
Chapter 147 - 147

Swinging his weapon towards his opponents, Xiao Chen brought forward the enormous head of his weapon. The four goblins had their eyes widened as the massive head of their opponent\'s weapon came closer and closer. It was a full powered swing with all his strength. The two goblins at the center were very unfortunate as Xiao Chen\'s weapon absolutely demolished their bodies as blood and flesh rained down on their surviving kin who felt a gust of wind passed by their faces, their opponent\'s weapon barely missing them.

Xiao Chen didn\'t give them any chance as he used his right leg as a pivot and spun around. He rotated with such speed that the goblins couldn\'t do anything, but just watch as the weapon that shattered their comrades came for them in a horizontal swing. Their heads exploded into a bloody mess as Xiao Chen planted his left leg to the side to halt the momentum of his swing. His crescent-moon spear was really savage.

He appreciated the beautiful but messy art that his bulky weapon created. Smiling contently, he caressed his weapon, then charge again towards the rightmost of their right flank in search of his next victims. His weapon produced a screeching noise at it was being dragged behind its wielder and creating a nearly have a feet deep line on the ground.

Xiao Chen was totally right, their goblin foes has spilled over their right flank and the Yurakks were trying their best to drive them back as their horizontal battle-line started shifting into a diagonal one to protect their comrades who were busy pushing back their foes who were assaulting them from the front.

Charging forward, "Out of the way!" he shouted as he dragged behind him his enormous weapon. His warriors were quick to react after hearing his shouts as they opened a gap for him to get through.

Running forward with great haste, Xiao Chen passed through the opened gap as he rammed through the goblins who tried to exploit the opened gap. He had his right shoulder lowered as he charged forward and rammed through all opponents who were on his way. The gap that was created for him to pass through was slowly sealed and when he was already at the forefront, the gap was no more like it never existed in the first place and only the corpses in the midst of the formation by the Yurakks can prove that the gap existed.

Xiao Chen suddenly came to a halt in his charge as he planted his left foot firmly on the ground. Using the momentum of his previous sprint, he rotated counterclockwise as he swung his crescent-moon spear in a horizontal slash. All unfortunate goblins who were on the path of his weapon exploded into a bloody mist. Blood and flesh were splashed all around the surroundings as Xiao Chen\'s victims fell back to the ground, or at least what was left of them.

"Come!" Xiao Chen shouted as he taunted them and beckoned them to come to him with his left hand while his right hand was holding his heavy weapon.

"Kiek! Kik!"


The goblins shrieked, and they charged forward with their nostrils flaring anger. They were being belittled by a single opponent, which they didn\'t take lightly. Xiao Chen smiled as he bolted forward to meet the charge of his foes. He was dragging behind him his weapon as always, which had created sparks on the ground as it screeched over some rocks.

When the distance between him and his opponents was less than five meters, Xiao Chen swung his weapon forward and decimated the bodies of all the goblins who were within the range of his weapon. His opponents\' bodies bursted into pieces as the enormous and heavy weapon made contact with their bodies.

"Make way!"

"Let us through!"

Draegh\'ana and Adhalia shouted as they run, they chased after Xiao Chen who disappeared in the fog heading to their right flank. Upon hearing the request of the two ladies, the Yurakks once again opened a gap to let them through. After the two ladies passed through their lines, the Yurakks restored their battle-line as they slowly pushed forward to reach their chieftain.

Xiao Chen was wrecking havoc amidst the goblins as he bulldozed his way through them. Wherever he went, limbs and body parts would rain down as he shattered the bodies of his opponents like fragile glass.

Draegh\'ana unsheathed her swords on her back and proceeded to slash left and right like she was dancing, evading the attacks of the goblins. She was fluttering like a butterfly, but she stung like a bee as she also too joined in the ongoing fray.

Adhalia just a few paces away from her, was a literal bee as she stabbed and stabbed with her needle like weapon similar to how bees would sting their enemies.

The bodies left behind by Xiao Chen were mangled; the ones left behind by Draegh\'ana were cut to pieces while Adhalia\'s victims were littered with holes all over their bodies.

The three of them were decimating the goblins as the Yurakks advanced forward and felling down all those who they have missed in their rampage. Shields forward and slightly crouched low, the Yurakks shoved the goblins with their towering shields, which produced clanking sounds from time to time because of the attempts of the goblins to land a hit on them. Shoving them away, then bringing their swords forward for a stab, the Yurakks were steadily making progress as they got nearer and nearer to their chieftain, leaving behind a trail of bloody and cold bodies.

Xiao Chen wasn\'t bloodthirsty, but the adrenaline rushing through his veins because of the thrill of the battle made him smile as he shatter apart the bodies of his foes. He was like a maniac as he went into a killing spree with a smile that never left his lips while being drenched in blood and bits of flesh. There were even a few intestines dangling on the tip of his weapon, but he paid no attention to it.

"Rah!" he shouted his lungs out before lunging forward towards his next victims. His body was already littered with slight cuts as some of his foes managed to bypass his armor\'s protection and his defense, but none of them were serious, just small cuts and nothing more. It wouldn\'t impede his capabilities in combat.

A few paces behind him, the two ladies were also slaughtering their foes with no mercy.. One spinning around like a top as she cut through her opponents while the other one jumped around and stabbing her victims with her needle like sword of hers.

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