
Chapter 182: From The Other’s Perspective (3)

However, Vulcan was not able to stay in the temple of lightning and fire, his own turf, for a long time.

It was because with the exception of less than the first half of the 1st year, immediately after he was regenerated, he was killed by Kaozinta.

Every time he saw Kaozinta’s face, he was killed like a mayfly for the past 3 years.

Vulcan’s stress level has reached its peak at the present time.

“Damn it!”

“Good bye!”


Once again, Vulcan was hit by Kaozinta’s own special proprietary attack, the king’s punch.

The punch went through him and into the wall, and he died with the spewing of blood from his mouth, like a fountain. Then he was soon transported to the all white regeneration room.



When he came to it, Vulcan detonated all the magic power in his body as he put on the expression of a screaming hideous ghost.

Then as if he has gone mad, he threw uncontrollable punches to the surrounding walls.

However, whatever material the walls of the room were made of, the walls sustained no damage at all. Unable to release his stress, he forcefully calmed himself down by breathing heavily and finally plopped down on the floor.

Of course, just because he was calm didn’t mean that the accumulated stress has been released, so frowning expression still remained prevalent on his face.

‘Damn it, just how long do I have to spend in here? It has already been 4 years, damn it, damn it, damn it!’

Dying was no longer a big deal to him anymore, now.

Certainly, he never again wanted to experience that horrible loneliness, pain, and fear that he felt during the time from the moment of death and being transported to the regeneration room. However, it no longer impacted him to shudder, as it had done before.

However, the sense of despondency in knowing the 4 years worth of time has been wasted couldn’t be shaken off.

That was what was making Vulcan to feel so painful.

With the exception of his time spent on Earth, he drove himself to the limit and grew without a stoppage, like that of a speeding locomotive train. Hence, the 4 long years of being stuck in one place was the ultimate, horrible punishment for him.

On top of that, for the 1000 days that he has faced Kaozinta, Vulcan was yet to deliver a single effective shot against him.

Kaozinta was always one step, two steps rather, ahead of him it seemed, and always pulverized him in a humiliating way.

Fortunately, perhaps he wasn’t well endowed in magic such that Kaozinta always punished him with hand-to-hand combat skill, yet that wasn’t a consolation to Vulcan.

That was because Kaozinta had the sufficient power to overwhelm him with only his physical capabilities.

Kaozinta was even capable of taking on the destroyer stone and the lightning and fire sword, which he used with all his energy, with bare hands, so he probably didn’t see a need to learn other skills, either.

‘Phew. Still, it wasn’t like that nothing has been earned though…..’

Kaozinta used to just kill him, without saying anything, every time he had appeared for the first half of the year.

However, perhaps it was because even he began to feel tired of the life here that he shared little bits of small talks before the battles.

The pieces of intel that he was able to ascertain in that process.

From them, Vulcan was able to build bits and pieces of the background information on Naraka.

‘All the monsters, including the boss monster could not speak, he said. It was as if they were like the ordinary monsters in Asgard, which were copied through mass regeneration….. He has never seen, or heard about anyone like me. Then, are the gods, which are regenerated in here, copied versions of the captured gods in the ancient time…..’

According to Hoculus and Honus, Vulcan was told, before he became a god, that there were a few gods who had been captured when they crossed over to the demon world out of curiosity…… Perhaps, there was a high probability that the visible monsters in Naraka were products from those gods as the fundamental elements.

There was also other intel that Vulcan has ascertained.

Like the fact that there were stronger boss monsters than him, the places were not good training grounds as so many powerful true demons hunted there as if they were in competition, and that he, himself, was a monster that has been newly updated in Naraka….

‘And it was also said that if one places his hand on the demon’s statue, after capturing monsters like me, then based on the earned accomplishments, stronger demon energy could be attained…..’

In fact, Kaozinta, who has been repeatedly killing him, must have enjoyed quite a bit of accomplishments as he has already leveled up by 1.

The life in Naraka was churning in similar fashion as the players.

Vulcan had a great interest in that, and he was wrapped around by the desire to reenter Naraka in a demon mode, and hunt by immediately shedding off of this unbearable god mode.

‘Also, curious about the life of other player like, yet somewhat different true demons….. And also curious about how the accomplishments are collected if or when I was to enter Naraka in demon mode…. Phew. Now come to look at it, unlike I thought, there is a lack of high level hunting grounds, so wonder if the effectiveness would be worse than just simply going around the demon world via using the demon tools?’

Vulcan was in the midst of thinking about demon mode’s effectiveness for a while.

Then he suddenly, by wrapping his head with his hands, he began to roll around the white floor of the regeneration room.

“Damn it! I couldn’t careless as to what would become of me, but just want to get out of here! Aaaaaaah!”

Vulcan screamed painfully in the empty space where there was no one to listen to him.

After having showed acts of insanity, Vulcan sadly plopped down to the floor, and soon got into a lotus position to conduct mental training.

It was certain as to when Kaozinta would lose interest in the lightning and fire temple and leave after having intentionally taken up a place here.

If, and truly only if he was crazy about training like himself then perhaps, he might have to spend over 100 years and repeatedly get killed once a week at every time he would see him.

‘That… can never happen! Can never happen!’

Vulcan knew it.

That even if he was to ‘beg him to go away’, Kaozinta’s nature would not allow himself to leave.

Did he also not continually hunt and torture Belzeram even when Belzeram had repeatedly begged him.

Ultimately, one way to get out of this place was to wait for Kaozinta to get tired and leave on his own accord, or if not that…..

‘Gain levels and attain enormous growth…. Or just reach an understanding…..!’

Of course, an understanding wasn’t something that came easily.

Moreover, excluding the deity level, Vulcan’s level has already reached the level of the ultimate high even among the gods.

It was deemed impossible to find that extremely narrow gate to an understanding in order to move to the next level.

However, he still had to try.

It was better to try it than just sit around and did nothing.

Also, although it was only once a week activity, he could spar for his life against someone who was overwhelmingly stronger than him in a consistent manner.

It could also be seen as the optimal training condition if he could overlook the fact that leveling up wasn’t occurring even with earning experience.

Vulcan gritted his teeth.

He was full of burning hate towards Kaozinta who was responsible for throwing him into his interstitial hell.

‘I’ll surely kill you…. No matter what happens!’

Vulcan fell into his own inner world as he frowned in response to keeping something hot as that of the hell fire.

Several years have passed like that again.


[True demon Kaozinta]


‘The level has gone up again.’

“Haha! Good to see you! This is good that the boss monster can talk since it reduces my boredom and I can comfort myself! Hope you are never going to be available to others!”

“It’s been already 9 years since we’ve met for the first time, isn’t it about the time that you let others get a crack at me?”

“Is it a god talking? How foolish are you to be talking about yielding. The true demon bastards would never do such a thing? It’s just that they cannot directly kill, but those bastards would kill gradually by using delaying tactics used on monster Ogre. Krah, I feel relaxed as I’m training here rather than being among those sons of bitches. Although the monster level was somewhat low…. Hahaha!”

“So go somewhere else if the level is low.”

“I told you. Sometimes quantity is better than quality. Haha.”

The bastard would not lose his usual happiness.

However, Vulcan desperately knew well that behind that wrinkled face, there existed clear evil.

About 2 years ago, Kaozinta faced him very angrily as if something did not go well during the training.

The bastard released his stress through every means of torturing on Vulcan who had his arms and legs severed, and drained of energy.

Vulcan had to transport to the regeneration room by swallowing the humiliation, sense of defeat, and rage after Kaozinta innocently smiled as he slowly cut up Vulcan’s eyes as his blood filled eyes stared at Kaozinta. Since then, Vulcan’s desire for revenge has been sowing deeper.

However, he did not show such emotions since then.

It was because the more he suffered and resented, he saw Kaozinta becoming bolder, so he thought that he should not show any emotions, at all.

Vulcan expressionlessly looked at Kaozinta, even now.

As if he had nothing more to say, he pointed his sword and using his mental energy, he caused countless number of flame magic to manifest in the empty space.



And ignoring Kaozinta who was about to say something more, he dashed toward him with incredible speed.


As if lightning grazed by, Vulcan disappeared by leaving behind a small amount of soot.

However, Kaozinta, who had outstanding dynamic visual acuity, already analyzed his movements.

The movement of Vulcan, who was in no time stepping on the walls of the temple, came into the eyes of Kaozinta whose expression change instantly.

After removing his formerly playful expression from his face, Kaozinta quickly increased demon energy.

Transformed into something as if he was wearing an armor suit and a helmet, he jumped out in a straight line towards Vulcan.


As if he was a heavy shell being fired out of a cannon gun, Kaozinta quickly dashed towards Vulcan.

As neither Vulcan, nor Kaozinta reduced their speeds, it appeared that they would imminently crash in an instant.

However, when they approached each other to the point of being able to see each other’s pores on their skins…


Leaving behind only a small spark, Vulcan has disappeared without leaving a trace.

Unable to control his momentum, Kaozinta flew forward, and after crashing into the wall, he came to a stop.


And at that moment, Vulcan came down from the air with many flames and magic.

With murderous energy, Vulcan’s sword came down at Kaozinta like a rod of lightning.

However, was it because he was too concerned with the speed.

Before sufficient amount of flame energy was accumulated, the sword bounced off without causing substantial damage as it pierced through Kaozinta’s arm.


Vulcan’s right arm was raised high due to the powerful counter energy.

Seeing that, Kaozinta quickly stretched his arm out in an effort to grab Vulcan’s left leg.

However, as if to prove the fact that one could not grab lightning with bare hands, Vulcan instantaneously disappeared, leaving behind only a few sparks.

Kaozinta gathered and wrapped himself around with even darker demon energy.

Since then, the situation has changed by little bit.

Vulcan demonstrated speed of movements which even the eyes of the demon kings with 1000~1100 level could not follow.

However, showing even quicker movements than that of his, Kaozinta eventually pushed Vulcan into the pit of defeat, and about 20 minutes of time has passed, like that.

An urgent moment of time which didn’t even allow for drying off sweat from his forehead, or even blinking an eye has passed.



“Whoohoo, good bye!”


Vulcan’s body obliterated once again by Kaozinta’s single punch.

Seeing the grotesque demonstration of bones, internal organs, and blood spewing out like a fountain, Kaozinta stood still for a moment with a hardened expression on his face.

Kaozinta fell into a deep thought without even having to withdraw the black armor and helmet.

Finally, a voice was heard out of his mouth.

“Why…. Why is it taking longer and longer to destroy him?”

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