
Chapter 71 Sol Invictus

Seldin Korr, the Unbreakable, thrust her sword into the remaining Staghorn\'s mouth. She drove her sword into the ground, taking the man down with it. Without hesitation, she stomped on the man\'s neck and wrenched the sword out in a violent twist.

Leserre, now weaponless, turned to Clemont, "Master Wizard! What do we do?!"

Clemont grit his teeth, his eyes wide in panic, "Don\'t worry, I have the perfect spell for this."

Leserre\'s eyes brightened, "Very well! Then we\'ll both work together to defeat this vile--"

"Expeditious Retreat."

"--wo... what?"

Clemont knelt down in a runner\'s start position. Mana glowed at the tip of his staff, flowed into his body, and he sprinted away in a blur.

Leserre raised his arms up, palms forward in surrender, "Aha. Madam Korr? Miss Korr? Lady Unbreakable! I am Sir Emilien Leserre, Knight of the Kingdom. I have always greatly admired--"

The Unbreakable\'s eye glowed red, "Soul-Scorching Blade."

"EEEE!!!!" Leserre threw himself onto the ground, feeling the reaper\'s scythe pass over him. As he looked behind him, black and rotting slash marks had marred the nearby copse of gold-leafed trees.

The woman stared at her sword blankly, unmoving. Leserre slowly stood up, his knees trembling, but he gulped and mustered the courage to approach the woman, a head shorter than he was.

"Um. Milady?"

The sword was marred with a web of black cracks, wisping with smoke. After another moment, the metal crumbled to dust.

Leserre breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that you\'re unarmed, perhaps we can--"

Remaining wordless, Korr walked over to one of the swordsman\'s corpses and grabbed another blade.

Leserre immediately began to panic again, "Wait! Wait wait wait! Why are you doing all this?!"

Why *was* she doing all this? Korr placed a finger on her chin in thought.

She was here to save the guy she liked. She felt her cheeks turning hot. She couldn\'t tell the Knight that! The Knight\'s mustache looked untrustworthy. What if he told Leader? That wouldn\'t do.

Oh, but she came out from hiding because Yumiko was hurt. But what would she say about Yumiko? That she\'s her newly adopted mom? That doesn\'t work... Is there a legal process for that? Can I even get a new mom? How much coin would that cost?

...How many moms can I legally attain? Who do I have to fight to get that right?

Knight Leserre wanted to ask another question, but Korr, as if sensing the man\'s impatience, raised her hand to stop him. Leserre clinked his gloved forefingers together, waiting patiently.


A bolt of lightning streaked down from the clear sky, forcing Seldin Korr to dodge and roll away. Standing up, she faced her attacker with a growl, "The Council cannot stop me!"

The tall and handsome Maximus of Ezyria had arrived, his golden shield and silver muscle cuirass gleaming in the light, "Wow. Clearly a villain."

Leserre hurried behind the holy warrior, "Paladin! You came to save me!"

Maximus nodded serenely, "I came to deliver justice."

An axe warrior hurriedly approached Leserre\'s side, "Sir Knight, our side\'s taken heavy casualties, but the enemy has withdrawn thanks to Sir Maximus\' artillery support."

Leserre nodded, "Good, good. Then we shall rally our forces and attack the woman! Together!"

Maximus jabbed out an oppressive open palm, "No."

Leserre and the axe warrior shared a glance, "Sir Maximus?"

"I will face the Unbreakable alone."

The axe warrior couldn\'t stand for the command, "Sir Maximus! Let us aid you! If it wasn\'t for you, half the company would have been killed!"

A wave of agreeing murmurs tided through the gathered crowd, nearly 3 dozen Staghorns remained. Over half of their number had become casualties, injured and killed, but their hearts still burned brightly with pride and the promise of victory.

Leserre gulped, his eyes moist, "Sir Maximus, by the honor of Guild Staghorn, I cannot let you go alone."

Maximus clenched his outstretched palm into a fist. With a growl of power, lightning struck his upraised arm, the ear splitting burst of energy causing the Staghorn warriors to shield their eyes or dive for cover.

Maximus walked through the stunned and fallen men and women of Guild Staghorn, "Keep your lives. Stay out of my way."


Maximus leapt up with unfolded wings, high into the sky, blocking the light spilling from the canopy with his shining form. Shield up, spear pointed downward, he plummeted towards Korr.


His entire body sparked with a blur and pale blue streaks of arcing electrical energy.

Korr grabbed the body of a Staghorn by the legs and swung them horizontally.

Maximus was forced to block with his shield. The momentum of the blow pushed him far back, but using his wings to adjust and striking his spearhead into the earth, he was able to stop his momentum. Unsticking his spear, Maximus stood tall. He walked counter-clockwise, stretching his neck and his shoulder muscles.

"Maximus. Gladiator of Ezyria," A low, inhuman and feral growl emanated from Maximus\' throat. He clanged his shield with his spear, startling Korr for a moment, "State your name!"

"Korr..." The woman stopped for a moment, staring off into nothingness. Maximus turned back to look at Leserre, Clemont, and the rest of Staghorn. Leserre made an exaggerated shrug.

Korr placed her sword fist into her open palm. She had figured something out.

"Korr, Assistant Chief Financial Officer of Invictus."

Maximus raised an eyebrow, "Invictus? Guild Sol Invictus?"

Korr the Unbreakable tilted her head. She looked behind her but realized there was no one else Maximus could be speaking to. She pointed at herself, "You were you asking me? I don\'t know...? Why?"

Maximus responded immediately, paying no mind to the woman\'s pause, "Sol Invictus is the name of a well-known Arena Guild where I come from. The guild\'s name is in the Old Language of the Holy Country."

Korr nodded slowly, as if she understood. But the look on her face indicated otherwise.

Maximus turned around, facing the Staghorns. He pointed a speartip at Leserre, "You. I was not told we were seeking Sol Invictus."

Sweat began pouring down Leserre\'s neck, "I uh... Well-- that..."

Clemont stepped forward. He had returned from his rapid withdrawal, "Perhaps they are not the same, Gladiator."

Maximus faced Korr again, "Tell me. Do you know of Arena Champion Quay?"

Korr shook her head, clueless.

"...He was the leader of Sol Invictus." The shield warrior sighed, "Then perhaps the two guilds are not the same."

"W-were you two lovers?" Korr asked hesitantly.

Maximus was stunned, "What? No. Why is that the first thing you ask?"

Korr frowned.

Maximus put his shield and his spearhand on his hips, "No, really?"

Korr tapped one of her boots against the ground, "You kinda had that... look in your eye, when you were asking about him."

Maximus averted his gaze, "I really... respect the guild. That\'s all."

"But it doesn\'t matter," Maximus lifted up his spear as it crackled alive with electric energy once more. "You should have known this since you joined a Dark Guild on your own accord..."

Dark clouds formed overhead. Maximus\' eyes glowed blue with power.

"By Bolt and Flame, you will be Purged."

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