
Chapter 53 Guardian Beast

Tarquin Wroe jolted awake and tried to sit up. Pots and weapons clanged and shifted amongst Invictus\' traveling packs and supplies.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, bud!" The ruby-red haired giant, Dragan, was the first to greet him.

Wroe hopped out of the supply cart, gliding down gently, "Hey! What\'d I miss?"

Dragan opened his arms in an exaggerated shrug, "Nothin\'! Absolutely NOTHIN\'! No brigands! No trouble with the guards! Not even angry glares, man! These guys are all spooked or somethin! ...I was kinda lookin\' forward to trouble..."

Upon hearing this, Barza subconsciously shuddered. He had seen the damage that Dragan could do with his greataxe.

Tycon wryly observed him, "I, for one, am rather glad that we could pass the checkpoint without issue."

Wroe laughed, his eyes shut, "We can\'t keep a girl waiting, Mister Dragan."

Dragan, a man well over 8 fulms tall, raised his arms into a stretch and let loose a yawn, "I just like hurting people! Don\'t you guys take that away from me!"

Tycon turned to Wroe, "Have you learned anything?"

Wroe shook his head, "I sent my shadow to check the building near the gate. It\'s common knowledge that that Hisato guy went into the woods, but there\'s no information on the prophesied \'Calamity\'. Everyone knows about it, but no one knows anything about it?"

Tycon twisted his lips, "Peculiar... Anything else?"

Wroe smirked, "Other than that, I think I have an older girlfriend now?"

Tycon rubbed his cheek, "Dump her immediately. News on the girl?"

"Roger that, Boss. She does have a cute sister."

"No, you fool. The other, smaller one."

"So Boss likes them young? No worries, Shun\'s sister is--"

"Stars and stones, you daft man-whore." Tycon scowled, "I\'m talking about Taree!"

Understanding dawned upon Tarquin Wroe, "Oh, sorry Boss. But I think she likes Bucket, so--"

"Mister Dragan, you have my permission to kill this man."

Dragan groaned, "Last time we had a practice bout, I was cleaning purple blood and insect parts off of my gear for three bells. Noooo, thank you!"

Wroe grinned sheepishly, "According to what I heard, Taree and Bucket seem to have arrived safely."

"I wonder if House Kimura spread that information... or if there are agents working against us... In the latter case, perhaps you\'ll get to your wish sooner rather than later, Mister Dragan."

"Awwww! Boss!" Dragan embraced himself and puckered his lips, "So you do care about me!"


Tycon knocked on the door to the central room, summoning a familiar patterning of quick footsteps. Tycon looked to Young Master Tamaki and tilted his head in confusion.

Kimura Taree opened the ornate, circular double-doors. Tycon raised an eyebrow, seeing that the room was bare--

"Big brother! Warrior Tycon! Come in, come in!" Taree exclaimed. The little girl had replaced her torn robes with a more formal one-- still wearing the bright orange of the Kimura family, but with a reflective, more expensive material.

He, Tamaki, and the bipedal members of Guild Invictus entered the large room, shutting the door behind them.

"Don\'t you have... servants?" Tycon asked.

Tamaki opened a dusty chest in the corner of a room and began grabbing cushions-- assumedly for sitting upon the wooden floor, "Oh, don\'t you worry about that. The old house also serves as a dojo, so everyone in the family helps out with the cleanin\'."

Tycon nodded. That would be a no. They couldn\'t afford servants.

He glanced around the room, mostly devoid of decorations, much unlike Baron Tavor\'s manor and their plethora of paintings, scrolls, and various art pieces. (Hopefully, Miss Capulet had sold a majority of them.)

He especially noted a large, if spartan chair at the back-center of the room, seated upon which was... a pink pig? It was a comfortable-looking plush, almost half the size of the young Kimura Taree.

Taree followed his gaze and blushed, "E-eh? What\'s that doing there?!"

The sound of a side-door opening up attracted everyone\'s attention. A blonde woman entered carrying a tray of snacks and tea, her blonde hair in a bun. "Oh, I thought the room looked a bit lonely, so I got your favorite doll from your room."

The gently smiling young lady could easily pass for Young Master Tamaki\'s older sister.

Tycon granted her a polite smile, "You are...?"

The woman placed the tray upon a short table and gave an elegant bow, "My name is Kagehisa Yumiko, Tamaki and Taree\'s mother. On behalf of my husband and my children, welcome to House Kimura, friends."


The warmth of Yumiko\'s welcome was almost palpable. She was skilled in both polite conversation and... simultaneously embarrassing her daughter. She provided the most excellent hospitality, serving tea and tiny cakes.

Dragan loudly proclaimed the deliciousness of Yumiko\'s cakes.

Tycon enjoyed the fragrant tea that Lady Yumiko poured, particularly pleased with the warmth of the well-made, if inexpensive, ceramic cups.

Barza told Yumiko a story about his childhood, excited that someone was willing to actually listen to him.

Wroe tried to flirt with Yumiko.

Taree used her skill, Rising Storm, on Wroe\'s face.

Bucket was just happy to be there-- with Lady Yumiko especially inquisitive concerning the young man.


Taree sat alone. Opposite her, she faced Tycon with Bucket at his side. The other members of Invictus lounged around, at the opposite side of the room, speaking freely with Tamaki and Yumiko.

"S-so what did you want to discuss, Warrior Tycon?" Taree asked nervously. "Is it about B-b-"


Tycon grimaced, "Business, young lady. The specifics."

"O-oh, I\'m sorry. Usually, my dad takes care of all of this."

Tycon raised an eyebrow, "Forgive me for asking, but where is your father?"

Taree lowered her gaze, "Dad entered closed cultivation shortly after Tamaki and I left the sect... According to Grandpa Kakui, Dad left me in charge as the temporary Family Head."

Tycon nodded, "Closed cultivation? He\'s training himself, then?"

"Dad said that if he could make a breakthrough, we would have a chance of surviving the Calamity... He said no one should disturb him, or-- or..."

Tycon raised a palm, interrupting the girl\'s speedy descent into despondency, "That will be fine, young lady."

Her father going into closed cultivation sounded like an act of desperation. The man\'s actions placed his daughter and son in great risk to the family\'s enemies, allowing them to be set upon by House Muto.

...Tycon would have had a much easier time maneuvering in the Ivory Sect\'s society with an older, status-established Kimura patriarch than a rude, hot-headed pre-teen... but no matter.

Taree sniffled as she stared at the floor. Bucket tried to move, but Tycon stopped him, shaking his head, "Young lady, tell us what you know about your... Calamity."

The silver-haired girl nodded slowly, "It\'s... it\'s about the Guardian Beast of the Ivory Judge sect."

Tycon nodded for her to continue. He knew that Guardian Beasts were contracted beasts assigned to guard a family.

A sect was akin to an established guild. Hidden sects were hidden in order to protect centuries of history, tradition, and esoteric skills. A sect\'s Guardian Beast contracted from ancient times would be far more impressive than a few-epochs-old familiar of a mage guild.

"It... The Ancient Beast foretold its own downfall. And it\'s so weak it hasn\'t appeared this year or last..." Taree frowned, looking like she was about to cry, "With... without the Guardian Beast\'s protection, the Ivory Judge sect will be vulnerable to rival sects and outsiders."

Tycon raised his head in understanding... "So the real reason House Kimura ventured outside the sect to find Outsiders... Was to find a Beastmaster or Scholar capable of diagnosing the Beast."

Taree nodded, but didn\'t meet Tycon\'s eyes, "It\'s just... our Guardian Beast is rare."

Tycon gave a noncommittal shrug, "Of course it is. The older a beast it, the more prized for its meat and materials. Beasts capable of surviving only a hundred years are exotic; hundreds of years, incredibly rare... and those suitable for Guardianship, a statistical anomaly.

"It\'s just that..." Taree hesitated, "It\'s... a dragon."

Tycon found his eyes widened and his heartbeat racing. Bucket had stood up and began screaming at Taree.

Tycon hadn\'t realized when he\'d done so, but he\'d stood up and his short sword was unsheathed and gripped strongly in his hand.

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