
Chapter 355 Spitting Out A Tasteless Sugar Cane (End)

Jacinda was about to erect a Barrier when someone suddenly grabbed her hand. She immediately turned around, and found Basil, who was grasping her hand; Iliana, and Ione.


"Follow me."

She was curious why he needed her, but considering how commanding he sounded, it must be something important. She didn\'t ask any further when he didn\'t answer her question, and immediately followed him.

When he brought her away from the crowd who were erecting a Barrier, Jacinda immediately frowned. It seemed to her Basil was planning to run away with her as an attempt to save her, and she wasn\'t amused in the slightest.

Just as she was about to stop him however, Basil abruptly stopped in his tracks, and turned around, surprising her in the process. Immediately kneeling on the ground, he materialized his Magic Circles and touched it.

"Help me cast [Grand Land Splitter]. Quick!" Basil exclaimed.

The three women who had followed him immediately surrounded him and cast [Grand Land Splitter] due to how urgent he sounded. Four Temporary Magic Circles intertwined with each other in the next moment, indicating the completion of the Spell.

The amount of Mana the four people were using wasn\'t miniscule; nonetheless, no one could notice they were doing something since the amount of Mana the crowd were exuding far outstripped theirs.

"What is the purpose of doing—"

"On my count. 1, 2, 3—split!"

Basil cut Jacinda mid-sentence by ordering them to execute the Spell at the same time. She was slightly irked, but still decided to do what was instructed.


The ground shook as the land behind the Barrier was suddenly split apart. In a split second, the land had turned into a wide abyss, which no one could tell how deep it was.

The Mages who were still erecting the Barrier were bewildered by what happened. They knew what Spell could produce such an effect, but they didn\'t know what was the point of doing that.

In their mind, erecting a Barrier was a better option than splitting the land apart and hoping for it to stop the water\'s advance. Of course, it would immediately change when they saw what the water could do to their Barrier.


The water entered the beginning of the split ground, but due to its volume, it could still advance unhindered. The water hit the end of the split ground a few seconds after, and splashed into the Barrier the people had erected.


"W-What?! The Barrier! It is destroying the Barrier!"

"Run away!"

"This is utter bollocks!"

A mere splash of the water was enough to make them realize how futile their attempt to erect a Barrier was. They Immediately distanced themselves from the Barrier, and quickly split the ground apart like what Basil, Iliana, Ione, and Jacinda did.


They couldn\'t stop the tsunami in the end, but they survived it regardless. They were completely soaked in water, but there was no one injured, so they could easily call it a win.

Turning to the first four people who had cast [Grand Land Splitter], they looked at Jacinda, asking if she had been the one who had proposed the idea with their eyes. She shook her head immediately, so they turned their head to Basil.

Ignoring the people\'s gaze that was full of amazement, Basil stood up and dried himself with Wind Magic. He dematerialized his Magic Circles afterwards, and walked away under everyone\'s gaze.

His nonchalance was as astonishing as it was amusing. They didn\'t hate that part of him, because they knew how different the common sense that geniuses like him had.

"Head Commander Basil, where are you going?" Anthony shouted.

Stopping in his tracks, Basil faced Anthony. "Preparing myself to go the battlefield, Your Majesty."


"The enemy has launched an attack at us, and I am sure it is the beginning of their onslaught. Wasting our time camping is the same as begging to be killed."

Silence filled the space between them for a quite some time. Basil still looked at Anthony neutrally, whereas Anthony looked at him with a light frown.

"I can\'t help but agree with you." Anthony eventually nodded his head. "It is embarrassing for me, as the more experienced one, to not be able to see it when you immediately could."

Channeling Mana to his vocal cord, he used it to amplify his voice. "Prepare yourselves too, everyone. We are going to the battlefield!"

Followed by Iliana and Ione, Basil immediately went to his tent. The others also swiftly prepared themselves, then immediately stood in line when their preparation was ready.

Basil returned from his tent riding on Deacon with Iliana and Ione. He then instructed Deacon to stand where Legion Commanders positioned themselves—in front of their Legion.

By that point, the rank was almost completely established. All of the Legion Commanders had already taken their position; they waited until all of their subordinates were in the line.

When the rank was perfectly formed, they immediately began to organize themselves into a formation—the one that Basil had suggested. It could be done quickly and without a hassle thanks to the experience each Commander had.

"My people, let us capture the victory this time. We have many victors with us, so fear not of failing!" Anthony exclaimed. "We will succeed, for victors can\'t lose!" Turning to the split ground, he instructed, "Mages, shut the ground!"

As soon as the Mages infused their Mana into the ground, the split ground that was filled with water closed itself immediately. Devoured by the land, the water ceased to be exposed to light the moment the ground was closed shut.


The army got out of the camp at the order. They rushed to the battlefield that was 10 kilometers away from them excitedly.

Due to Anthony\'s sure claim, thoughts of winning the battle filled their mind. They were already sickened by the Outbreak, so hearing that they would win soon made them giddy and more optimistic.

Even the Legion that Basil led felt rather unfortunate when they found that they were the last Legion to get out of the camp, which made them end up in the rear.

Although being in the rear line, didn\'t guarantee them less battle, they still thought they would contribute less than the others. That thought would not, of course, last for long; soon, they would thank Basil to let them be in the rear line.

"Keep the formation, everyone!"

Upon reaching the battlefield, the human army was immediately greeted by the tens of thousands of Demons. They were immediately swarmed by the Demons, making them wonder if the Demons had been multiplying themselves for the past 3 hours.

They had killed a lot of Demons prior to their retreat, so by that logic, there shouldn\'t be that many of Demons left. This was why they couldn\'t help suspecting if the Demons had a special ability to breed instantly.

While Demons could breed faster and give birth to more offsprings than any other species, of course, such a thing as instant breeding didn\'t exist. The Demons were just more concentrated in one place this time, so they looked more than they actually were.

"Hmm... They are using a swarming tactic now," Basil mused.

The swarming tactic that Demons used was similar to the one that bees used to kill a foreign queen in their hive. Its aim was pressuring their target with their combined Demonic Mana, while simultaneously spamming them with attacks.

"What a stupid way to die."

Taking out the swords he had taken from Goap\'s treasure room, Basil used his Aura Ability on them. The twenty seven swords immediately roamed the air, and cut any Demon\'s head on their way.

Killing them became easier for Basil since each Demon wasn\'t far apart from the other. He didn\'t need to move the swords far to decapitate many of them.

While killing the Demons became easier, on the other hand however, taking the Eliminator group to Goap became harder and took more effort. It was hard to just ignore them and advanced since they were blocking the way.

It was very clear to them at this point that Goap were going to sacrifice all of the Demons under him to hold them back. It worked perfectly, so they couldn\'t help wondering what was his plan.

It wasn\'t until Charybdis\' mouth contracted that they realized why Goap ordered the Demons to slow them down.

"That accursed twat!" Anthony cursed. "Prepare your Barrier, and keep pushing through!"

A gigantic sphere of Mana coalesced in front of Charybdis\' mouth just a few seconds after the human army erected a Barrier in front of them. Their eyes darkened as they wondered if their Barrier would be strong enough to withstand Charybdis\' attack.

Looking as calm as usual, Basil merely hummed at the scene. He was about to do something to the sphere of Mana Charybdis was about to shoot when something noteworthy happened.

"[May we sleep in peace, the believers thou cherish: Heaven\'s Protection]!"

Leading the thousands of Priests he brought with him, Eban chanted a Prayer. In the next moment, a gigantic golden shield that was even bigger than Charybdis materialized in front of the army.


In less than a second, the sphere of dense Mana was shot towards them. When it made contact with the shield, it was completely stopped.

The people were naturally astonished by the scene. The shield perfectly protected them from Charybdis\' attack; they couldn\'t even feel the impact of the clash between the two contradicting Energy from behind it.

When Charybdis\' dense Mana sphere disappeared, the golden shield also dispersed. Everyone could immediately see Goap flying in front of Charybdis, and he didn\'t look very happy as he looked at them.

None of them, of course, paid much attention to him and to whom his sting eyes were directed to. They were too busy obliterating the Demons blocking their way to notice it; their goal was still to take Eliminator to Goap.

Basil, however, was different. As someone who could still kill thousands of Demons without lifting a hand, he paid keen attention to Goap, as he was expectant towards how the drama between Goap and Eban would unfold.

"Both of them have been chewing each other\'s sugar cane stalk. Now that it has become tasteless, they are eager to spit it out..." Basil smiled faintly. "Who will spit it out faster?"

Goap had thought he was the only one being underhanded in their deal, but Eban was no different from him. Both of them betrayed each other the day he made the deal.

It was easy to tell where this was going. Eban wuould use Goap as a steppingstone for the Church\'s rise of reputation.

"Ku-ku-ku... A male who named himself Pacifer, and Eban\'s betrayal... Humans are really unpredictable, aren\'t they?" Goap smiled sinisterly. "That bloody cunt, I will enjoy his shriek of agony."

Thanks to his indignation, Goap finally decided to join the battle.

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