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on a wide bed with a white sheet as if she were an angel who had descended from heaven.

Her whole body was bandaged, and covered with healing ointments that were supposed to speed up her regeneration.

Elein slowly rose, looked around, and saw a simple bell on the table, waiting for someone to pick it up.I think you should take a look at

"Agh... How long have I been asleep...?" Elein muttered looking at the sunset through the wide window.

She was in her home. Many speculated that she had returned home, but no one had proof, for after her fight with Zayne, no one was allowed near her house.

"Well...What Grandpa warned me about finally happened...I lost, I couldn\'t do anything... If he wanted to, he would have just destroyed me in one punch..." Elein whispered with a calm face, but, soon there was anger among her eyes as well as tears that flowed down her cheeks.

"FUCK!!!" Elein screamed, clenching her fists so tightly that her palms bled from her sharp nails.

This went on for some time until Elein came to her senses. She took a few deep breaths, beginning again to control the emotions that were like a hurricane through her body.

"I lost... I was wrong... Damn... Even in my worst nightmare, I couldn\'t imagine this happening..." Elein muttered, staring at the ceiling.


Suddenly the door opened, and a man with gray hair in an expensive suit stepped inside. He looked at Elein, then took a few steps forward.

"Mrs. Elein, how are you feeling?" The man asked with a calm expression.

"Disgusting... This is the worst thing that ever happened to me..." Elein replied, absolutely sincere since that was exactly how she felt.

The man nodded, "I see. You know, you met your defeat much later than most people. Sometimes I thought you might never know the feeling."

"Agh...? Osvald, what kind of nonsense are you talking? You sound like something good has happened to me..." Elein frowned. She was angry and angry, she didn\'t want to accept what had happened.

Osvald shrugged nonchalantly, "That\'s the way it is. Only by learning something new can you move forward. In fact, you should be grateful to Zayne Fellen. If it weren\'t for him, it\'s unlikely that we would have lost to anyone in the near future."

Elein grimaced, it seemed that she was ready to explode with the anger that overwhelmed her. She couldn\'t believe that her most trusted ally was saying such things to her.

"Pfffft! You are absolutely wrong! If Zayne Fellen won, doesn\'t that mean he didn\'t lose? I could have been in his shoes! However, I wasn\'t strong enough! The whole problem is that I\'m weak! Only weak people lose!" Elein exclaimed.

Osvald was silent for a while, then a wide grin appeared on his face.

"Mrs. Elein, in that case, it is you who are making a mistake."

"Agh...?" Elein was puzzled.

"Do you really think that Zayne Fellen has always won?"

Elein didn\'t know what to answer. It seemed obvious to her that she could only be beaten by another person who, like her, had never lost.

"Hahaha, you are too naive. Before the advent of Fallen Fate Online, Zayne Fellen was always and everywhere losing. It wasn\'t until he got his powers that he started winning." Osvald said calmly with a slight wave of his hand.

Elein\'s eyes went wide.

"I\'ve heard some people call him lucky, but that\'s definitely not true... You can\'t reach his level in Fallen Fate with luck alone. He\'s been through a lot of trials to get to that point." Elein muttered with a deep look.

"Exactly." Osvald nodded, "He put in a lot of effort, and that\'s why he won. However, there was another factor that affected the outcome of your battle."

Elein looked intently at Osvald, eager to hear the answer.

"He was helped by his experience from defeats. He knew how to act when things got bad, and I think it gave him the strength with which he was able to stand up to you." Osvald shook his head.

Elein\'s eyes grew deeper. She remembered the moment when Zayne stopped looking like a beast. His appearance wasn\'t as menacing as before, but Elein became even more afraid of him as she felt the power he literally radiated.

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