
Chapter 195 - Katherine's Fear

" I can\'t believe you will think like that…" he stated.

" As far as I know about you. You are the purest and kind-hearted person who thinks about others. But now…" his words were interrupted by her.

" Now...I am your wife, mother of your child. I can\'t imagine if anything happens to you. What if any harm is there to your life! " she hugged him.

" Then what about the innocent lives who are suffering! What is the mistake of those men who died? " he asked her.

" I don\'t ask you to leave them to their misery. I am telling you to send our administration staff to help them, \'\' she replied.

" If I send them instead of going then they will think of me as a coward. And I don\'t want to live like a coward. It\'s better to die," he said in a serious tone. Instantly she closed Adrian\'s mouth with her palms and said" Please...Ad. Don\'t talk like that…"

He took her hand from him and informed " Then let me do my work…"

Instantly, she buried her face in his chest, hugging him, and cried " Ad… I am sorry to hurt your feelings. It was my love that made me speak in that way. After a long time, we are together and happy. If anything happens to you, I can\'t live...,"

His anger could not stand for a long time and his heart melted on seeing her tears. He hugged her back and said, " Shhh… calm down. Nothing will happen"

They stayed for a while in that position. Once she became normal, he released her and said, " we are going to be late. Let me get ready". She wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes and nodded her head.

On noticing her face, he cupped her face and said, " I thought you are a brave and strong woman who brought up our Sam alone. I am always proud of you"

She looked into his eyes silently. He smiled at her and pecked her forehead. Suddenly she stepped back and said " I will serve breakfast, come fast. As you said we are getting late " 

She left the bedroom to arrange breakfast for them. Adrian made a call to Duke and informed him to arrange final rites of the employees to show his remorse. 

 After a few minutes, he came to the dining room. By that time, Maria and Sam were also in the dining room. As soon as Maria noticed her son, she questioned, " Tell what happened at our company! " 

Adrian and Katherine at each other. He signaled her to stay quiet and answered his mother, " There was a fire accident at the company. A few employees were injured ". He didn\'t mention the death of employees.

" Only injured!" Maria questioned her, looking with a serious face.

" Don\'t try to tell lies...Addy. I read the news headlines, " she said.

" I am sorry, Mom. I don\'t want to stress you thinking about this, " he explained.

"Okay. What is the reason for the fire accident? " she questioned him. Adrian was hesitant to answer her question as he had just now witnessed how disturbed Katherine was. Looking at his wife, he lied to his mother, " Still we need to know…"

" Okay. Take care of those families who lost their loved ones" Maria suggested.

Just in time, Emily came to their home. She got the news in the morning and wanted to meet Adrian as he is her friend.

" Ad… How did it happen? " She questioned him.

" I can\'t talk right now. I am in a hurry. Thanks for your concern" he said in a serious tone.

Emily was startled by his behavior and looked at Katherine. Her face turned pale with his receiving. Katherine sensed it and said, " He was upset from yesterday. Please don\'t mind …". Emily nodded her head understanding her point, and remained silent. 

Katherine took two sandwiches on the plate and ran after Adrian as he didn\'t eat anything. Atlast she reached him and grabbed his wrist. Before he was planning to drive, she called the driver and asked him to start the car.

Adrian looked at her skeptically. Then he answered, " I don\'t want you to drive when you are upset". Next, she opened the passenger door for him to be seated. He nodded his head and sat in the car. Once they got inside, she closed the partition glass before the passenger seat. She smiled at him and said in a low voice, " Have this sandwich "

" I am not in a mood to eat. Please don\'t force me, " he replied, looking outside. She thought for a while about how to feed him. An idea popped up in her mind but she was a bit hesitant to do so. But she gathered some courage and sat on his lap even though she knew the driver was in the front seat. Adrian was stunned by her act and looked at her without blinking his eyes.

She gave a sweet smile and whispered, " let\'s share this sandwich". Then she placed a slice of sandwich into her mouth and leaned towards him. He understood his wife to convince him to eat. So he smiled at her and said, " Impressed with your idea". He opened his mouth and took a bite of the sandwich. She felt so happy when her husband at least had some food when she fed.

Once her work was done, she tried to sit beside him but he held her waist and pulled her closer to him. He caressed her cheek and said, " Baby...you know how to convince.. " 

She placed her hands around his neck and said, " it\'s my responsibility as a wife. And also I have a reason. " He looked at her skeptically, gritting his eyebrows.

" Once we go to that place, we will lose our hunger. And I also know that an empty stomach is good to work in this condition " she replied.

" That\'s a valid point, " he said.

" Promise me...one thing " she took his hand and placed it on her head. Then he asked " What !! "

" Promise that you will never skip your food. If you don\'t promise me then I won\'t stop talking with you " she said, looking at him.

He panicked with her words and replied, "No..No.. Please don\'t make such hasty decisions. I want to hear your sweet voice every day". Then he continued, " I promise you that I will never skip my food…"

" That\'s like a good big boy…" she pulled both of his cheeks.

" Only compliment!! I want a reward too " saying he kissed her cheek. She pushed playfully and said, " You are just like Sam, very naughty "

Just in time, the car was stopped. Immediately she turned her head and noticed that they were in the company parking a lot. She took a long breath as the glasses of the windows are not transparent. She sat beside him and adjusted her dress. Adrian knocked on the door and signaled the driver to open the door. 

The driver opened the door and bowed his head. Adrian and Katherine got down the car. They noticed employees were gossiping on the first floor of the company.

" Good morning, my dear staff…" Adrian greeted.

All the employees were looking at each other\'s faces and also were curious to know what their CEO want to announce about the incident.

" As you all know about the incident in our company, I decided to take care of the medical expenses of injured employees and also take care of their family\'s need till they recovered. And coming to the death of our employees, I will talk with their family members and will come to the conclusion " Adrian announced.

Then he continued, " As it takes time to rebuild the manufacturing unit. I want my employees to co-operate in this situation. And I decided to give off to the work for three weeks. I want only administration staff to come to the office " 

One of the employees from the group asked, " What about our monthly salary! If we stop coming here! How can we run our home! "

" No need to worry about it. I will provide full month salary…" he declared which made everyone shock.

" It\'s means management indirectly accepting it is the fault of safety measures of the employees " one of the employees asked.

Adrian doesn\'t understand how to answer his question. Then Katherine questioned him back, " What will you do if we shut the company as we are lost! "

Adrian looked at her with shock and held her wrist. Employees\' faces become pale and there was complete silence. Katherine blinked her eyes and signaled Adrian to not worry.

Then she turned her head towards the employees and continued, " if our CEO thinks like a capitalist then he wouldn\'t think about injured employees. And before knowing the truth, you can\'t blame him. I can request you all to understand the situation and support him by trusting him "

One elder man in the group came forward and said, " I believe in our boss\'s words and will wait till our situation will get back to normal " 

" Thank you to think about the welfare of the employees even in the hard times…" he added.

Meanwhile, Duke walked towards Adrian and said, " Sir...The final rites of the employees are arranged.. We need to go…" he whispered.

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