
Chapter 242 - 242 Chapter 242

“Ten gold per person! Limited slots only!”

“Fifteen gold per person! Limited to a hundred only! Priority to experts above Third Realm of Power!”

The center of the city became a market as servants of different nobles and merchants kept on shouting as they recruit soldiers for their masters. Some wandering warriors who want to earn some money were quick to present themselves and be employed by the wealthy individuals. Such occurrence is rare as the hiring prices were more than what is the norm in escorting someone.

“Four people, all above the Fourth Realm of Power and a mage that is the in the Second Circle of Magic…” a man with a head scarf with only his eyes being shown uttered as he stood in front of the servant with the highest hiring price.

“Above the Fourth Realm and a Second Circle Mage?” the servant tried to confirm and the man in front of him just nodded his head in reply. The servant was doubtful of their claim until he felt the pressure emanating from the warriors of the group. He was in the Third Realm of Power but he was still suffocated by the pressure being released by the group. There was no doubt about it, the warriors of the group could easily crush him just by the aura that they are releasing.

Covered in beads of sweat, the servant quickly handed them their pay and signaled some of his peers to guide them towards the abode of their master which would surely be ecstatic after learning that he had powerful warriors protecting him and with a mage in the mix which was rare since mages were normally recruited by powerful forces or serving the royals of a kingdom.

The recruitment drive continued as more and more people flocked towards the recruitment area while others were just curious and came to take a look at what the commotion is all about. Some were worried and some were happy while others started switching between different emotions as they watched the event that was taking on.


“Out of the way! Make way!” loud shouts came out of nowhere as rows of soldiers in their armors shove away those barring their path as they moved forward. Some powerful wandering warriors or commonly called as mercenaries stood their ground as they prepared themselves for a confrontation as they observe their opponents who they were sure that they can take on since they are stronger than them basing on the auras that they are originating from their stance.

A group of five people soon arrived and the soldiers made way for them and saluted towards them, judging by the actions of the soldiers it seems like the new arrivals are their superiors. The man in the lead was taller than most of the soldiers and judging by his bearing, he was a man who has grown in a family of soldiers.

“What is the fuss all about?” the commander raised an eyebrow towards his soldiers as he questioned them. His tone carried a hint of displeasure as he asked them.

“Well sir, they are barring the path and are disrespecting us by standing against us and by the looks of it they are going to engage us if you haven’t arrive.” One of the soldiers reported.

The group that was standing against the soldiers were almost over twenty in number and based on their aura, they aren’t easy to deal with, well at least until the commander arrived as his surging power suppressed them all.

“Out of the way before I vent my frustrations on you!” the old commander shouted as he released his full might, the surging power of a warrior in the Eight Realm of Power suppressed everyone around him. The suppression that the commander was releasing even made some in the crowd directly unconscious as they got suffocated by him.

“It’s just a slight misunderstanding Commander Lars, we don’t have anything against you and your soldiers. We’ll be on our way now.” The leader of the group smiled towards the old commander as he turned around and waved towards his group to stand down. Upon turning around, Commander Lars caught sight of the insignia on the armor of the one leading the group that almost engaged his soldiers.

“The Blade Crows? What are they doing all the way here in the desert.” Commander Lars muttered to himself after identifying the identity of the people that his soldiers almost had a brawl with.

The Blade Crows is known as one of the strongest mercenary groups in the Kellan Union as they are easily in the Top 10 in the rankings according to the people of the union. They are active all the way until the Kingdom of Alberna from the Kellan Union which is difficult for most mercenary groups.

After the Blade Crows moved away from the area, Commander Lars turned his attention to the people who were recruiting his soldiers. The menacing gaze of the old commander coupled with his surging aura made many of the servants of the wealthy individuals wet themselves as they felt like they were being stared at by a bloodthirsty beast that was about to pounce on them.

“S..ss…sss…sir…w..ww…www…we are.. j…just under or…orders.” One of the servants managed to stutter out the words that he wanted to say. The servants who are recruiting people were drenched in sweat as they were confronted by the clearly raging commander.

“I can understand that your masters need to recruit people to protect them but my soldiers are off limits since I need them on the walls to keep the enemies at bay and prevent the city from being breach. Tell your masters to return my soldiers and some supplies to the warehouse for some compensation or else I’ll start auditing all their previous transactions.” Commander Lars stated as he turned around and head back towards the walls since the bells started ringing the sound of enemy attack.


Outside the walls of Alsenna, ballistae were lines up as its operators started cranking them up to fire their first volley. Bolts of iron were being transported from the logistic group towards the ballistae as a two warbands, the seventh and eight are on standby as they are guarding the operators of the ballistae from a sudden sally out from the city.

Behind the lines of ballistae, a camp was being erected and those in charge of the supplies started unloading the things needed in creation of the camp. Khao’khen was staring at the towering walls of the city that they are about to siege and the silhouettes of soldiers that are moving about atop the walls as they prepare their defenses against the incoming attack.

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