
Chapter 770 770 Target

Chen Ming initially thought that after returning, he would enjoy spending time with everyone.

But who would have thought that when returning, the universe would pass for ten years?

That time was very small compared to everyone\'s current lifespan.

But ten years, Chen Ming could do many things with it. In this ten years He didn\'t know if the Outer World God had devoured more of the other universes.

If he swallowed more of the universe Chen Ming knew that it would be difficult to get rid of him.

Therefore, he needed to become stronger. Right now, the only way to become stronger quickly is to

relying on the power of superior deities and that is nux If he gathered the power of Nux In addition to Nux becoming stronger.

He would also receive part of her power.

Then it might be easier to deal with Outer World Gods.

and more than anything He had to rush out of here because when he came back True gods and demons sensed him. and is heading here

They had the intention of eliminating him. Because they already knew Nux was with him.

"Everything is ready. It\'s a pity that there isn\'t much time right now. Danger is coming if I don\'t leave here."

Chen Ming thought that he might have a little more time left. He slowly set out to collect fragments of Nux\'s power.

But as he thought like that There was an attack from true gods and demons. Even if they were only at a low level But it is a great threat to the world.

Chen Ming defeated them with a black hole from where he stood. causing no damage

The girls were impressed by Chen Ming\'s new strength. They too had shared this power. But they didn\'t dare to use it. If they used it, it would be a disaster.

Using a black hole would not miss a single bit.

Chen Ming looked at Kang Ye who was now trying to hold back his tears. That woman had been diligently meeting her father once in five years.

But now her father is leaving her again. Chen Ming was very heartbroken. However, he remembered that he could create his avatar here.

"Yay, Papa has a way out of something. How will Papa leave Papa\'s avatar here? And when Papa has free time Papa is coming to play with Ye Ye."

He could use that method. However, his incarnation needed to be controlled.

Kang Ye was overjoyed upon hearing that. At least she could spend time with Chen Ming. Even if it\'s an avatar But that was really her father.

After consoling Chen Ming Everyone looked at each other. Now it\'s time to choose who will go with Chen Ming.

Chen Ning, Su Lan Jia and Xiao Ji couldn\'t go with him. All three were extremely low levels. Although some of Chen Ming\'s power was obtained,

The three of them were not yet ready to fight true gods and demons. Going with you will only be a burden.

All three of them had to go through hard training from everyone here. At least these three had to at least rise to the rank of Primordial True God.

Everyone then discussed who should go with Chen Ming.

They mainly rely on the power of Nux. And the result was that Chang\'e, Ni Yue, and Hua Lan, all three had powers based on Yin.

Chang\'e Emptiness and Darkness Ni Ye Devil and Darkness Hua Lan Nightmare and Darkness

"The three of us will go with Chen Ming. The rest will have to leave everyone to help take care of it too."

Chang\'e smiled sweetly. She was about to spend more time with Chen Ming.

Everyone looked at Chang\'e and the other two with envy. They also wanted to spend time with Chen Ming.

But they couldn\'t carry them all. Protection is needed here. If they all go here, they might be destroyed.

Although here, Long Chu, who is a real high-level demon, still exists. However, he couldn\'t protect this place all the time. because of his nature He will have to memorize art from time to time.

He really is like an old man.

"This is now ready. Let\'s go and leave together."

Chen Ming created his own avatar. He would use this body to take care of this place. His avatar was asleep. He then transported his body into his bedroom afterwards.

The Black Bone King now opened his eyes. It had been a long time since he had felt this kind of feeling.

His hollow eyes lit up with a red fire.

This shows that he is guilty and happy at the same time.

"I\'m back, Sina. I thought I was going to die there. This time I will have my final vengeance, Dragon, Mother of Darkness. The two of you will die in the most miserable way."

The Black Bone King looked in one direction.please visit

He wanted to deal with the previous dragon. But all plans failed.

Never thought that someone would pull him to another multiverse. places that he could not reach.

and because of that So he tricked a true god into working for him.

Who would have thought Even the Middle True Gods couldn\'t defeat Chen Ming.

Furthermore, from what he could feel Chen Ming was even better.

"If left like this Sooner or later that guy will rise to our level. And then dealing with it became impossible."

He currently had no minions left. Since all of them had been killed.

It was probably time for him to take action himself. But he\'s stuck here. can\'t go anywhere by myself

He would send his incarnation that he had prepared a thousand years ago grandson. to deal with the dragon

Hopefully his incarnation would be enough to deal with Chen Ming.

"Going there is a good thing. That was outside the Earth Goddess\' protection boundaries. That way, the true gods and demons of higher echelons will be able to move easily."

The world above was not only protected by Chen Ming\'s family. However, it was also protected by the highest True God, Gaia. And soon Nuwa

There are two Supreme True Gods protecting, none. Who\'s stupid enough to go straight to the point?

Except for the lower level true gods and demons who didn\'t know about it.

however, they were only a minority. And they were easily killed by the Chen family.

The Black Bone King now had to wait for Chen Ming to go to the Realm of the Perverted God. He would then deal with Chen Ming.

Once he dealt with Chen Ming He will absorb all the power he has. and might even be able to advance to the highest level of true demons.

At the same time, the Black Bone King sensed Chen Ming.

So are other true gods and demons.

Chen Ming was no longer just a newborn god. but a middle class god Hundreds of thousands of years ago, no one could reach this level.

Of course, he became everyone\'s target. Middle gods who are not on the god or demon side It will be good food for both parties.

"Find that Middle God That guy must have some good stuff with him."

"Middle God, that\'s mine. Whoever touches it must die."

"Haha, didn\'t think there was such a foolish god. How dare you show your own strength in front of me? I\'ll crush it to pieces."

Chen Ming did not even think about concealing his power. but it can\'t be done His power was too much for him to control.

If he forced himself to contain his power It\'s like putting seawater in a glass bottle. it is impossible

Unless Chen Ming created a new formation. which was very difficult

at dragon city

Chen Ming could sense that a large number of people were staring at him and had malicious intent.

not just him Everyone in the house can feel it.

"You guys, just wait. We\'re even stronger when we\'re going to slap them together."

Tang Huayin was extremely angry. Because of these guys, Chen Ming had to rush out of here.

Other than Tang Huayin, the others agreed. It took them ten years to reach this level. And they might take a little more time. therefore going up to another level

However, everyone now had Chen Ming present. They thought that to rise to the same level as him. It may not take as much time as you think it is.

The power of one person is the power of all. and the power of everyone is the power of one person

This is the principle of sharing power with everyone in the family.

Even the now five-year-old Cang Ye if she wants She could ascend to the god level.

Chen Ming saw that if he continued to stay here, there must be a problem He looked at everyone before speaking.

"I have to go. It seems that if I stay here longer it will be a problem. Although Nux said that this place was blessed by Gaia and Nuwa. However, there are always fools who dare to act inappropriately."

Chen Ming had a lot of experience with them. God level itself would be the same.

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