
Chapter 181 - Enlightenment.

Yang Dao saw the man who governs the whole nation in front of him, sitting under the vine shade. The man had his back to them and he was relaxed. The lady spoke as they approached the pavilion, "Sir, the guest is here."

The man stood up from the chair and turned to face them. He smiled and said, "Welcome to The Crown, Young Master Feng." 

Yang Dao smiled and bowed to him slightly as he said, "The pleasure is mine, Premiere." his calm actions and tone surprised the man. He did not expect this talented young man to be so polite. His sister can turn the face of the countries economy in a blink if she wanted to yet this boy was acting humbly to him. 

He gestured to the boy, "Have a seat."

"Thank you," said Yang Dao and sat down silently. The lady left after a nod from the premiere. The man sat down and asked, "What do you think of this place?"

Yang Dao looked around and said, "It is nice, but not suitable for me." 

The man asked, "Why do you say so?"

"Is this place not a glorious cage? Surrounded by guards, who protect you and watch over your actions. I understand that it is all for the sake of the people of the nation but such a sacrifice is a bit too much. Is it not?" said the boy. 

The premiere sighed and replied, "It has been like this for a long time and it will be like this in the future. Is this observation the reason that you did not wait for the civil service s exam and directly used your own company to start the Helping Hand Project?"

Abraham knew that the project was very helpful for the people, but he also knew that this welfare was just the start, in the future if Yang Dao continues such actions it will gain popularity with the people. The rich me support the government for their own interests. But the poor, the sick, the liberals and the literary will stand behind Yang Dao. 

This may cause chaos and might lead to some significant changes in the governing system of the country. Yang Dao smiled and said, "The reason I started the project is that I believe that to do good deeds one does not need any sort of title and uniform. Entering the political front will limit my growth. Only when you keep improvising can you become a better human."

The premiere asked, "Than do you not think the powers in the political courtyard are perfect for such improvisation?"

Yang Dao gazed at the man right in his eyes and chuckled, "Perfection is just an illusion created for our own comfort. Even the god and heaven themselves are not perfect or why do you think that humans created by the heavens are so imperfect? Even our breathing pollutes nature, then how can our concepts be perfect? Science and Technology are the greatest examples if the scientists and inventors all thought that the world is perfect the way it is, then we might not have needed places or cars. "

His words were calm but they were enough to inspire the person who was an inspiration to the rest. Abraham sat there on his chair with his mind stuck in a daze. The boy meanwhile prepared some tea for the two. He poured a little boiled water into the cup and then added tea leaves to it. He stirred the cup gently and soon a faint fragrance emitted from the teacup. 

The boy asked Abraham, "Milk or black?"

The premiere said, "Milk, please."

Yang Dao nodded and pour some milk into the cup. He said, "Just how the milk blends with water and they become one, those who want to do good for the people can also blend." 

Abraham nodded and asked, "One cube of sugar." 

Yang Dao did not mind and added a sugar cube to the tea and stirred it. He held the saucer and offered it to Abraham. The man took the cup and gave it a blow before he took a sip. He said, "Good Tea." 

Yang Dao only smiled at him. The premiere asked, "How did you make it?" 

"My sincerity is my skill. That is how I made it." he fell silent and poured himself a black teacup. The boy then added two sugar cubes to it. He picked up a cookie and snapped it into two. He extended the one half to the man and kept one for himself. 

Abraham shook his head saying, "I do not eat cookies with tea." 

"You can try it. If it did not suit well, then you can take it as an affirmation of your taste and style." his polite voice and smiley face had a charm that worked not only on females but on males as well. 

Taking hold of half of the cookie, Abraham said, "To improvisation." 

Yang Dao said, "To improvisation." he watched as the premiere dip the cookie in hot tea. After a second he took it out and took a bite of the cookie. 

He sighed at the taste. Yang Dao smiled and said, "Blending thing is not always a bad thing, Premiere Abraham. The world is changing and we need to prepare. If we did not try new things, then our stereotypical ways will be the cause of our doom."

His words fell on Abraham\'s ears like divine enlightenment. As the leader of the nation, he understood what Yang Dao was indicating. The future will change and with it change the people. If they did not change or adjust with it. Then the time will bury them slowly. 

He nodded and said, "Indeed. Blending things is not always a bad thing." although he said this, he still had some hesitation in his heart. How can he trust a child?

Yang Dao said, "Blending is good only when it is done in proportion." his words eased the man. The two people sat down in silence enjoying tea. Soon the lady came back. 

She said, "Sir, you have another appointment." in a low voice. 

Yang Dao stood up from his chair and said, "I shall not bother you any further, Premiere. I will take my leave, and it has been an honor to share tea with you."

The man also stood up and extended his hands. They shook their hands and Yang Dao suddenly said, "The earth is firm and stable, but it is also, boundless and vast. Hesitation will only hold you from progressing and trap your heart in the past." 

His phrase sounded like a rhythm to the lady while Abraham was shocked. He has never broken through to the third level of Elemental Bending because he doubted in his heart. As Ryu Jinshi said, "When an Elementalist is in doubt, they will forget their skills." but the phrase Yang Dao gave just now, eased the long tied knot in Abraham\'s heart. 

By the time he woke up, Yang Dao was already about to vanish from his sight. The premiere bowed ninety degrees to the residing back of the teenager. This was his gratitude for the teachings bestowed upon him. 

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