
Book 7, 85: Assassination Cavalry

Suddenly, a streak of light descended from the sky as bright as the sun. Atley was stunned.

“Is our Lord descending?” he cried out.

He had never seen the God of Assassination descend in all the years that he had been archbishop.

The God of Assassination’s projection was not particularly bright due to his preference of operating in the shadows. Instead, it began to take form in a relatively shadowy corner of the church, twisting into existence.

“Our Lord!” all of the disciples cried out simultaneously.

The projection solidified, revealing a skinny, dark-skinned man.

Atley crawled towards him deferentially. “My Lord, I am your loyal servant Atley. Your wish is my command!”

The projection ignored him, instead turning its head to glance up at the sky.

Atley didn’t understand what was happening.

Suddenly, two more streaks of light descended from the sky.


Atley was badly startled.

Two more projections took shape.

Atley’s surprise had turned into terror.

The God of Assassination hadn’t appeared in hundreds of years, and now all of a sudden three had appeared all at once! Something big was about to happen!

The God of Assassination’s projection spoke. “Gather all of the church’s cavalry and divide them into three groups. We will be taking command of them.”

Atley replied, his voice trembling, “My great Lord, may I ask where you are going?”

“To execute justice and wipe out a parasite that should not have ever existed in this world. My disciples, the opportunity to give your lives to me has come.”

That night, the Assassination Church’s cavalry split into three groups and headed in different directions under the leading of the three projections.

On Glorious Sect Mountain.

This place was once the Barbarians’ largest gathering location. After an altar was established here, it became a place where the Barbarians would offer sacrifices and pray to their gods for blessing.

However, the Barbarians’ guardian deities - Longue the Barbarian God and Barzalon the God of Rage - were both crude individuals, and they rarely responded to the Barbarians’ please.

During the previous battle, the Barbarian alliance had been shattered. Now, the Qiang Tribe had established their kingdom, and it had now become chief priest Frost’s lone residence.

Frost was currently standing before the altar, gazing up at the sky.

Of course, he was not offering sacrifices. Even so, he could sense some kind of a connection going from the earth to the heavens, making it so that those in the heavens would more easily hear the cries of those on the earth.

Most importantly, the divine characters inscribed on the altar were the exact same as the one that Su Chen had obtained from the Moon-Worshipping Sovereign.

So he had already learned the methods used by the gods to construct altars.

But because the Moon-Worshipping Sovereign had been on the other side of the Barrier, his altar was significantly more complicated.

“If I destroy all of the altars in this world, the amount of faith being offered to the gods will probably be greatly affected, right?” Frost muttered to himself.

“Yes, but I would recommend against it,” a voice spoke near Frost’s ear.

An illusory figure began to surface from the altar.

“Human Ancestor?” Frost grew excited. “You’ve recovered?”

“Hard to say right now, but this matter is urgent. I had to rush over and let you know.” The Human Ancestor’s voice was still a bit weak. Obviously, the grueling task of sending Su Chen across the border had forced him to pay quite a high price.

“What is it?”

“Yormak has come looking for you.”

Frost was momentarily taken aback before he realized who Yormak was. “The God of Assassination? Is it a projection or his real self?”

“Projection, but there are three of them. They’ve split up to Abundance City, Copper Cauldron Castle, and this place.”

Abundance City was where Isabella resided. By this point, she had already taken over the Gwent family by force, and was being crowned the new Gwent family matriarch. Through her, Frost would be able to continue stirring up trouble and chaos.

Copper Cauldron Castle, which was to the north, had experienced a recent outbreak of a plague of some kind. Naturally, this plague was a result of Frost’s curse.

Copper Cauldron Castle was an important strategic location that the humans relied on to keep out the Barbarians. If that line of defense were to fall, the Barbarians would be able to directly invade.

And that was exactly what Frost was orchestrating.

His plan was to throw Kun’s territory into chaos so that the gods would be weakened.

Kun’s territory limited capacity was just enough for the gods to survive on. If that amount of divine power were to decrease any further, the gods would find themselves in much more dire straits.

That would be the best time for the Origin Realm to mount a counterattack.

But before that could happen, Frost needed to work hard.

The God of Assassination’s perception seemed quite keen, as he had managed to pinpoint all three locations that Frost had anything to do with.

Upon hearing the Human Ancestor’s reminder, Frost nodded his head. “Thank you for your reminder. I’ve already made preparations for this.”

The Human Ancestor asked, “What are you going to do?”

Frost smiled faintly. “If he wants a fight, he’ll get one!”

The Human Ancestor was momentarily taken aback by this answer before he smiled happily. “Your growth has exceeded my expectations. I wish you the best of luck.”

As the Human Ancestor spoke, he began to disappear into thin air.

Frost fell into a thoughtful silence.

Even though the Human Ancestor had never explicitly said so, Frost had his suspicions.

So the Human Ancestor was a god after all?

He just didn’t know which god the Human Ancestor was.

But humans were created by gods. If he was the Human Ancestor, then how could he be a god? What was that all about?

Frost mulled over the situation in deep thought.

And as he thought, he was waiting.

After some time, a group of people appeared off on the horizon.

They were riding on the back of tall horses. Each wielded a long spear and was decked out in black armor, giving them a stealthy, sinister appearance.

“The Assassination Cavalry,” Su Chen muttered to himself.

They had indeed arrived.

They had traveled all the way from Tapia City to here. The entire way, however, they suffered no misfortune, and were easily able to enter the heart of the newly-erected kingdom.

This was without question due to the God of Assassination.

Traveling stealthily and silently was his forte.

The cavalry began to climb up the mountain without hesitation. Even though the terrain was quite steep, the warhorses completely ignored the elevation gain and climbed steadily. This was yet another skill conferred upon them by the God of Assassination, which would allow them to walk as if they were flying.

The soldiers rushed towards the peak of the mountain. Frost, however, paid no attention to them and continued gazing off at the distance.

As the soldiers were advancing up the narrow path, a giant fist suddenly swung out from behind a nearby rock and slammed into one of the soldiers’ midsection. That soldier was crushed upon impact. That was when the other soldiers realized that they had been attacked by a statue next to the trail.

“Not good! Beware of enemies!” the leader of the cavalry warned.

In that moment, the statues lining the trail suddenly seemed to come alive and charged at the cavalry.

These statues had been awakened by Frost using his God-Sealing Method Power. They had been crafted by the Barbarians, and while their appearance was quite crude, their power was undeniable.

As Frost’s power increased, his growth would accelerate as well. Even though he was far from reaching his peak, he could already use a limited amount of Method Power.

God-Sealing Method Power was a core component of the main body’s strength. For that reason, it was impossible that Frost would give up on it.

Of course, the puppets he could create were far weaker than Su Chen’s. After all, he was lacking both in Method Power and in ingredients.

The statue puppets he had created were probably about as powerful as Light Shaking Realm cultivators.

Even so, this was sufficient to make them a force to be reckoned with. Some of them had been used during the Qiang Tribe’s battle for supremacy, which was why the Barbarians were even willing to gather materials and construct them in the first place. These puppets became yet another weapon in the Qiang Tribe’s arsenal. No one knew, however, that their loyalty was actually ultimately to Frost.

Even the powerful Assassination Cavalry were completely blindsided by the sudden ambush.

Stone puppet after stone puppet leapt forth, swinging their giant fists through the air and shattering boulders left and right.

The Assassination Cavalry began to glow with divine light. They were obviously being supported by the God of Assassination’s divine techniques.

Even so, the power of this divine technique was limited.

The strain using such a technique placed on the cavalrymen was quite high. It consumed both their consciousness power, as well as the divine power they had been given.

Actually, the gods hated bestowing divine power upon their followers. The only reason they did so was to attract new converts.

In order to deal with Frost, the God of Assassination had generously bestowed more divine power and a divine technique to the cavalrymen, but even that amount was limited.

Each cavalryman only had the support of five divine techniques.

Shadowsteps, Level Terrain, Darkness Charge, Assassination Blade, and Frost Armor.

Shadowstep was a unique kind of movement technique that allowed the Assassination Cavalry to travel while shrouded in darkness, effectively rendering them invisible. This was what had allowed the Assassination Cavalry to charge through Barbarian territory without interference.

Darkness Charge was an assault skill. If they activated it at the same time as Shadowstep while on flat ground, their damage output would greatly increase. Unfortunately, because they were on a mountain, Darkness Charge was basically useless.

Frost Armor was a defensive technique.

Assassination Blade was a divine technique that would strengthen their weapons. Because it was most useful in an assassination context, weapons to which it was applied would automatically gain the ability to ignore barriers and dealing heavy damage to the target. This was the most effective weapon the cavalrymen had against the statue puppets. The puppets were not nearly as agile as a Light Shaking Realm cultivator, but their thick skin and sturdiness compensated. Because of Assassination Blade, however, the cavalrymen were able to cut through the statues like they were made of tofu. Once the statues ran out of “vitality”, they would crumble and disintegrate.

Even so, Assassination Blade alone would not allow them to defeat the horde of statues so easily.

Frost’s puppets sprang at them from every which direction, forcing them into dire straits.

At that precise moment, the space around Frost rippled slightly. A dagger appeared out of nowhere and silently stabbed down at Frost.

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