
Chapter 160 160- Moving Floors (Part 1)

Chapter 160- Moving Floors (Part 1)

What does Shapeshifting mean in general? Well, Shapeshifting is the ability to change the state, the form, or the appearance of something from one thing to another. In a broader sense, that means that this ability didn\'t care about the material this thing was made of or what they were intending to turn it to.

However, Rin knew more than anyone else that this was nothing short of absurd. The ability, as strong as it was, most likely had restraints that makes it stay within the worldly laws of Divine Sapphire. One of the restraints Rin could think of is that Sorophi could only change one thing from one state to another only if the two objects were at least close when it comes to appearance.

For example, when she turned that plushy into a huge bear, the two things were quite close when it comes to appearance. The same thing applies to her child form and adult form. Rin was certain that this was the case even without asking Sorophi about it.

"Well, it\'s expected," Rin murmured as he stood up. Elise also followed suit.

"It seems that you two have finally talked properly." Smiling, he looked at Emilia and Sorophi warmly.

Emilia, whose eyes are still wet with tears, realized her blunder and quickly wiped her face with her hand, and looked away. She was clearly blushing because of the things she said not long ago. Her ears become slightly red and her cheeks looked clearly blushing even tho she tried to hide it.

"Master is really cute," Rin said with a grin.

"Shut up!" Emilia glared at him with a cold look.

"Oh? Why? I just said the truth. Those words really touched me, you know. Even though you try to hide it, you really care about Sorophi, don\'t you?" He asked.

"..." Finding herself completely speechless, Emilia could only clench her teeth.

"Emi is cute, heheheh!" Sorophi chuckled as she joined Rin\'s team and ganged up on her.

"See? Even Sorophi agrees. It\'s truly a waste to see master not blush more. Maybe if we compliment her, she will feel shy. Or maybe even better, we hug her. Hmm? That sounds like a great idea." Rin kept blabbering on and on with a smile.

However, he failed to notice the change in Emilia\'s expression as she stood up and approached him. When he finally noticed her, it was too late.


"OUCH!! What was that for?!" He grabbed the top of his head as he glared at Emilia.

"You seem to be enjoying your time, huh? You deserve punishment!"

"No! I\'m sorry! Ok, I\'m really sorry!"

"Come here!"

Then, Rin ended up getting several punches on his head that made him rub his head for the rest of the day. It was at that time that he learned that teasing Emilia was the biggest mistake he could commit. That monster would never accept being embarrassed like that.


A few days passed quietly and finally, it was the end of the first month. During these 4 weeks, so many things happened quickly that it made it by far the longest month in Rin\'s life. Demons, strong individuals, tests, training, and many other things. He had never thought he would get this busy so quickly.

However, for better or worse, all of this was beneficial for Rin who lacked experience and knowledge about this world. He had learned a lot about the world, the power, the current situation they were in, and many more things.

"Welcome, class." Professor Roseair said as she entered the class with her usual warm smile. However, today in particular, the atmosphere inside the class was quite tense.

The reason for that is that today is the end of the month which also meant that they will finally know their rankings for the first month and whether they will get dropped out of the academy or not.

Now, while most of them were aware of their ranking for the most part of the month, the academy went ahead and hid the rankings three days ago to avoid any possible trouble that might arise because of it.

There were some cases of students trying to wreak havoc because they knew they will get kicked out of the academy before so they decided to hide the numbers in the last few days to keep everyone from knowing their fate until the last second.

However, that also made the fear and tension rise way higher than before. Everyone tried their best to gather as many points as they can so none of them believed that they would be the lowest.

"I can see that everyone is eager to know their rankings, huh?" She said as she scanned the whole classroom.

Some students gulped mouthfuls of salivas as they stared, half-anticipated, at the teacher.

"Well, I shall reveal the numbers now. But, before that, I want to say one thing. The scores for this month were quite… impressive." Her mysterious tone made people feel hopeful and also even more nervous.

\'Did we overdo it?\' Rin thought as he rubbed his cheek.

He had made sure to spare time to go hunt in the outskirt forests. Because of the weak monsters there, Rin had greatly successful hunts and gathered what he believed is a good amount of points. Elise also did the same thing. The two of them were able to safely secure the two highest spots for the whole month with the closest students being hundreds of points behind them.

Rin wasn\'t really concerned by that fact as he already decided to never hold back. Still, he was intrigued to know whether the number of points he collected was within the margin of students across the history of the academy including the previous top 10 rankers that passed through the lowest floor.

"I have never seen this many points being amassed in one month. It\'s quite amazing, to be honest." Melinda said.

Her eyes flashed a gaze at Rin and Elise secretly before she looked away as quickly and continued.

"Two particular students were the anomaly out of everyone in this class. The others did within the margin of expectation. However, it\'s still amazing to see all of you try your best. Even those who will leave us today, I can say that you have a good future ahead of you. Never lose hope at all. Life is filled with opportunities. Well, they won\'t be as good as this opportunity but they are still great chances that you can use to rise up. Never forget that."

Her words, as encouraging as they sounded, were obviously merely there for the sake of formality and nothing else.

Then, she turned around and looked at the board with her smile still as warm as ever. Her hand moved gracefully and drew something in the air. Then, on the blackboard, words started appearing out of nowhere.

In a few seconds, a long list of names and numbers manifested in front of everyone to see.

Rin looked at the lowest point of the list. As much as he was curious to see how many points he scored, he was more curious to see the person who will leave the academy.

There, the name of 3 students, two males, and one female were written in red, the ominous red of elimination. Each one of them scored 20 points accordingly. Those points were most likely only from their attendance and also from the tests they went through which they ultimately failed.

He then shifted his gaze to search for the three students in the class. It didn\'t him long to locate them as they were the ones with the strongest reaction out of everyone in the class.

"No… way." A boy said as he fell down on his knees. His face was as pale as a sheet of paper and his eyes were almost popping out of their sockets.

"There is… No! How could it be?! I… I tried my best to… Hick… I tried my best!!" Tears fell down his face.

On the other side, the female student that failed merely fell down unconscious as she was surrounded by a group of students who tried to wake her up.

The last student and also the most eye-catching out of the three had already stood on his feet and was walking down the stairs toward the professor.

"This is bullshit! I object!!" He said with an angry tone.

"Oh? And what are you objecting over, Mr. Harpier?" She asked with her calm smile.

"I think there was some kind of miscalculation of my score. I won\'t accept that I was kicked out. It\'s simply impossible."

"Well, that is impossible, Mr. Harpier. The scoring system is supervised by the bracelets and in all these years, not even one bracelet generated the wrong number."

"I said I don\'t believe that!!!" He howled back, ignoring the words she said.

It was clear that the student wasn\'t there to listen to her explanation and merely wanted to stay in the academy by any means.

(A//N: I just started my newest book \'Supreme Warlock\'. As much as I love Shadow Monarch, I have put a lot of effort into writing Supreme Warlock. I hope you would give it a try and support it if you like the book :) )


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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