
Chapter 34 - Scarlet Fatale

He pushed forward, tightening his grip on the limp wrist around his shoulder. Soon enough, the horrid stench that oppressed his sense of smell faded, or more accurately, he became used to the aroma. Smell no longer being a problem didn\'t make his mission any easier--sight was now the sense he had issues with. It was dark, the scope of the luxurious domain was overcast with blood and shadows. The only method in which he had to accurately traverse the mansion was his own gut.

After enough dragging of his feet, his gut guided him correctly, reaching the front lobby of the deathly home.

"Meinhard...we made it."

He glanced to the side to check on his friend, who was still completely unconscious, cold and unresponsive to his mindless words. The shattered windows let in the ferocious winds of the night, pushing the high-hanging chandelier side to side as it spun above his head.

"Guess I better get a move on...I would prefer if we don\'t get crushed by that."

Ren glanced up before settling his gaze, leaning his blood-soaked hand on the somehow still furbished pearly railings that overlooked the first floor.

"Ah, there you are."

A voice called out from his left-side, ringing of joy yet carrying hostility. Meeting the origin of the sudden presence, there stood the tall, lanky fiend, wrapped in his dark coat as it flailed in the wind.



The crimson-eyed man bowed slightly as if accepting a greeting, holding his seemingly unwavering smile. It took him a moment to even process how the man was even standing before him.

"Ah, you seem a bit confused as to my being here. I pride myself on being able to read people, you see. Those wide, trembling sclera, your agape mouth...well, I think anyone could read you right now. The lord of the estate wasn\'t much of a fighter, in the literal sense. I\'ll admit he was brave in his last moments, but bravery isn\'t enough if you wish to evade my claws."

The Argonaut spoke casually, striding slowly in a slight circle around the frightened young man as if he wasn\'t a threat in the slightest. A small exasperation parted from the man\'s lips as his gaze shifted to the person held close to the young man.

"Now this is peculiar, why is it that you hold that corpse so close to you as if protecting it from me?"

"Do you…"


"Do you even remember the people you killed? Is it so easy for you to take away life?"

He looked down at the lifeless body he held in his arms, running his hand through the forest of golden locks.

"I can\'t say I have the luxury of memory such as that. That is to say, if you\'re particularly strong and give me a good time, I suppose there is room for that up here."

"As I thought...you\'re a monster. Nothing about you is human. There isn\'t a single person you care about out there, is there? If there was, doing things like this...it wouldn\'t be possible."

"--Not human? I stand at the forefront of what it means to be a human! I indulge myself on all desires that come to--I murder, I rip, I tear, I skewer! This is what humanity has done since the dawn of time, I am simply carrying that will out as a true human--a show of genuine love, of flesh and blood!"

That look of ecstasy in the man\'s eyes as his face contorted into that fiendish smile, there wasn\'t any point in talking with such an entity. Ren carefully set his friend\'s body down against the railings, getting a good look at him before standing back up to face the man.

"Wait, you\'re actually going to fight me? After all of this running around, letting others sacrifice themselves for you--you\'re choosing to stand against me? I respect your resolve, but out of respect for your friend\'s wishes, I would\'ve continued running if I were you."

Rouge laughed as he spoke, adjusting the hat that sat atop his head. An air of silence stood between the two for a moment before the Argonaut took a step towards him and in that moment--something crashed against the ceiling above.

"The wind--? No--what is this magical pressure?"

The man swerved his gaze up to the ceiling as his eyes widened, waiting in anticipation as the room fell silent once more.

"Was it just wi--"

As if answering the man\'s guess, the exuberantly built ceiling blew open from an outside force, sending a cascade of rubble hailing down below. The silhouette of a large man became visible, shrouded by the shadows cast by the moonlight, likely clad in armor.

In a combination of glory and pure recklessness, the man landed fist first onto the ground--slamming his fist directly into the ground below as he aimed for the Argonaut, who let go of Ren to evade the attack. It felt as if the entire mansion shook under the force of the enigmatic figure\'s punch.

Face to face with the man, he stood taller than even Rouge with broad shoulders and an overall bulkier build. Although, it was hard to say for sure what type of physique he had due to the ivory armor he wore, covering every part of his body except his head. The heavenly armor he wore was without any imperfections, crafted beautifully as even this device of war displayed itself like a piece of art. Forged in the flames of genesis, the iridescent armor itself looked as if it was something to be worn by angels to smite down devils of this world such as Rouge.

"That armor...red and black hair...you are…" Rouge spoke slowly of the details before his eyes.

The man clad in ivory armor stood between Ren and the bloodthirsty fiend of an Argonaut, wielding a greatsword larger than his own body. He couldn\'t help but become enamored by the intricate detail on the blade itself, the fine silver designed with black roses.

"Sora of the Outlanders--!" Rouge called out.

"And you\'re Rouge, the "Imp of Mastorn", right? I\'ve been waiting to run into you," Sora responded, lifting his boulder of a sword, pointing it towards the man.

"Two otherworlders in one place...and one of them being the infamous red-haired beast, this is truly a divine blessing!" Rouge shouted in joy.

In his mind filled with blood and death, he barely had the will to understand what was going on, but he this much--"Sora" was on his side, or at least, not on Rouge\'s side. As if trying to assure his dazed and confused understanding of the situation, the man clad in ivory armor turned back to face Ren briefly.

"It\'s going to be alright, man. I\'m sorry I couldn\'t get here sooner but I promise I\'m going to get you out of here. I\'m from Earth, just like you. So is everyone at home," Sora placed his hand on the boy\'s shoulder as he spoke reassuring words.

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