
Chapter 776 Worst-Case Scenario

"Pray on yer own time," Benji shook his head. "For now, we get back to base, we pool our resources, and we think of a plan that won\'t get us all killed."

The way it looked, though... that meant packing up their bags and headin\' to a different City-State. Archangel, maybe?

"What if we use that pearl you guys were talkin\' about earlier?" Another Rat offered.

"Tried that," Benji groaned. "Porter used the charge and it didn\'t work for shite."

The headache had set in-- a full-on migraine, squeezing his head like a torture device.

Not Archangel. The Wizard operated in Archangel and he wouldn\'t be happy about the waste of his precious pearl. City-State Valsene, was a better option.

"Well... maybe-- an\' don\'t take this the wrong way," The Rat gulped. "Maybe you didn\'t see right, kid? You\'re still growin\' an\' all that?"

"Not how it works, dumb-arse," A different Rat scowled. "Boss \'s got quick hands, but we all know Benji\'s got the best eyesight outta all of us..."

"Yo, Benji," Soren shook his arm, "What the f*ck do we do if that Tyco guy jumps us in the f*ckin\' alleys?"

The guy\'s eyes were wide open and bloodshot. He let go of Benji and frantically started checking the condition of his flintlock.

The others glared at him for his cowardice... but Benji waved them down. It was a good question.

"We only got a few Bronze-Ranks among us... so if we saw him, it\'d be best to scatter," He shook his head. "I could barely follow his movements when he broke Luther\'s leg... How is the bastard, by the way?"

"No good," One of the Rats carrying the dark man spoke up, "Hasn\'t woken up yet."

...Benji stopped walking and swallowed his saliva, "Hey... is he breathin\'?"

The group of Bone Rats stopped... looking at each other... no one wanting to bite.

"I\'ll f*ckin\' do it," Soren walked over to look into Luther\'s mouth, pistol in hand.

A line of blood ran down it-- not a good sign.

"...Nah. He ain\'t," He pressed two fingers to the man\'s neck... "No f*ckin\' pulse, neither. We gotta leave this f*cker behind."

Benji took a deep breath in thought... When things were bad, they only got worse.

"Nah," He sighed. "We bring him. If we\'re gonna die, it don\'t matter whether or not we\'re carrying a body. Anyroad, I\'m betting on the fact that the Gold-Rank\'s a few hundred years old. That type of f*cker shouldn\'t think much of us... Gods-damn insulting, I know-- but that\'s how the Realm works."

"That a f*ckin\' joke, Benji?" Another Rat recoiled in disgust. "That brat looked about as old as you."

"You think this is the time for me to be crackin\' jokes!?" Benji shouted. "Or ANYONE!? Luther\'s f*ckin\' DEAD! We went to his daughter\'s f*ckin\' nameday party last f*ckin\' week!"

The guy looked resentful, but he looked away in guilt, "F*ck, man. Alright. I get it..."

"Look," Benji glared, "the only way anyone gets to Gold-Rank and not look like a shriveled up ball-sack is if they have some special bloodline-- or if our luck is shite, he\'s got a high-rank magic item.

"That guy-- he didn\'t act like a normal human. Didn\'t talk like one, neither.

"I\'m bettin\' on elf-blood. Or maybe he\'s dovahkiin..." He frowned...

Benji was annoyed by the possibility of that particular irony... if the first dragonborn he met in the Realm that wasn\'t himself was basically a weak-looking kid like him-- but better in every single way.

"F*ck. Gods-damned f*cking fffff*ck," Soren cursed, stomping his foot like a gods-damned child.

Real charmer, that guy.

"Shoulda known that kid was trouble..." Another growled.

"You really think that kid\'s some kinda... ancient monster in a human body, Benji?"

"As you all know, high elves and scalefags don\'t give a f*ck about us peasants." Benji looked down and his voice grew quiet... "If not, then we\'re lookin\' at a worst-case scenario."

After a moment, he lifted his head to check the Bone Rats\' reactions.

They must have felt it too-- how powerful Tyco was. They didn\'t argue. Most of them didn\'t even look up to meet his gaze.

They were as quiet as Luther.

Benji didn\'t think of himself as a holy man, but he muttered a silent prayer... \'May the gods have mercy on that f*cker\'s soul...\'

"Alright, guys... let\'s keep moving. Doan can\'t be far from here."

A cold chill shot down Benji\'s spine as he turned the next corner. The narrow alleys were home to him and the other Rats... they knew every nook and cranny of the lower districts, where to run, where to hide, where to bring their marks if they needed some privacy.

Still... it felt like the shadows were somehow... darker-- like there froth-mouthed nasties waiting for him to get close.

Each vomit-inducing smell from the garbage and gutrot was somehow sharper... sticking to the insides of his nostrils and weaseling its way to the back of his throat.

It was like he was being welcomed to a secluded corner of the seventh hell.

It almost made him wish he hadn\'t put a whole five levels into ⌈Keen Senses⌋...

"Maybe... we should go around, Benji?" A Rat muttered, "I don\'t feel so good."

"Hold your breath, man," Benji rolled his eyes. "It\'s not like the other alleyways are any safer.

"Doan!" He raised his voice, "Hey, big guy! Get out here!"

The sudden shout made Soren flinch, "BENJI!! What the FFF*CK, MAN?!"

Benji didn\'t know who started it, but one guy laughing made the others start chuckling along with him.

"F*ck, man. Come on, Soren. You can\'t be scared of a f*ckin\' KID!"

"Hah, f*ck off," Soren shook his head... "My nerves are f*ckin\' shot, man..."

"Y\'all\'re still scared o\' gittin\' GOT? I swear, yer all a bunch\'a f*ckin\' pussies."

"Ch\'yeah, look at Luther. He ain\'t scared o\' none."

"Yeah. All of ya\'s gotta quit bein\' b*tches."

"Fuuuuuck thiissss. Once I pay off my university loans, I\'m gettin\' outta this life..."

"You went to school? F*ckin\' nerd."

The light banter lifted Benji\'s spirits... but just a little. His nerves were just as shot as Soren\'s... but just like the others said... there wasn\'t any real reason for it.

It was just another mission-- a failed one, but it wasn\'t anything new.

It was the same old alleyways... no more safer-- no more dangerous than usual.

"Ey, kid," The skinny Rat next to Benji squinted his eyes, "I think that\'s him. Hey! Fatty!"

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