
Chapter 247 - The Personification Of Drought

Standing atop his colossal tool, the Monkey King took in a breath that filled his lungs with bountiful air, puffing his chest out to unnatural levels before exhaling all at once towards the incoming projectile of flames. With his sheer breath alone, parted from his maw, the released exhale scattered the approaching azure inferno, dispersing it back to the winds.

"No way…!"

Watching in shock and awe, Leon could feel the pressure of the unleashed breath even from the surface of the forest, his hair being blown by the unnatural breeze.

"With just his breath?..."

Manfred fell just as shocked, unable to help but feel his knees quiver from the otherworldly power. Looking upon the radiant divine spirit that perched himself atop the thin, yet sky-reaching pole as his golden locks flowed in the nightly breeze, it became more and more clear just the type of foe that was before them.

Even so, the spirit which they had summoned themselves simply smirked to himself with his arms still folded.

"Interesting. This one truly is an opponent worthy of exerting myself for."

Finally spreading his bulky, lengthy arms out to the open air, Vritra wore a smile that stretched across his tan, hardened face; an expression most unnatural for his steel-etched slate. From his form unleashed a splendid aura, not of bubbling mana, but the pure essence of such a pinnacle spirit bathed in seraphic energy.

"Come, Victorious Buddha, let us show this world deprived of divinity the dance of Heaven\'s equals!"

Hearing the fervent proclamation of Vritra\'s booming voice as it resonated through the mana-filled air, the Monkey King perched his own wicked, excited smile, accepting the challenge with nothing more than his tangible excitement.

The words from the entity embodying drought were not empty; manifesting into the surrounding area of the colossal, draconic humanoid were dozens of blades made of his fiery, azure essence, accented with sable embers.

It was clear as day what type of battle was about to unfold as the trees quaked and the soil shook; Manfred grabbed onto his friend\'s arm, retreating into the forest, as fragile as it was beneath the presence of the divine spirits, out of instinctual fear of such radiant power.

"Don\'t disappoint me!"

Launching from his immaculate pole stuck into the soil, Sun Wukong journeyed through the air like a comet towards the unmoving, black-haired divinity.

"I shall repeat the same to you! Don\'t you dare fall to these blades, rebel of Heaven!"

Without instructing a command with his own body, Vritra\'s words sent the flurry of blades shooting directly towards the Monkey King.

"Ha-ha-ha! Insulting!"

Returning to his hand reaching upward, the pole magically unearthed itself, finding itself back into the iron-grip of Sun Wukong as he found himself warring against the slew of flaming weaponry that filled the sky with a vibrant flame.

Responding to the approaching spears, swords, daggers, and arrows birthed of Vritra\'s own flame, he swung the rod that could kiss the clouds through the boisterous space, throwing it through the projectiles as if swatting flies. It was obvious the type of strength needed to wield such a weapon, one which could surmount the tallest of Grandeuve\'s trees.

That necessary power became even more clear by the amount of wind generated under its swing, just the force alone tearing the limbs from trees, foliage from the soil, and decimating any of the missed projectiles launched by the opposing divinity.

"I\'m ready for the next course!"

Holding a confident smile that put his canines on full display, Wukong continued to dive through the air as he returned his trusty weapon to its original size which merely stood at twice his normal height. Landing on his own two feet onto the surface of the forest, the ground beneath him cratered under the immense strain, yet he stood with his gleeful smile still present.

"Letting me get close is a mistake."

Brushing the dirt from his fur, Sun Wukong smiled at the bulky, towering entity that stood across the battlefield, who wore a subtle smile of his own.

"Perhaps you misjudged me; I prefer a battle one with my own body, not by blades. A death by a flurry of blades is one fit for an army; not for a worthy opponent."

"Is that so? You know who I am, yet you still want to bring this to a fight of fists? I don\'t know whether that is commendable or laughable, but you have my respect! Ha-ha-ha-!"

Unleashing his howling laughter into the air, Wukong\'s belittlement was met with no sharp response in the form of words, but in aura. Just from a simple flex of his body, Vritra issued a quick preview of his inner aura that sent a tremor through the territory, quickly hushing the Monkey King\'s taunting as he settled into a smile.

All at once, the booming presences were distinctly recognized by the others committing themselves to the war within Grandueve.

Two divine spirits…? One of them is unmistakably one of Fai\'s, but the other? This can\'t bode well, Donatien though.

Another divine spirit was summoned? Is there really one in their possession that can rival Wukong? Just the thought of that gives me chills! Fai thought.

"Who said anything about this just being a fight of fists? As I said; this is a battle between divinities; not men! Let us embed into this world the memory of this battle, let it never forget what transpired on her soil--that is all I wish for!"

His fervent, passionate words were backed by his immense, divine aura that seeped its way into the soil beneath his step, shattering and splitting it as his tail slammed against the surface repeatedly. Reaching to the collar of his robes with his burly hands that could encompass a melon easily, Vritra ripped the garments covering his torso off into shreds that quickly reduced themselves into embers, then ashes.

Layering his body were tattoos that wrapped from his arms and around his torso, his conditioned, yet overtly muscular body covered in deep scars.

"It\'s not very common to see a divinity with scars like that."

Preparing for the approaching battle, Sun Wukong commented as he took a fighting stance with his sable pole, his golden tail flipping through the air behind him with growing excitement.

"You should understand why better than anybody else--that\'s just the kind of spirits we are. The ones who bare their fangs at the pinnacle of heaven!"

Squeezing his fist tightly, Vritra leaned his head back as his forearms became clad in midnight blue scales, extending down and embracing his hands in the same armor.

"Hoh, don\'t mistake me, I know it well! It is proof of a celestial unafraid--no, one who welcomes battle rather than growing fat in a castle amongst the gilded clouds!"

The time for words had dispersed itself under the now bubbling tension between the two; Wukong and Vritra both watched each other with their eyes that saw beyond the mortal plane. Even the most subtle, minute movements; a single hair swaying, a batting of an eyelid, the flex of a muscle--such were the triggers of battle.

Honestly, I don\'t give half a damn about what Fai wants. The only reason I put up with that snot-nosed brat is because he brings me things like this; experiences I yearn for with everything. That alone...is enough reason for me to follow him, that alone is why I will defend you and your comrades, Fai! Sun Wukong smiled.

Just the movement of his lips was enough to spark the battle as the two divinities launched towards one another, kicking themselves from the dirt as they approached the other. Watching from what they hoped was a safe distance, Leon and Manfred tucked themselves neatly in foliage, keeping their eyes peeled on the newborn spectacle.

From the difference in sizes alone, someone would think this is the battle of David vs Goliath, with Vritra towering over the monkey three times over...but I can\'t help but see it the other way. After standing in his aura, witnessing and feeling his power--I can\'t help but feel that Vritra is the underdog here, Leon thought.

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