
Chapter 56 Eyes Are The Window Of The Soul (5)

"These girls are thirsty!"


"Didn\'t you see their reaction before? That signified thirstiness!"


"Ckckck. So young yet so thirsty. What a perfect way to describe human."


"Why are you silent, Darling?"

\'Because, I don\'t want to join the stupidly stupid conversation,\' was left unsaid. He couldn\'t risk it. Vagus was the same as Pandora Box. You will be so eager to open, yet when it opens, dooms await you.

Basil wanted to respond her, however he knew more than anyone not to. Vagus would never stop, and she would bother him in his sleep. She had once dragged him to his Mindscape, just because she couldn\'t fell asleep.

However, souls don\'t sleep!

If it were to be anyone, they would surely be ecstatic to accompany a literal beautiful soul like Vagus. Yes, Basil admitted she was beautiful.

Unfortunately, he wasn\'t just anyone. He didn\'t care she was beautiful or not, he didn\'t like being interrupted while doing his things.

"Do you think it has something to with your presence inside me?"

"Oohh.. inside you. That is a little..."

Basil could somehow imagine how she was currently. She would be holding her blood dripping nose while laughing weirdly. As if proving his thought right, he could her laughter right after.


"Hm? Oh, yes! What is it, Darling?"

"Those two girls and any other women I have met so far. Is it because of you?"

"You mean, their infatuation and interest on you?"


"Well..." Vagus made a pondering hum while posing like a safe inside the Mindscape. She opened her mouth and said, "I think it has nothing to do with me, since I am not even materialized yet. And, I believe you should know better my specialty is not the Charm effect."

Basil nodded his head as her explanation made sense. Vagus\' amazing ability was the superb Mana Control it gave to the wielder and the intervention it could inflict to the enemies.

"So, me being overly sympathetic on almost every women I met has nothing to do with you?"

"No. Why would a wife want her husband getting lovey-dovey with another women?!"

As expected, Vagus answered him indignantly. Luckily, Basil knew what to do in this kind of situation. He merely praised her and showed her his \'love\'. It prevented her barrage of deeply useless arguments.

"Receiving the \'gaze\' gets annoying lately. Maybe... Mana Amulet has something to do with it?"

"No, Darling. You are just handsome. It is hard for women to hold themselves back when they see a handsome and amazing men. Men are the same, no?"

Her word was irrefutable. Basil was aware of his denial of his attractiveness. At least, he was still waiting for the hormone to kick in. He was still 16 and his attractive face dangerously attracted both side.

"If you are so concern about why the women are so attached to you, I can provide you an answer."

"Hoh? Tell me."

"You are there when they need someone by their side. Your sisters need brotherly love, and you give them that. Those two women you saved in Lone Mountain were too. They needed someone to save them and you did."

Basil\'s lips turned into a thin line. Seeing it that way, it somehow made sense. He looked at Shirley in the bed with Julia and got reminded of Clarissa. A soft smile adorned his face unconsciously.

"You were not an emotionally outstanding person in the past as you were so dead inside. I mean, there were so many bad things had happened to you. Now that things are different, I think it affects you positively?"

"It makes sense... But, I think having lived for a quite some time is also one of the factors."


Vagus was curious with what Basil meant. He didn\'t bother to explain it to her as he was still looking at the two girls, specifically Shirley.

It was getting harder for him to think of her as a sister. Due to his \'experience\', he thought of her more as a daughter and treated her as such.

Surely, it didn\'t mean he would refuse any relationship with young women. Unfortunately, at this point he couldn\'t think of anything aside from getting stronger. Having a relationship would be a hindrance for the current him.

"You are thinking too hard, Darling. Just think of yourself as a naturally good person. You helped everybody, not just women. Remember that random man who was unfortunately caught in your Black Magic?"

Basil wanted to refute her by saying he didn\'t do any Black Magic. However, he knew the definition of Black Magic was getting vague each day. Anything looked wicked would be considered Black Magic. Even he didn\'t know the origin of Black Magic.

\'Guide, what is Black Magic?\'


[Answering the Host\'s ignorance...]

[Black Magic is a Magic practiced by Mages who are contracted with Demons. There is no concept of Circles in Black Magic as the practicer borrow the power of the demon they contracted.]

That was it. No other explanation was given to him. He didn\'t need to be told his power wasn\'t enough to know it yet. He was aware of the Dark Mage Conspiracy.

None of them possessed a power below the stage of Seventh-Circle. However, there was still something bothered him.

\'What is a demon?\'

[Demons are the residents of Hell. There are so many of them no one could know the difference between them and human. Demons like to corrupt people. Some Demons are also known by their hideous appearance and...]

As expected, the Guide gave him the explanation of what those people of the Church gave to people. He shook his head before a very shocking thing was revealed to him.

[...Demon reside in the Obelisk.]


Basil was silent. He was so bewildered he didn\'t even make any indication he was bewildered. Vagus was confused as Basil was pondering longer than he usually did. She could never know what he was thinking.

Demon is real? Really? What kind of a fantasy world is this?!

Sadly, that thought was so ironic that Basil regretted what he said. Basil calmed down his racing heart. Out of the things he had faced until now, there had been nothing could race his heart. However, this piece of information could.

He wasn\'t thinking about those hideous creatures people called Monsters. He was thinking about Gorgophone.

—No one could know the difference between them and human.

That piece of information from the Guide made his blood run cold. If it was the case, there was a big possibility that Demon had been roaming around the world by now, pretending to be human just like Gorgophone.


The urgency to become stronger was amplified even more.


Shirley and Julia were losing their minds. Morning had come and they found themselves awake in Basil\'s room. They were confused at first, before the memory of last night was registered to their minds.

They were so ashamed of their actions. Fortunately, Basil was a respectable man. He didn\'t do anything to them, which was weirdly frustrating to them. However, that wasn\'t the point. Just what would Basil think about them from now on?!

They couldn\'t help it. They were just so shocked with the earlier event that had happened on the last day. You couldn\'t watch a massacre in just any day after all! They desperately needed comfort, and Basil had been the perfect choice for them.

They felt comfortable when they were around him. Now, they had ruined their relationship with him. With this anxiety, they opened the door of the room and froze once again.

In front of their eyes, they could see the finest sculpture they had ever seen the God had made. It was moist with water, and the light reflected by the tiny droplets made it glistened pristinely.

Once again, they were met with the bare-chested body. They were mortified and elated at the same time. Like a child caught red-handed stealing candies, they raised their heads to meet Basil\'s eyes.

"Good morning. I can see that you have a great sleep last night. Now, take a bath while I am preparing the breakfast. You do not want to get late to the academy, do you?"

Pat. Pat. Pat.

Not only that Basil said those kind words, he also patted their heads like a big brother. They could feel their heart and body alike warmed by that gesture. Instantly, they felt guilty for developing a dirty thought about him. However, that didn\'t stop them from doing so.

Everything that is forbidden and morally wrong has always been something that excite people.

Surely, they knew how to tone the thought down. They were a respectable lady after all! With that, they took a bath and prepared themselves. They did their activities swiftly as they didn\'t want to make Basil wait.

When they were ready, the breakfast was also ready. They ate the breakfast more graciously than last night. They couldn\'t replay the unsightly display of last night after all.

After the breakfast was finished, they exited the Manor and rode the same luxurious carriage they had ridden the day before. The trip to the academy was peaceful as they didn\'t meet any random bandits on their way.

"Uwahh... The carriage was comfortable, but nothing can beat the outside air!"

Upon arriving at the academy, Julia stretched her hand and exclaimed after a deep exhale.

"I second that."

Shirley chimed in as she also did the same thing as Julia. When they looked at their surrounding, they could notice they were being the center of attention. Or to be precise, they were looking at someone behind them.

Surely, the one walking behind them was Basil. Basil\'s popularity as the academy\'s rising prodigy was well known throughout the academy. Everyone had been searching for his face at the student\'s album just so they could somehow recognize him when they met him.

Although Basil had undergone some changes, anyone could still distinguish him even though they had only seen his old photo. Therefore, many people could recognize his face.

The curiosity and whispers were enhanced by the fact he had suppressed the son of Earl Woster and could get away with it. One could imagine just how would they react when they found out Basil had had a duel with Ansley Woster himself.

Basil was unbothered by the stares. He knew some of them were ogling him, however he didn\'t pay them any mind. He would get tired if he bothered to pay them any mind.

Just like that, Basil and the two girls went on their separate ways. Basil went to Blake\'s office, and the girls went to their class. Upon arriving at Blake\'s office, he was greeted warmly by Blake.

He was then led to his new class as he was already an official fourth year student after all.

,m "Ho-ho-ho! Fine morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Headmaster Blake."

The teacher who was in the classroom greeted Blake and the other students also followed suit. Blake gave a light nod to the teacher and looked at the class. Basil wasn\'t with him as he was waiting outside the classroom.

"Everyone, at this point you might have heard of the news about your new friend."

"Eh? New friend?"

"Who is it?"

"Is there even a notice before?"

"Is he possibly...?"

The students whispered among themselves. Some had suspicions, however none of them treated it seriously. They would be crazy if they did.

"Ho-ho! Such a rowdy bunch! Alright, without any further ado... Come in!"

The door opened and Basil came in. He walked graciously with a neutral face. He didn\'t pay the gasping crowd any attention. He was busy converting every Mana his Heart absorbed into Qi.

He had been training hard since this morning. The shocking reveal last night raised his eagerness to improve faster even more. He stopped his footsteps and stood beside Blake. He looked at the students and some of them looked back at him with ridicule.

"As you may have already know, he is Basil. Two months ago he was busy training himself out there. Now, he comes back better! Basil, greet your classmate!"

Blake looked at Basil expectantly. He hoped Basil was somehow enjoying it. Unfortunately, he found that Basil was as stoic as ever.

"Good Day."

Basil casually said that as a greeting. The whole class was silent. They were too bewildered to reply.

Blake looked at Basil and shook his head helplessly. What could he do? Basil did greet his classmates. He sighed and was about to say something when Basil opened his mouth once again.

"Let us establish the hierarchy today. I challenge all of you to a Battle."

The whole class couldn\'t get any more silent. All eyes were on Basil. Most of them were bewildered at his words, while the others were enraged at his audacity. Blake shook his head helplessly.

There will be a massacre today.

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