
Chapter 81 Entering The Spire


My footsteps echoed in the desolate wasteland, as I beheld the sight of the spire with a mixture of awe and unease.

The cold winds whipped at my clothes, carrying the scent of decay and flesh. It was the smell of death and despair, and it permeated everything in this lifeless landscape.


My bloody face was a stark contrast against the grey and lifeless surroundings.

After killing the wolf, I only drank a Health Potion to heal my wounds before coming here. I didn\'t even bother to wipe the blood off my face, for there was no point in trying to preserve any sense of dignity or cleanliness in this forsaken place.

The spire stood tall in the distance, with a dragon\'s skeleton wrapped around it like an eerie embrace.

As I approached, the dark aura emanating from it grew stronger, suffocating and draining me of energy.

I knew that it was the source of the deadland, and of the Dark Mana that had turned this probably once thriving land into a grey graveyard.

The demon within the spire radiated such intense Dark Mana that it seemed to leech life out of anything around it, destroying all greenery and leaving nothing but rocky terrain and grey sand.

It got to the point where I could feel my life force being sapped away as if it was being absorbed into the spire and feeding some unseen power within.

"It has to be at least E Rank..."

I muttered to myself, approaching the spire with caution and preparing myself for the battle ahead.

The rocky structure was very weirdly built and I circled it, trying to find the entrance, but there seemed to be no obvious way in. I observed the sides of the spire, searching for any cracks or crevices that I could exploit.

In the end, I decided to climb up the dragon\'s skeleton and see if that would lead me to an entrance.

Approaching the bones, I whistled in amazement at their sheer size and complexity. Even the single claw was big enough to crush a person, and the ribs were like massive pillars holding up the sky.

It seemed as if the dragon had been there for ages, and its bones had become a fixture of the spire.


I grunted as I pulled myself up onto one of the ribs, using my hands and feet to slowly make my way up the skeleton.

It took me the whole ten minutes to barely reach the halfway point of the dragon\'s spine. If I had to compare the creature\'s size to something familiar, it\'d be like climbing a mountain.

I think that if it had flesh and was still alive, it could maybe swallow a whole village or even a small town.

The Dragon was the size of a hill or a skyscraper on Earth. The daunting size of the dragon made me realize just how powerful and ancient this creature was, and that whoever killed it was a being close to omnipotent power.

"SS Rank at minimum..."

I thought to myself, as I continued my ascent up the skeleton of the massive creature towards the top of the spire.

To kill a dragon of such size and power required an extraordinary amount of strength, skill, and strategy.

Brute force alone would\'ve never been enough to defeat an adult dragon of this magnitude.

Even the protagonists weren\'t able to vanquish such a beast without meticulous planning, impeccable execution, and sheer luck on their side.

The scales of dragons are incredibly tough, making them nearly impervious to most attacks.

It could be said that they are resistant to melee attacks and spells that don\'t deal any major elemental damage.

Yeah, good luck killing such a monster. You can also add its ability to cast spells, breath fire or other elements and you\'ll get an unkillable war machine that would require a coordinated attack from the strongest people in the world to kill.


My hand almost slipped off the spine and I quickly grabbed onto a nearby rib, my heart racing with the realization of how much danger I was in.

The ground was already far below and although falling wouldn\'t kill me, I\'d break all of my bones for sure.

Lifting my eyes above, I noticed that the spire was still a long way off, and I had to keep climbing if I wanted to reach the top.

My gaze was drawn to a crack in the wall or rather a crevice that was made by the dragon\'s claw in the past.

The nails left a deep mark on the rock, revealing the space within the spire.

Tap... Tap...

Abandoning my main route of trying to reach the top by the spine, I carefully jumped down on the beast\'s skeletal arm, making sure it was stable enough before approaching the crevice.

As I peered into the darkness, I noticed something glimmering in the shadows. 

It was purple torches that were hung on the walls of a bedroom with ancient furniture and a grandiose bed.

Slowly, squeezing into my room, I sneezed, feeling the dust in the air, and I realized that this place hadn\'t been touched in years.

Looking at the strange ornaments drawn on the bed sheets and walls I frowned, wondering what kind of person or creature would inhabit such a place.

The symbols seemed to be from a language that I couldn\'t recognize, making me feel confused and wary of my surroundings.

I had never thought that I wouldn\'t be able to understand one of the languages of Leclentia, especially since I spent more than a year studying all of them, but here I am, looking at the cloth that is thousands of years old with some unknown symbols etched onto it.


Whatever civilization lived here, its knowledge and culture were lost to time, leaving only remnants of its history behind.

It slightly piqued my interest, because it is not common to find such ancient remnants of long-lost civilizations. Maybe it could even belong to the Original Mages - First Awakeners?

Grinning, I slowly pushed the wooden door leading outside the room, however, the old hinges broke with a loud screech, causing the door to fall and crash onto the ground, echoing through the area.

I didn\'t even manage to react before the door fell with a loud thud, making me freeze in my tracks and wonder if I had alerted the Boss.

Thud... Thud...

I couldn\'t tell if it was my heart or footsteps that echoed in the silence and I slowly looked around, assessing my surroundings.

"What is this..."

My eyes gazed through the long corridor covered with an old, black and dusty carpet that seemed to stretch on forever.

There was an eerie sensation in the air, making me feel tense and wary of any potential danger lurking in the shadows.


eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Suddenly, one of the doors creaked and a figure or rather a shadow, emerged from it.


I covered my mouth, quickly hiding behind the corner. The figure seemed to be human, but something about it was off...

The being radiated strong Dark Mana that almost made me gag and its appearance was unsettling, with an unnaturally elongated body and twisted limbs that ended with sharp claws.

The Demon also had a set of horns, however, they seemed small compared to what one would expect, indicating that this creature was only a low-rank Demon, whose strength is considered around E Rank Human.

It also didn\'t have the wings that \'Noble\' Demons possessed, further proving its low status.

However, I was even weaker than this low-rank Demon, which was probably regarded as a minor threat.

One successful swing of its claws would decapitate me, so I retreated even further into the shadows, contemplating my next move.

Although it had yet to see me it surely knew that someone had entered its spire, and I realized it was only a matter of time before it checked the bedroom.


Cursing, I looked at the crack in the wall, contemplating if it was better to escape and try to find another way in or face the Demon head-on.

I weighed my options, my heart pounding in my chest. Running away seemed tempting, but I knew deep down that if I had to spend another night in this fucking island - I\'ll lose my mind. 

With a deep breath, I steeled my resolve. I couldn\'t afford to be afraid. I had come this far, and I had to see this through to the end. 


My Katana\'s hilt felt solid and reassuring in my grasp as I prepared to confront the Demon.

Thud... Thud...

I could hear the creature ripping apart the doors and checking every room in search of the intruder.

My body tensed and I took a stance waiting for the Demon to emerge in front of me, so I could strike it before it had a chance to attack.


The black blade tore through the air, creating a faint sound.

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