
Chapter 222 - Innocent Night

Hailey left me with shock and an antique-looking knife. I stared at it and then at her, who stood in front of Fang. "Hey, naw waim," I mumbled while keeping the thermometer safe in my mouth. 

She barely paid attention to me and rather talked with Fang, "I will gather some information till then. You should keep Selene company."

Fang looked at me and then back at Hailey. His gaze had hardened on her before he finally spoke, "You should know no one in this room trusts you." That was true, I mumbled while pointing at her as if what Fang had said was correct. Hailey sighed as she came to me and grabbed the dagger she had kept in my hand. A smile surfaced on my lips, knowing she would have to wait back now.

She walked back to Fang with a huff and slapped the dagger in Fang\'s hand, "This is one in your hand so you can check if it is authentic, rest I do not trust you either." 

I raised my eyebrows as I stared at them. Wait, did that mean that she trusted me? 

Fang checked the dagger, carefully taking his time. I did not understand what was going on, but I would expect Fang to be smart and make Hailey stay here. If he actually ruined what I had come here for, I would not blink before separating his head from his body. He snickered with a huff and glanced my way. Whatever read my thoughts, I wasn\'t going to change my thoughts. 

Fang handed the dagger back to Hailey, "You better be back by tomorrow night." 

"What!" I pulled the thermometer out of my mouth, "I did not take you for being an idiot." Hailey did not bother, simply walked to me and kept the dagger in my hand. 

She menacingly smiled at me, "Please take care of this, on your own." Her last words carried more weightage. I was about to stop her when she twirled on her heels, "Alrighty Fang, take care of your little missy." She patted Fang\'s shoulder and winked at him. It was hidden by her face angle but I could swear I saw her wink. 

"W-wait, what did you wink?" I shouted, but she was long gone.  Fang took slow steps towards me and I frantically pointed at the door, "No wait, why did she blink?" 

"Wink," Fang corrected me.

"Yes wink, why did she do that? What are you two planning?" I asked as I pushed myself slowly to the other side of the bed. Fang was approaching closer and closer with a smirk I hadn\'t seen since my eyes had opened. 

He passed the man kneeling on the ground, "Your master needs some alone time, go stand guard." 

"No! No!" I shouted, "I don\'t need any time. You stay right here." 

The man who had got up from his kneeling state looked at me and then at Fang. He knew who he had to choose and he gently bowed to me. Fang smirked at my retreating form. "If you like an audience, I do not mind. I did not take you for someone so bold." Fang continued to approach me. I looked around and grabbed the pill to throw at him. Fang caught it in front of his face and when he lowered it, a charismatic smile coated his lips, "Starting the pillow fight already." 

I did not need to have knowledge of how bad that term was. It was what his face clearly said. 

"You don\'t any closer, Fang," I shouted, "Get him... Stop that man!" 

My temporary guard was quick on his feet and came to stand in front of Fang, "My master does no wish your presence, please leave." I looked at Fang as I leaned to the side. A knowing smile on my lips as I proudly folded my arms over my chest. This was what he brought upon himself. I could not even start describing how good it felt. 

Fang sighed and placed his hand on the other man\'s shoulder, "Look mate, this is my soulmate. That makes as equal master as her for you. Plus, she is shy, don\'t you get it?" 

"Who are you calling shy? I am braver t-than the likes of you," I stuttered. 

He was joking right when he said he was also that man\'s master. I don\'t see how this soulmate bond is supposed to work but I did not want it working here. Hailey! I cursed her name in my mind. This was definitely planned. She is also with Fang in this and right now I did not want to test my waters with Fang. I mean, everything was wrong with the setting. This room had a king-size bed and a lusty beast in front of me. Self-control was something Fang did not show around me, making things harder for me as well.

Fang pulled the other man away as if he was some friend by putting his own hand around his shoulder. 

There was whispering and mumbling. I tried my best to listen to them but Fang was quite secretive. Times like these, I wished I had Fang\'s abilities. Other\'s thoughts did not bother me but what went through Fang\'s mind was always something I would rather stay cautious about. 

"You cannot take him away like that," I yelled but none paid attention. 

In the next few seconds, the man who had been turned into my temporary soldier nodded and bowed to both me and Fang before leaving. 

"Hey wait! I command you to stay!" I tried to make him turn around but that man left, shutting the door tight behind him. 

Fang closed the distance rapidly and my heart almost jumped out of my throat. I scrambled to the other side of bed. He followed suit and tried from the other side when I slithered back to my previous position. Fang rolled his eyes and bent on the bed grabbing my leg and shattering my confidence in running away from him. "Come here, you skittish little one," Fang pulled me by my legs till my knees bent over the edge. 

"W-what do you thing-"

"Shhh," Fang placed his finger over my lips as he bent over. His black locks hung down. He kept his one knee beside me while one of his hands circled around my waist. In one swift motion, Fang lifted me and pushed me upward on the bed like I was some soft toy. Fang came to hover over me and my breath shuddered when he descended slowly towards my lips. I had nowhere to run. He had me pinned. My eyes closed in reflex while I looked away. 

I braced myself for what was to come but it never came. I rather saw a red in my closed eyelids as if he moved away from the front of me, taking his shadow with him. 

I opened one eye and there was no one there. When I opened both my eyes, the room suddenly went dark with just one source of dim yellow light. I quickly got up and looked around. "Don\'t worry, I am right here," Fang\'s sudden whisper in my ears made me jump. He chuckled as he held me around my waist and pulled my back to touch against him. "Stay," his word was a gentle request than anything with wrong intentions. 

His words and actions had me stunned for a moment. "Fang," I whispered as he hugged me from behind and rest his head on my shoulder. 

"Hm?" There was nothing else he said. 

"I-" there was a strong desire to push him away but he clung to me as if I was the last person when the world was coming to its end. "Are you okay?" I finally asked. That question had been pestering me for a long time and somehow this felt like a time to ask. 

"Better now," Fang said. 

My eyes moved to the side since I could not turn my neck. "W-What went wrong a while back?" 

How did things turn out like this? I was the one who had resolved to not pry on his life and here I was asking stupid questions about him, to him. The last thing I needed was to start getting curious about him, even though he carried so much mystery around him all the time. 

Fang sighed, "It is late. Let\'s head to sleep." 

"Together!" I exclaimed. 

A throaty chuckle erupted for him, "Yes." And he fell to the side, still holding me. I winced a little as that came uncalled for but Fang pulled me closer. Our bodies flush against each other. 

"Fang!" I whisper shouted, "I- I will sleep on the couch-"

"It pisses me off how I could not protect you today," He said in a blank tone. I should have been there sooner when I felt the first blow. 

I shuffled in his arms to find comfort and Fang let me before he held me tightly again. "You know I can take care of myself," I said in an irritated tone. It was only to receive a burst of laughter from Fang. "What I would have survived today," In my rage, I turned around in his arms to face him.

We could feel our breaths so close and yet everything felt so far. 

I stared into his dark eyes, shimmering with absolutely nothing, "You will be able to take care of yourself one day. It wasn\'t today, that is all." 

I wanted to fight, but my ears could not believe what I heard. He wasn\'t scolding or reaching a conclusion as if I was some damsel in distress. Those were words of faith. I took a deep breath and for the first time noticed how he looked at me as. His eyes fixated on mine while I unconsciously looked at his lips. When I realised what I had done, I looked back at him panicked but he simply smiled, pushing one of my hair strands behind my ear.

"Get some sleep little one, I will teach you some tricks of the werewolf trade tomorrow," my eyes brows furrowed at his words but he turned me around easily and reminded again, "Sleep."

"But I-"

"Do you want to experience what you thought was going to happen tonight?" Fang asked in a flirtatious tone right beside my ear sending a delicious shiver down my spine. 

"N-No," My voice dropped to an inaudible range. 

"Good," he said as he pulled the blanket on us, "Goodnight little one." 

This was an innocent moment. Pure and innocent. What was I even thinking of it? Well, it had always been because of Fang and his actions. I pushed myself away from him ready to bid a goodnight when he pulled me back to him. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever.. Go to hell." 

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